Is nofap a meme or not?

Is nofap a meme or not? I feel angry and anxious at the same time probably blow off steam at rhe next person who talks to me telling him that he is a massive faggot.

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No, NoFap is not a meme. People have just overblown the benefits.

It's not a meme. The kikes want you to masturbate and watch porn.
But is right the benefits are truly overblown but in my experience it will increase your confidence and make you lift harder.

NoFap is pretty stupid. Nothing wrong with consuming internet porn, but do it sparingly. Important because doing it too much can lead to all sorts of problems. That said, not fapping doesn't turn you in some kind of test beast with new confidence and new PRs. If you don't fap you just get wet dreams.

>Kike here. We really don't give a shit if you jerk off or not.
Exactly what a kike would say. I'm on to you, Mr. Goldstein.

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Do you ha ve a PHd in biologie or human brain science you sound so smart

It's a meme. After going for over 20 days I felt no different so I stopped doing it. Felt no different before or after.

6 million happens

Is NoFap a registered Trademark now? wtf?

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The trick is to use porn to your advantage. I used to never go to the gym consistently until I made a rule for myself that I could not fap to porn sun-wed and I could only fap Thursday-sat if I went to the gym 5 days that week. Once I got my gym routine down I moved onto other goals that I would have to make during the week in order to get my weekend fap session. It's fucking bizarre how much shit I got done from just putting porn on a stick and dangling it in front of me.

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Make a rule of not fapping and watching porn ever again. Mental tricks, lying to yourself will only work for so long

After no Fap day 5 and walking into the gym I felt so great.

Yeah, by try walking in after the day 50

Do not listen to these purveyors of false promises. Their agenda is religiously/politically motiated but hides under the guise of helping you find a way out of the mess you are likely in, because you're on Veeky Forums. Army recruiters tend to recruit in poorer areas because they know their rhetoric is more likely to be listened to there. The same is true for people that espouse nofap/noporn as a cureall for your lives.

Please put this meme to rest, it is dangerous.

As long as you ensure that my balls are dry and keep dry you will have no problems from me, kike.


Why not?

This. I suspect this might be the case.

Anyhow, i'm doing once a week fap, and find that to work pretty well.
Might be placebo, but at least i feel and act more confident.

Taking nofap too far might be dangerous, check out prostate cancer risks.

There are zero peer-reviewed studies backing up its proclaimed benefits. Moderate masturbation on the other hand, is medically advised by professionals and a Google search will reveal why.

Contrary to popular belief, most sexologists and psychologists also recommend pornography in moderation. The key words here are in moderation. If you have an addiction, that is a sign you have problems in your life that going cold turkey won't fix.

Most are shills, who got their researched financed just for this reason.

By whom?

Who do you think?

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Do you have any evidence that Jews have payed for enough research to establish a medical consensus across multiple fields?

Who stands to gain from whether or not people masturbate? It is also foolish to imply people would start or stop masturbating based off of what doctors say.

Thank fuck, somebody else of rational mind.

You show no understanding of how science works. It's only assured that somebody of lesser mind like yourself would believe in such anti-semitic/national socialist ideas.

I'm just sick of reading the same simple minded bullshit every single day and watching people fall for it.

Copypaste this message into every nofap thread you find.

You just dont masturbate enough. Masturbate more and you wont care about any of this

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by (((who)))

The actual MindGeek symbol doesn't have the star of david next to it. You are a fucking nazi, but too lacking as a man to admit it, that's why you rely on bullshit pseudoscience as a guise for your fascist/racist/superiority-wanting bullshit.

No evidence then of a conspiracy? Whom*

>Abstaining from porn is dangerous

Have I ever denied it?


>being this stupid and getting the cart before the horse.

Does anyone have any evidence (not anecdotal, that is literally the lowest form of evidence) that masturbation or even pornography is harmful in moderation? Like, even one study? Just one? Shouldn't be too difficult, right?

No they don't because it doesn't exist.

In moderation? Of course not. There are scientific articles about moderate alcohol consumption, its not harmful, its even beneficial. How can something like masturbating be harmful???

Oh gee, it's almost like nofap is a meme and anyone that takes it seriously is seriously fucking deluded.

V2K + Directed Energy Weapons and you can convince people Satan is real (probably is real though, get it, "isreal" Israel).

I cant provide the source atm but I swear I read an (scientific) article that regular masturbation lowers sex drive and psychotic tendencies. I am pretty sure it recommended pornography to be shown to sexual predators/convicts to reduce sexual and violent tendencies.
Now this is anecdotal at best but I heard that maybe in the 80s they done a study, they compared emergency calls and crime reports/time of crime to porn broadcast on tv (or cable tv) and there was a significant drop of crime reports when porn was showing. Porn and masturbation are definetely beneficial though this story is possibly made up but I am sure there is some truth it.

After 10 months...ill hit 1 year on 5th May...

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>cant provide the source
>I swear I read
Yeah, I believe you.

