Natty check

Let's get a natty check going, is Logan Paul natty?

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who cares

My gut's telling me definetly maybe


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My hairline is like this and I'm younger and natty. Some people are always gonna be justed

From that picture it looks like what he has in achievable Natty. Of course, I've seen guys on steroids who look worse. I think that he's on steroids because:
1. Doesn't have the time to be a gymcel obsessive faggot like me
2. Even though I'm bigger and stronger he's more successful and handsomer so I'm jelly

Don't forget he's 6'3


He is 6ft 1 ½ (186.7 cm)


Daily reminder that no one knows what really is achievable natty, and even if someone's body looks like they could achieved natty, they probably aren't, especially if they're in a position where their reputation depends on their appearance .

Logan Paul, says there right in OP's post, ohhhh I get it you're one of those faggots who even when anonymous on a Malaysian Famicom appreciation board needs to signal to your alleged peers that you don't know anything about these new celebrities even though this guy's been in the news internationally very recently and is one of the most famous Youtube/Vine vloggers in the entire world, got it...

is that the same guy?


What the fuck is wrong with that guy's hair? It's worse than (just).

Watch the vid with Anthony Joshua. He's not over 6'... if he is that tall.

He used to wrestle and play football back in the day, I think he even became state champion of Ohio in wrestling. I did hear in some TV show don't remember where but he said he lost a part of one testicle because he jumped over a table and landed on his balls or something.. so he might be on some TRT but nothing more I think.

Bro, look at his old pics and the new ones. It's fucking obvious he's juicing.

this is like 2-3 years of lifting.
you guys reach a new low everyday.. jesus

everyday bro

If anyone actually believes and inst trolling that that physique or even a physique much bigger than that is not achievable naturally then you are delusional and DYEL.

Dude looks like an average 17 year old high school wrestler

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are you stupid?

Anthony Joshua is 6'6", Logan looks just a tad shorter, I can definitely believe he's 6'3"

looks like he lifted for 6 months lol

>logangster here

Depends where you're starting from, manlet

>calls others logangsters
>indicating he knows what the fuck a logangster is

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Is he natty fit?

Attached: 0105-dennis-quaid-ripped-hawaii-akmgsi-4.jpg (718x620, 129K)

Ofcourse, doesn't your grandpa look like that?

Why would someone roid for this kek

Because if you don't roid you have to work out to look like you work out?

His bod is EASILY achievable natty. Weather or not he actually is is impossible to tell. He's got 6/10 mass and 10/10 frame so he'll look great no matter what.

is he vaping?

He looks like a fucking Australian redneck

He was a wrestling state competitor and the RB of his school. I'm jelly he was more athletic than me, I still got to play college ball but I wasn't the best

He really does, I thought it was Mel Gibson until I saw the filename

I had literally never heard of him until he uploaded that vid. Didn’t even know “vine stars” was a thing until then either. I was actually a bit blown away how big their audiences are. I slept on this explosion of vloggers. I still thought of YouTube as a place to go watch music and random homemade vids

>If anyone actually believes and inst trolling that that physique or even a physique much bigger than that is not achievable naturally then you are delusional and DYEL.

>Dude looks like an average 17 year old high school wrestler

Logan Neistat will never recover

I don't understand why you people make all these excuses for guys who are obviously on the stuff

nah dawg

he aint even big... that is very achievable naturally... seriously you should lift for more than 3 months before you are allowed to have an opinion

listen buddy I have a similar build to OPs pic, slightly taller and heavier but same frame, and it took me almost 10 fucking years, fighting for every pound to look more than dyel as a natty with this build. I played D1 football so before you even start take that whole "oh your routine and genetics are bad" shit and shove it up your clueless ass

you teenagers are fucking delusional