How hard is it to ride a mountain bike on pavement?

How hard is it to ride a mountain bike on pavement?

Attached: IMG_4387.jpg (4826x4249, 1.91M)

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Are you genuinely retarded, or did you just have a horrible childhood?

10/10 if you are a faggot afraid of falling, otherwise its just riding.

Was going to ask the same question. His pic is barely a fucking mountain bike. See my 2 bikes
>Yeti SB6C full carbon 27.5
>Specialized Enduro 26

Attached: 13EFCCF8-6844-4EC9-B621-BCF86380C292.jpg (750x1334, 448K)

nice bikes

wtf is wrong with you?

100% impossible dont even bother
bike engenieer here so I know my shit

>hmmmm nice bike!
>Nooo my bike!

The only bikes i've ever used on any surface were mountain bikes.

Fuck, nice man. I have just a hardtail mtb from a custom builder, but really thinking bout yt Jeffsy 27,5 al/cf. Whats do you think?

Did you ever ride a bike during your youth?

Love it. I really like bikes with an aggressive geometry. Would have gone for something more hardcore than an SB6C in that respect, but can’t beat the switch infinity. But yeah you’ve got a good looking bike there mate. Does she send?

the question is i'm wanting a bike but the thing needs to stand 350 pounds (plan to use it for cardio, of course). I'm afraid of buying one and the tires blowing out or some other shit my paranoia will make up.

Do you weigh 350 pounds?
I'm not sure biking is right for you just yet

I was afraid of that.

350lbs is pretty heavy, I'd use a stationary bike for now if you can find one that'll hold your weight.

hey bikefags, any gud guide for someone who want to start?
there is A LOT of different types and prices, and I dont know which one should I use and all that

what kind of biking are you looking to do bud

mountain bike, for real mountain use. in my 19-20 I was riding like every morning for 3-4hours, and I always wanted to go back to that. I had a shitty random bike but my buddy and I were fucking yolo animals type of riders (no helmets, no equipment at all, etc.) going +40 km/h all the time and all that. I have A LOT of tales from that time (including almost dying, someone getting in a coma for 2 weeks, encountering a cult/orgy, etc.)

anyway, there is so many type of bikes, fatmemebikes, DH, regular?shitty mtb, etc. I dont even know

How do I increase my cycling endurance?
I can do 1.5hr at 22kph, but my that my ass is aching like fuck.

Saddle fit is fine, wearing padded shorts.
Is it just a case of volume?

damn that's some crazy shit haha. I don't have much experience with mountain bikes as I do most of my biking on paved trails so I can't help you there.I know that fat bikes are ideal if you bike in snowy or sandy terrain, and dh bikes are for fast movement through rough terrain. this should help you in some way:

High volume quads/hams work.
After changing to PPL and having 2 dedicated days to legs i feel better going uphill and my avg speed improved a bit.