Stop counting the days. If you relapse you get to it asap

Do not relapse.

This is how memes start btw. No empirical evidence, just conjecture from a bunch of people through word of mouth.

I dont count them but its still a remarkable date. A habit that you were practicing since 10 years old? Also what I noticed is that I dont give a fuck about women

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Or any male can just try it for himself and experience results (or the lack of it). Doesnt cost anything to not touch your dick for a month. This isnt forced either, like masturbation and porn, carry on fapping.

"When high speed internet became widely available a few years ago, growing numbers of people began to worry that their porn use was running out of control. Far from preparing them for fulfilling relationships, viewing an endless stream of porn videos led to unexpected symptoms. Perhaps most surprisingly, for the first time in history erectile dysfunction was becoming a significant problem for young men."

"This led to one of the largest informal experiments in the history of science. Tens of thousands of people have tried abstaining from sexually stimulating material in a process they call ‘rebooting’. Many of them reported startling changes, from improved concentration and elevated mood to a greater capacity for real-life intimacy. Gary Wilson has listened to the stories of those who have tried giving up internet porn and related them to an account of how the reward system of the brain interacts with its environment. And now a growing body of research in neuroscience is confirming what these pioneers have discovered for themselves – internet pornography can be seriously addictive and damaging."

"In Your Brain on Porn Wilson provides a concise introduction to the phenomenon of internet porn addiction that draws on both first-person accounts and the findings of cognitive neuroscience. In a voice that is generous and humane, he also offers advice for those who want to stop using internet pornography."

Gary Wilson is the author of “Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction.

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>Is nofap a meme or not?

It's a meme, was on no fap for 2 months and the only benefit I got was wet dreams nearly every night

Are you not forcing yourself to not touch your dick, despite your brain saying otherwise? Isn't that the whole idea of nofap? Still have not seen a reasonable argument for nofap, much less a shred of evidence. Carry on abstaining.

Its more of a pushing sexual thoughts away. It requires less energy than watching porn/fapping, cumming then replacing lost fluids. Energy saved can be spent elsewhere.

t. fap addict

Read his question, he's asking about masturbation in MODERATION. Those studies are all about addiction and compulsive sexual behaviors. You have to read.

placebo: a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

Drink in moderation, smoke in moderation, lift in moderation, live in moderation.

NoFap is not for people who masturbate or consume porn in moderation for it is already not a problem to them. Why they even come here if they don't have any problems with it is beyond me.

Pretty much this. Its AA. It takes more willpower to engage in a healthy amount than it does not to at all.

Let me guys tell you about nofap and my take on it

I used to be the same as most ppl here, denying nofap and calling bullshit, but you just can't deny it unless you yourself try it, at least for the min 90 days that is needed to reboot yourself.

Its impossible to explain to a person who's a wanker 2-3 times a day. Brain fog too strong for anything to reach their minds. Only thing to fix them would be cutting out their internet access but we aren't their dads and we can't do anything there.

Anybody struggling with huge masturbation addiction or porn addiction, i hugely advise you to try nofap. it will def change your life.

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>If you don't fap you just get wet dreams.
Dream Sex >>>>>>>>>>> Fapping
prove me wrong, you literally can't

This, most people who claim it's a meme are just coping with their addiction and try to make an excuse for themselves

Its much better but dream sex happens when you lack the mindset for nofap. Not touching your dick is the first step, you dont touch it but inconciously you crave it. Many do not go further than this but the next step is rejection of sexual thoughts. You walk outside, you see some fit slut barely wearing anything. You feel that your body is reacting, feeling in your groin. Pelvic muscles relaxing just slighty. You reject this feel. Ever done martial arts? When you are about to fight someone, you dont think about pussy, you go into fight mode, you root your stance, tighten pelvic floor muscles and say cmon you fucking cunt Ill murder you! and you mean it.
This is exactly how you reject it (without actually getting in fight and swearing out loud.)

Day 2 of noporn and day 15 of nofap (I edged a lot)

I can't even describe my mindstate beside ascendance

NoFap + Light edging is God Mode if you have enough self control to spend no more than ten minutes at a time doing it.
Protip: Reverse kegel will eliminate discomfort.

I swear to God, the amount of retards in this thread trying to justify their porn watching.

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>Porn is terrible for you

Show me evidence

>Well uhh its all anecdotal

I wonder (((who))) could be behind the idea of not watching porn

Surely not the same (((people))) who literally own porn industry.

>on a nofap streak
>has been edging

Pick one

Porn in moderation actually increases your testosterone levels.
NoFap Gives you a 140% increase in test after a week, but nofap is useless after a couple of months.
There is nothing wrong with watching porn unless you do it for more than an hour everyday, faggot.

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Whenever I see the studies proving porn has a negative effect on the human brain objectively I'll stop.

