Does Veeky Forums know this feel?

Does Veeky Forums know this feel?

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goddamn brah i feel you i really do

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Yea except i shit on ur mothers ugy fucking whore face

only with pizza and a retard amount of whey

>Take huge shit
>Take pre workout
>have to shit again
>get to gym
>have to shit again

I swear this isn't propaganda but ever since I went vegan I stopped shitting blood or having violent shits in general. Now my shits come out nice and smooth.

haha now try it with moda and whiskey

>eat food

sounds like you have a medical condition that diet change helped with

Depending on what I eat it's either pure diarrhea or perfect logs but I haven't paid enough attention to figure out which foods I eat on the liquid shit days

yes but without the physique

>psyllium husk

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lol those fucking nipples in the final panel

Never had any huge issues with my bowels but yeah once I went vegan I shit once in the morning nice and clean

Same with me after switching keto.

Now when I poop and wipe, the toilet paper is usually clean, kinda like I've got a self cleaning asshole.

>tfw sometimes i have massive shit that comes out clean with little wiping required
>other times i have a nasty type of shit that leaves a tiny dingleberry of soft shit clinging to my asshole hairs that i have to work on for 10 minutes to get everything clean and unirritated
>completely random when which occurs
>basically have same diet every day, dont even have whey powder or anything like that
>dont even know what to do

Could be environmental or hydration. I don't know I'm not a doctor but a lot of things can affect poops other than just your diet.

wtf I have never shitted blood in my whole life
and I eat at least 1kg of meat per day

i eat almost nothing but eggs, meat and dairy and i take one giant shit every morning, it has less to do with veganism and more with eating right

>I stopped shitting blood

do... do people normally do this? this doesn't happen to me ever.

I know this feel mannn.

Being constipated three times a week is just something I'm not used too.

Need to lay off these retarded green smoothies.

Gee I wonder why a diet high in fiber would help you shit without bleeding out.


I used to eat like complete crap before the new year, poops were rare and painful. Then I made a Veeky Forums diet to follow me to the gym: 5 eggs in the morning followed by a green smoothie with tons of greens, carrots, tomatoes; then chicken, broccoli, spinach and brown rice for lunch, then kiwi, avocado, sardine, organic cocoa and pumpkins seeds in the afternoon, followed by more chicken and broccoli at night. Right before bed I drink 10ml of coconut and olive oil, and throughout the day I eat several small portions of ginger. I also supplement Omega 3, Vitamin D and ZMA and drink whey two times a day.

Since then I've been blessed by:
>the poop gods
>the gain gods
>the testosterone gods
>the dopamine gods
>the skin gods

IMO if I had any problem on any of those categories I'd just listen to movie and try to change a few things until it felt right.

i shit on average 3 times per day and have been told by everyone I know that this is very strange and "unhealthy"

my diet is average, I don't avoid veggies or lean meats in any way but I probably eat out too much. i do eat a shitload of spinach/kale/chard mix though, like three 6oz bags a week, also I have no gallbladder if that matters

>start bulking for the first time ever
>start taking 3 huge turd logs a day
>feels great, come out clean, diet is going fantastic
>get sick as fuck february
>doc puts me on an antibiotic for 10 days
>kills all gut flora
>Pure diarrhea and IBS for 20 days
>a month later still have diarrhea when drinking dairy or having fatty foods
>Doc friend says it'll be another month before my flora is restored to a point where I'll stop having diarrhea

I hate this feel

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Yeah you don't have a fucking gallbladder so that explains that

When the poop comes out diarreah style, does it affect gains?