What do you do if you miss reps on volume day for Texas Method? Do you still shoot for a new PR...

What do you do if you miss reps on volume day for Texas Method? Do you still shoot for a new PR, or hit your old one and attempt a new PR next week?

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Do it again, wtf

Why on earth would you miss reps on volume day?

should have read the book fgt

Attached: tm chart.png (789x485, 101K)

This is pretty good chart if you want to combine volume and intensity sets per training cycle. It requires about a much brainpower as buttering bread

How many reps did you miss? Sometimes I miss 1 or 2 and still go for PR. Just decrease volume next time.

Related: when do you swap to 2x3 from 1x5 on intensity? Upon failure?

bread-butter-let here. Please explain this chart

Its not in the book fgt

this guy posted his DL workout and he did 6 sets and it took him an hour and a half (by looking at the clock on the wall)

is it more powerful to wait 15 minutes between each set?

Welcome to the world of the fat powerlifter/strength enthusiast

what dont you get??? if volume day is to hard lower the weight or stop progressing it at the same rate as intensity day


this is a meme. powerlifters dont (always) have super long rest periods

>this is a meme. powerlifters dont (always) have super long rest periods
LMAO at you

do you want to know how I know youre weak?

use the same weight on volume days as long as you can

once you fail the friday 5 rep max or whatever 3 rep max, then add 5lb on the volume day and shoot for the same max next time

i know right just do it again like hahahahaha

Your volume day increases at the same rate your intensity day does, it's supposed to be 90% of your intensity day weight.

literally false

Failing a deadlift rep can be quite taxing on the old CNS, so best to spend as long as possible on a workout and finish it cleanly rather than risk overdoing it

If it keeps happening you may want to consider another program.

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>Your volume day increases at the same rate your intensity day does
No, it increases at 90% of the rate
Say if your intensity squat increases by 5lbs per week, your volume day squat weight will increase by 4.5lbs (5x0.9=4.5)
i.e. W1 ->W2
ID 315 -> 320
VD 283.5->288

>volume day
>not dynamic effort day

Shicky dicky, I bet you watch cartoons too

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V VD ID pls translate

VD=Volume Day (5x5 day, Monday)
ID=Intensity Day (1x5 Personal Record, Friday)

The intensity and volume days progress independently, so it doesn't matter what happens on Monday, on Friday, you go for 5RM or other PR.

That said, you shouldn't miss reps at all if you're doing the program properly. If you think you won't get the full 5RM next week on intensity, you switch pre-emptively to 2x3 etc. Read the fucking book. Same on the 5x5, you either hold the weight down or deload for the last sets to get the volume in.

You also adjust whether or not you do 5x5 or 3x5 or 4x5 or 1x5 + 4x5 at reduced weight, or go higher on weights on 5x5, based on results.

Read the fucking book. Practical Programming 3rd Edition.

What program is this about?

>has never read the 70's big ebooks
neo Veeky Forums sucks

Texas method
Atleast one variation
Monday (Volume)
Squat 5x5 (90% of following Friday)
Bench or OHP(alternating) 5x5 (90% of following Friday)
Deadlift 1x5 (Max set of 5)

Wednesday (Recovery)
Squat 2x5 (80% of what Monday's weight was)
OHP 3x5 (if you benched Monday) or Bench (If you OHPed Monday) (90% of your previous 5x5 weight, which would be last week's)
Chins 3xAMRAP
Back extension 3x8-10, increasing weight each week

Friday Intensity Day
Squat 1x5 new 5RM
Bench or OHP 1x5 new 5RM
Powercleans 5x3 new 3RM

That's the more popular one.
Texas Method is really just a template with 3 separate days having different volume/intensity.
You can sub in olympic lifts, you can turn it into a 4day split, you can swap deadlifting to friday and power cleaning to monday
12 other ways to change it if you find you can't do it as stated.
Rip has said that the standard TM is for 20 year olds getting into powerlifting, and older people will get hurt if they attempt it.