/fast/ #149 Best Korea Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

youtube.com/watch?v=APZCfmgzoS0&feature=youtu.be [Open]

While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)

youtube.com/watch?v=LGafhm1cuSI [Open]

>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.

youtube.com/watch?v=dFT2IKmwyfg [Open]

If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

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Other urls found in this thread:


if i can't find potassium supplements can i just eat bananas instead

will cum break my fast?

I'm curious about working out while water fasting, seems like a bad idea. Maybe just take walks?

first posts worst posts

no order some off of amazon. Its called a fast, eating a banna will break the fast. Not to mention zuchini have more potassium.

If I fast and run for an entire month at 25% bf is it possible for me to become 20% bf at the end of the month?

i meant 15%
25% start of fast/run month to 15% at the end

What are you specs?

Id assume you'd lose at least 20 lbs of fat over the month

5'10, 170 lbs

Just wanna get to lose my flab for the summer. Everyone claims that I have huge muscles now but I still see all this flab on and around my stomach and it irks me.

I'm 5'8" 160lbs, cutting to 145. We're both gonna make it, we don't have that much to lose.

6'3, fasting to 155lbs from 175lbs.
Wish me luck.

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How do you guys pass the time?
I like cooking for my family, but right now I probably couldn't help myself if I did.

All the luck, lanklet.

>how do you pass the time
takes about 10 minutes to finish a meal probably less times 3 is 30.

Just keep yourself preoccupied with chores, exercise, video games, movies, work, reading, watching tv, hanging out with family/friends, go to the park and drink water.

the last thread died before I got an answer. Can I drink less snake juice than a liter a day ?

Had the same problem. Just do some dry fasts then

As long as you get enough electrolytes to not die, I don't see why you couldn't suspend them in less than a liter of water.

I’m new to fasting. Just completed my second 72 hr water fast in two weeks.

Before I started my fast on Sunday I did what I’d call a dirty refeed. Ate a ton of carbs at noon (medium pizza, I know, gluttony) then started my fast. Ive barely pooped since then. I’ve taken docusate sodium every day, as well as drinking snake juice yesterday. But no bowel movement. I stared eating again this afternoon. Had a protein shake, then later ate steamed vegetables and two pieces of lunch meat with cheese.

I feel like I should be pooping a ton but I just can’t. Stomach hurts and I rush to the bathroom only to push little bits out accompanied by a horrendous smell. Anyone have any insight on why this is? Why I can’t go? It seems there should be a literal shit ton that needs to come out.

Just lower all the measurements proportionally, you'll fuck your kidneys if the concentration is too high

couldn't I just make the same amount but drink less of it throughout the day

I'm able to keep myself motivated to fast by saying I can eat all the garbage I want within my TDEE doing OMAD once I'm at my goal weight.
Is this an unhealthy way to motivate myself?

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mental aspect of fasting is the real challenge, and a big part of the reward. Delaying gratification to achieve goals is mighty White -- good for ya.

Eat more veggies and less carbs. Snakeman recommend 4 lb vegetables to 1 lb meat ratio on keto refeed. Brussels sprouts and cabbage and mushrooms Have treated me well.

Can water fasting be used to perma bulk?

So say you eat above maintenance and workout on non fast days, and then twice a week you water fast so that your weekly calories still result in a negative or maintenance.

Does this allow for lean gains?

Maybe with a TKD approach that gives you an insulin push and carbs post work out. Insulin helps you grow post work out. Maybe water fast once a week for 72 hours, tkd omad-ish keto post workout training days.

instead of drinking the snake juice throughout the day, can I take it and the sodium in a small shot glass and then drink regular water throughout the day?

would it be bad to do 16:8 as my permanent diet?

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No. You'll get diarrhea

Your body isn't going to know the difference between 1 liter of snake juice at full strength plus 1 liter of fresh water versus 2 liters of half strength snake juice. Just be careful with the first option that you're alternating which one you drink throughout the day.

Not at all. Just don't think you can overdo the calories too much.

consider 23:1 instead


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Holy fuck how is he not big as that obese monster?!

i live in fckn croatia and managed to find supercheap mix of natrium and kalium (sodium, potassium) in our popular store chain konzum

Do not drink concentrated snake juice or put your salts in capsules or anything like that. It'll overload your system and give you diarrhea which will dehydrate you and create an even bigger loss of electrolytes. Or if you've taken a big enough dose all at once you may have to go to the ER.

I did 23:1 for 3 months, moved onto OMAW now.
It's more than possible, go for it.

