did you swallow the mogpill?

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wheres the pic of hu bing with gandy

Trying to. Currently 6'1.5" 200lbs. Bigger and wider than most folks I meet. Just gotta clear up the skin a little

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I've never been mogged in my whole life.

how tall are ya brah?

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Gandy eyemogs everyone though, no matter the size

The mogger becomes the mogee. Nice try Gandy.

i like the military theme

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>Hu Bing: 47 years old
>David Gandy: 38 years old
never realized, but there is a BRUTAL agingmog occuring on this picture my buddyboyos
how to age gracefully like this chink?

Asian genetics.
Niggas can put on retarded amount of mass and strength gains just by being in the same room as a weight bar and a vial of test and age like fucking elves.

don't tan your ass off and cut back on the smokes and party drugs

rip Jhandy, father time cut you a raw deal

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brb using skin cream like one of those k-pop fags to remain young 5-ever.

Asians have more collagen, you can't beat their skin elasticity. Maybe dermarolling can help though, since it spikes collagen production, idk.

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>you will never look this manly

who is getting mogged here??

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Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

Clint Walker, born to mog the rest of the world
>In May 1971, Walker narrowly escaped death in a skiing accident at Mammoth Mountain, California. In a fall from a ski lift, Walker was pierced through the heart with a ski pole. He was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead.
>However, a doctor detected faint signs of life and rushed Walker to surgery, where his damaged heart was repaired. Within two months, Walker was working again.

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holy shit, can we harvest his genes pls

>not training skull
never going to make it

clearly the subhuman

6'6 too, wtf

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Is it me or does ice look like ice Poseidon in this pic

fuaaarrkk, mirin hard, no homo

>non-protruding maxilla
never gonna make it

Courage mog is the most obliterating. Muh looks muh height and muh muscles turn into childish high school games compared to such motherfuckers.
Pic related is a Russian general Lev Rokhlin who took Grozny during the war in Chechnya.
This ugly son of a bitch was always on the first apc in a convoy, and always at the front line. Soldiers said they were willing to die for him in a blink of an eye.

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Stop posting the shopped version fagen

This is true but I hope we never have to test who can couragemog who, if you know what I mean

those who do not moisturize their faces religiously are damned in this life.

who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?

operator kino

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brutal mogger indeed

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The one with the lowest IQ

Both incel Tbh
Both of them have projected maxillae you idiot.

Wtf is Mog. I've been away for a few months

neither have the ante face like Gandy


Gandhi doesn't have anteface, he has a mildly convex profile. Are you just throwing around a bunch of terms you heard on PSL but don't actually know the meaning of?

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Was about to say this is probably just a manlet fantasy but I think it's actually true

If you've ever been in a situation where even chads were scared to do something and you do it you can feel yourself becoming the mog. In that moment, it feels good

What does mog mean?

These threads are hilarious to me

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