But I'm sure you are going to say the entire scientific field is owned by (((them)))

You must always listen to the (((experts)))
They know whats best

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I don't give two shits whether or not someone quits porn. But porn is objectively bad for you. 1080p high speed, any fetish, any desire, on demand, hidden from public, any time your want is unhealthy for the human brain, especially men.

I've noticed positive benefits for myself doing it, more energy, focus, confidence, and drive.

But yea, people who thinks it's some type of cure all are retarded. I agree.

>Using a device (((they))) made to post on the (((internet)))

AH yes

But porn(and masturbation) is good. It lowers violent and sexual desires in aggresive individuals who otherwise might commit crimes. Literally force feed porn to men everyday and there will be no violent crime commited by men. Less women raped etc. Porn is good and should be compulsary.

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>No sources

>Muslim towns
>Never seen porn in their life

WHOAH its almost as if...

It had an effect because they're dumb as fuck ragheads who follow a backwards religion

Regardless, instead of going out and killing innocent people and blowing themselves up they were probably masturbating at home. It applies to all men, once you get hooked your education level hardly matters.
You cant deny the benefits of porn.

Yeah and? That has no relevance to listening to advice from them does it?

In violent psychos it makes them into almost normal people.
In normal people it makes them into pathetic soyboys.
Why shouldn't people that have become pathetic soyboys be allowed to become normal people? You're pretty much just saying porn is emasculating and that this is a good thing, which it in most cases is not.

>stop fapping
Why the fuck would anyone care if you stopped fapping? The porn industry is a fucking gigantic behemoth. If everyone in the world decided to just not look at porn anymore, it would be fucking HORRIBLE for ((them)). NO ONE benefits from someone quitting porn except the person themselves, so why would they want you to quit? They want your subscriptions.. or ad money or whatever the fuck.

>retaining zinc is placebo

>something snaps in my head and all addictions pretty much go away
>nofap during week, allow on weekends
It's pretty nice, definitely somewhat more confident.

Because by denying the benefits of nofap(no studies, no research therefore it MUST be a meme), the proponents of porn are effectively leading men into emasculation (because many are feminists and similar liberal types and see all men as rapists that need to be emasculated and controlled).

Unless you have an actual fucking problem with porn you mong. For people who are actually addicted and let it get in the way of sleeping, getting out of bed, doing shit in general, nofap is a great help. Of course reducing the intake would help, but for some, just fucking quitting is the best way to fix this shit man.

>NO ONE benefits from someone quitting porn
Single mothers.
Divorce lawyers.

I can throw your shit back at you, you realize.

Also, who the fuck still pays for porn? There must be exobytes of this shit already that you can find for free, why bother?

Basically porn turns you into a beta?

I'd say it's a meme because the dick always finds a way. I can fap without touching myself now. I thought I'd be stronger since i gave it up for Lent but turns out I'm just a heathen

Any source you post online is instantly shot down. Post one for fapping, it's paid jews, post one against, it's propaganda by religious people. No one has facts, it's a beliefs war. I guess being a nofapper is kind of like being an atheist. And nobody likes an atheist.

Gotta clean up that spunk

Porn and violence reduction is a scientifically proven way to improve white western society. You are just a pathetic nofapper, DANGEROUS individual (), enjoy your meme.

I can't tell if this is a joke or not help me

Single mothers and divorce lawyers benefit from me not looking at porn?
Neat. Glad to help, but I'm sure the person who benefits the most from it is myself.

Really activates those almonds, huh

>tfw you've been on nofap for 2 weeks so your test levels are skyrocketing and you begin murdering people to cope with the lack of excitement in life without porn

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do

Ah, my mistake, I forgot the /pol/-approved punctuation.

(((Divorce Lawyers))).

The fuck are you talking about? I'm asking you how does me not masturbating to porn help what you claim to be """(((Divorce Lawyers)))""" in any way? I don't get how these two things have any correlation.

In moderation everything is fine, even fapping, and by moderation I'd say once per 10 days is the maximum.

Nofap is not for people who are active and live normal lives, its for ppl who are stuck and addicted to this stuff, waste hours on hours of porn, and fap 2-3 times a day, daily, or probably every other day.

Nofap is there to break those people out, help them get a hold of themselves. If you got no problems, stop hating on nofap, it doesn't include you and just hide the thread.

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This. I guess it triggers people when people say "porn is poison/bad for you" because it doesn't really matter in moderation. Most normies who live normal lives watch porn, just not the fucked up shit some people get into.
It's kind of like bringing up to a bunch of teenagers "yeah junk food is poison, actually". It's pretentious and arrogant, but it's true. It's just that in moderation, it doesn't even matter if you eat some junk food.

Either way, I know my last piece of, should I say, heh... "Junk Food", has been eaten, and I'm much happier this way.

>Don't fap
>Don't satisfy your own needs
>Don't marry a young, fertile girl
>Instead, date this 30-something single mother who might give you a handy now and again, oh and by the way, you'll be taking care of tyrone and jamal's children now
This is /pol/-101, kiddo, where do you think you are?