How the fuck does Veeky Forums do Keto...

How the fuck does Veeky Forums do Keto? Reading about it made me realize bread and potatoes are the largest staple of my diet. Where do I even begin setting my dietary habits in order? Any advice?

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Keto is mom science don't be a retard.

please explain

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I've done keto twice. It's pointless. Low carb is just better.

these, keto is more retarded then nofap.

Then again, pissing on your keto sticks is as much a rite of passage as doing SS, so might as well go for it and see for urself

I've been on pic related, pretty nice place.
Will go back once I'm rich

More of this please.

but wouldn't a strict keto diet put your body through the same state of ketosis as fasting? Just, y'know, without the fasting part?
same here, but it's a shit hole. The government's corrupt as hell and most of the population lives in utter poverty. Anything outside the tourist areas are miserable.

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sorry bro, there are no shortcuts only hard work, if you fancy do some keto it won't hurt

there are a plethora of articles out there if you are looking for confirmation bias, I did the same and keto did ~nothing for me. godspeed

Maybe I'm the only one who had a good experience with keto. It killed my appetite, making it tough to eat enough to stay fat, meaning that I lost weight with no real effort. Calories in - calories out still applies, but if you're having trouble eating 1500 calories per day, it's definitely easier than dealing with hunger.

For gaining muscle tho? Not super sure I'd recommend it.

don't listen to the retards.
wanna lose weight? keto is the way to go (or fasting).
don't need to lose weight? keto is unneccessary.

how you do it:
start by reading what foods to eat. fat should make about 70-80% percent of your daily caloric intake. use good fats, so please, no vegetable oils. not more than 20-30g carbs a day.
you don't need keto sticks, you'll know that you're in ketosis when you get more alert than usual and don't get hungry anymore.
what you do by doing keto is the following:
first, you decrease the amount of insulin secreted after eating. insulin inhibits lipolysis, so having less will make you burn more fat. your insulin sensitivity goes up, too.
second, you deplete the body of it's prime fuel for ordinary life (carbs) and force it to switch into "hunter mode". which means that your liver converts fat to so called ketones that are your fuel now.
if you wanna start, start with foods you like. steak and eggs or bacon or whatever. throw in some greens from time to time and make sure that you get enough sodium, potassium, magnesium and a multivitamin. i'f your body works well on keto, you'll soon begin to crave the right things, namely fatty, natural stuff.

PS: people ranting about keto were usually too dumb to do it right or belong to the rare species that just works better on carbs.

PPS: Or they were relatively lean and forgot to smother literally everything they eat in butter. eating coconut oil right from the jar also helps.

>inb4 no true ketoman

oh shit

no. there just seem to be people who don't go well with that kind of diet.

Yup. I discovered it on Reddit

The first rule of fitness is that you disregard everything you read on Reddit

actually, the people on the keto subreddit are kinda cringey.
keto is still a good thing, tho.

>don't need sticks to check for ketosis
>too dumb to do it right

don't mind me, I'm just sippin here on my MCT #fortified BulletProofe cohii

if you're too autistic to monitor your body and how it reacts to changes in your diet you can use ketosticks, ok.

a man in keto mode needs a lot of water

Reddit meme diet

a man in keto mode is not a real man until he pisses out some marble-sized kidney stones.

you're right. i forgot about that.

>kinda cringey

theyre about 67 lightyears past "kinda" man

i just didn't want to hurt anyones feelings!

how to get 35 g of fiber on keto?

eat paper.

but that's actually the reason i won't do keto forever. i need my voluminous morning shits.

I kept up with keto for about 2 weeks and wanted to fucking die the last few days I was on it. I definitely lost weight, mostly because I got so burned out on avocado and bacon and putting coconut oil in my coffee that I started skipping meals