Hey Veeky Forumsbros. I've grown sick of natty lifting.

I'm thinking about taking SARMs, LGD-4033 specifically, maybe also taking MK-677 with it. I'm interested to know how the side effects are, especially with MK-677. What can I expect once I'm deep into the cycle, and in general I'd like to hear some success/horror stories about these drugs. So far, people that I know irl and people online are making it out to be the best thing ever.

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please tell me thats a man


Unfortunately, that's a girl who like to pretend to be a boy that pretends to be a girl.

This girl makes my dingle the big dongle

absolutely FLACCID

Ahegao is best fetish


that girl makes me so hard

I fucking wish I could, brother

Belle Delphine on fb
bellaumbrella on ig

Since no one replied. I take rad 140 SARMS they make you so much stronger and you feel a lot more angry. Acne comes with it of course but nothing too bad. Try it and see the gains bro

why do chicks who would be hot pierce their noses? it makes them look like slutty tribal niggresses

can someone post more info about the fucking drugs and not the cunt

Thanks man. I'm pretty much set on trying them. Will probably buy lgd-4033 and then rad140 after my first cycle to see how I handle the side effects. Just not sure if I should get the mk677. I'm 20 but I'm hoping my growth plates haven't quite fused yet and I can gain an inch or two with that. Natty card honestly isn't worth having imo

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instant death

I gonna rape this elf into submission

In about 1.5 years my beginner gains have stopped but I went from 155 to 195 mostly all lean mass. But yeah fuck natty Just lift hard do the drugs right and you’ll still be a virgin just a buff ass virgin senpai.

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Is this what they call "reverse trap" ?

Im day 4 into 7mg lgd a day. Feels aight so far

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you look good. I really need that extra boost and I've been stalling natty lately.

How flexible can you be with your dosage? Like can I go from 10mg to 5mg one day if 10mg is too high?

I'm no expert with this. It's my first time doing anything like this. But from what I've been told and read 5-10mg is the sweet spot. Any more than you get deminishing returns. I'm going to do a 4 week on and 4 week off cycle

I did LGD 5mg a day starting early Jan and ending in late Feb. Progress was fantastic, though I came off Week 6 due to catching an unrelated flu. Coming off here probably worked out for the better, as shortly after I came off I definitely began to feel the symptoms of low T. I stupidly didn't have any PCT on-hand, so it took me about 2 weeks to recover from the shitty suppression. Fortunately, the majority of LGD gains seem to occur in the first 6 weeks (I personally gained about 7 pounds of muscle), and significantly diminish in the following 2 weeks (assuming you do the standard 8 week cycle).

I'd still definitely recommend LGD, but I'd advise you to run it without proper PCTs on-hand, and to not exceed 7.5mg per day. While it seems like the majority who run LGD feel fine without PCT, there's always suppression occurring behind the scenes. Just take a light dose of Nolva/Clomid/Torem for 2-3 weeks to minimise their subsequent sides and recover T, and you'll be golden.

Additionally, just my personal philosophy, but I think given how gains seem to slow dramatically week 6-7, I wouldn't go longer than 7 a 7 week cycle. Though up to you.

What routine?

instagram bellaumbrella

I'm ordered some GW501516(cardarine) and MK-2866(Ostarine). I'm trying to cut and keep muscle and get great cardio results as well.
>inb4 cardio skelly
I'm a military fag so tryna max my pft.
I chose these two because the sides are very minimal. I'll be posting my progress in a few weeks.

Any pct? Did you get capsules or liquid stuff?

Capsules, it was cheaper than the lmaodylangemelli but it's like the next biggest one out there.
No source talk though.
Coincidentally I'm going in for an Brain MRI today to check my pituitary gland since I'm 19 with low testosterone. (148 ng/dl). I'm thinking they could prescribe me with Clomid or Nolvadex. Either way Cardarine doesn't supress since it's technically not a SARM. I'm reading that Ostarine starts supressing after about 4 weeks and a PCT is very optional for a 4 week cycle. Any longer and a light PCT is recommended.

Having said that, I think I might just roll the dice and see what happens with me already having low test. How much lower can it go lmao

How is this even allowed on fb?

Ive ordered s4 to see how it goes trying to cut while keep muscle and ive read s4 is good by itself as id rather see if it works before droppin the big bucks ive read nothing but good things at the moment so hope it works out and its not a waste of time money and effort

Good luck I hear S4 does wonders

I'm starting a cycle with RAD 140 soon. Got a couple questions:

1. I'm 24 and weight 195-200 lbs should I take 10 or 20 mg?
2. Will I need a pct? What's a reasonable cycle length to get results while needing pct?

I do 2 months on a month off. No pct I haven’t done that much research also your trying to cut? Bulk?

Lean bulk for now. How much mg should I take?