
Has Veeky Forums taken the HoneyPill yet? The health benefits of this shit is off the charts.
>all natural energy source
>loaded with antioxidants
>helps to promote sleep
>can help soothe sore throats from a cough
Well, why haven't you started taking a tablespoon a day?

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What's the best way to eat the honey

I'm not a faggot so my throat doesn't need soothing

put the spoon in the jar
grab honey
put the spoon in the mouth

but I don't own any spoon at the moment

i make raw onion and honey shakes

I mix it in with porridge every morning.

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Sugar doesn't let me sleep you fag
And I drink unsweetened tea, those are enough antioxidants for me

Put it on my toast every morning.
Instant mood booster.

squeeze it right out the bottle into your mouth

>1 dl oats
>2.5 dl water
>2.5 mins in microwave
>add spoonful of peanut butter
>add teaspoon of honey

But it's jam packed with sugar.

I tend to add a small amount with some Greek yogurt for breakfast, would recommend, I normally eat that with some oats and berries while bulking.

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>all natural energy source
Spoken like a true shill

Use your boyfriend's dick then

You didn't even list the best benefit.

>Eat natural sugar
>Get natural diabetes
I'll pass honey industry shill

>drinking an insect's vomit
Can't get any dumber than this

make sure it’s cold pressed, cold filtered organic raw honey or else you’re just eating sugar water

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in america theres only honey flavored syrup with 80% pure glucose

if it isn't solid and white on the shelf it's not honey
dont heat it too much or you will break the beneficial substances and make it just sugars
genius why did i never think of this


If you drink it like water every day, probably. But a tablespoon a day will most certainly not cause that

Dude, almost all honey sold in the us is fake sugary shit. It's not real. It's not even supposed to be fucking brown/gold. But real honey is hard to find and yes, ez healfy

>be too poor for spoon
>user calls me faggot
being poor truly is suffering

>Drinking bee cum

It makes your dick look BIGGER

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I have "fake" US honey in my cabinet right now and the ingredient list only says "honey"
How is it fake

put it on celery and dunk it in peanut butter

It’s not fake it’s just rated above 90 degrees during processing which denatures all the enzymes and peptides

>it's just rated above 90 degrees
um so is the human body

I use to eat local honey becuase i heard it helped with enviromental allergies but where i lived was a tourist destination so that shit was expensive. Luckily i moved and dont have allergies anymore.

As a kid my mom took the Honeypill and fed us honey with bits of comb in it because the local farmers market guy convinced her it was the best.

Degrees celcius brainlet

if you don't specify then you don't get to be all indignant about your precious metric system
good job listing a number without indicating units
you'd fail chem 101 fucking dumbass lol

what the fuck is a celcius, this is an American board, if you want to go to some faggot french board I suggest Veeky Forums

>us honey is mad expensive due to first world wages
>add as much honey as possible from other countries
>the cheapest being Poland
>which gets it from China
>China gives zero fucks if it's actually real honey or just syrup
>tell polacks it's 100% because they can charge more
and so USA can sell you '100% real honey because that's what the supplier said even though they know it isn't- but plausible deniability is just so profitable you know



you better not be buying supermarket shit tier honey though, doesnt taste has real honey and doesnt have the benefits either.
get honey from small producers.

The honey pill.

> when you assume everything on ingredients list must be true and can't be questioned

First of all, it's not even the right fucking color. Honey is supposed to be clear when it ages, us honey doesn't age and it stays the same color forever. Do some research bb

Honey is wonderful, it works as a perfect sweetener for so many things, and is delicious even if you just eat it plain.

I highly recommend.

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make sure you buy local honey: if you have issues with allergies, consuming local honey can help "innoculate" you and reduce allergic reactions

I love honey personally, prefer it to sugar. Still a lot of calories relatively speaking but I love putting it in my coffee on weekends

Drink it from the source

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Mate, if you can't afford a fucking spoon (wtf?), you won't be able to afford honey either. A jar of quality honey costs around 15$ where I live, probably even more in 1st world countries. Don't even bother with those cheap honeys you find in a supermarket, might as well eat sugar.

He probably assumed he was talking to civilized, intellectual people, not someone from last 3 countries still stuck in dark ages who use empirical measure system