On day 15 of an attempted 40-day fast. Tonight it's really begun to get to me. Help me out here.

how much did you lose? height?weight?bf?

He's getting up there. I usually watch a bit of his videos when I'm bored, and feel hungry. One had old photos of him probably few years back, skinny af. In his latest videos, he had to go to store and buy new pants, and shirts, being delusional about his weight gain, saying it's water weight.

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Does Capsaicin work?

Would you get into ketosis super fast if you did Capsaicin + ECA + SNEK JEWS + 48 HR fast?

started 342lbs
current 300lbs

big guy
nice progress

3rd day fasting, on trt, taking 75 t3 daily
lost 4lbs, probably water, halved my gym frequency to 3x week
will continue to 6 days of fast

Has anyone actually experienced authophagy and skin tightening with water fasting?

Have any of you guys tried air fasting?

You tie a belt around your neck and jerk off, you could die but the health benefits are amazing

It's all a mental, not physiological, issue at this point. So long as your electrolytes are good. Find some way to overcome thoughts of food, find an activity, walk the dog, etc

There are many supportive studies on PubMed. Search for capsaicin and ampk and eNOS

OP copypaste and Snakeman, plus some other anons here recommends 5:2 fasting for bulking
5 days of OMAD hitting your macros to induce muscle grow, then a 48h water fast.
This pattern should result in bulking but minimize some of the fat gains
Longer waterfasts arent recommended outside cutting, even if you eat hugefuck meals.

You are going to get ridiculous results being on TRT especially if it's generous trt. Fasting puts growth hormone up in a significant way. TRT+GH doesn't sounds bad!

16:8 is not only entirely possible, MANY people actually do it without even noticing. Skip breakfast, eat lunch and dinner. Dont snack afterwards. Completely fucking fine.

While you probably CAN do it, there isnt much NEED to do it all at once. A 15day fast per month should be amazing already.
I particularly dont recommend going into longer fasts than that, because of possible critical loss of muscle and heart muscle, but im just a weakwilled faggot, who am i to say anything

Progress pics when?

Am I too skinny for a multi-day waterfast without going catabolic? I've heard some say that one day is when catabolism starts, others say 72 hours. I dunno who to believe or what to do, really, or if I should just break off my fast early and do psmf. I'm at hour 32 now.

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I stopped working out for about half an year and gained 30 kilos. Some mates told me about fasting and I figured I'd try it. Haven't had breakfast yet and I won't. How long a fast do you recommend for a first timer? Could I still fast effectively if I drink water?

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at least a week

me too buddy
dont falter for even a second

Gotcha, what about water?

Read the OP about snake juice. Also start with more reasonable goals. 3 days should give you the idea. You can make it longer if you feel good.
Remember that the first few days are bad. Try some Keto diet beforehand.

water fast for 48 hours then transition to a keto diet (break fast with bone broth or boiled cabbage broth). stay on keto for 1-2 weeks and then try a longer fast. fasting sucks way less if you are already in ketosis. GET ELECTROLYTES WHILE YOU WATER FAST.

Do this:
Cut 1000 calories from your TDEE
Eat high protein or high fat to stay satiated
Eat once a day and fast 23 hours or so.

Result: 4-5 pounds down a week, easy.


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y’all how the fuck do you do this when people care about your wellbeing
>user why aren’t you eating
>i dont think I’ve ever seen you eat before
>do you want to go x restaurant with me? awww. why not?

You are probably just getting into ketosis which is when the catabolic window would presumably close. Also by now growth hormone is up at least 500%, possibly more -- how catabolic can you really be when you are flooded with GH?

Thanks for the help lads, will report after my fast is over.

where do you live, dummy?

is snake juice supposed to be disgusting? also how many liters of it should I drink a day? I tried water fasting but had to stop because I kept gagging from extreme nausea pangs (probably because I wasn’t getting electrolytes). i made some with pink sea salt and nosalt for my first water fast but only drank 1/2 a liter because it didn’t make me feel much better and it tastes terrible (which made my nausea worse). how the fuck do I get over this

holy... what is happening there?

Who cares? I don't even know you.

No one really seems to care honestly, although some chix say I'm too skinny and need to eat more


who tf is that?

just fucking drink it.

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The average american

if the electrolyte water isn't palatable, just eat and therefore drink more water.
nausea is basically the carb flu.

bad advice. Drink the fucking snake juice. Or dont drink any water. All other forms of fasting are not worth it performance wise

For a second there I thought that was a downie

is he... is he having shortness of breath from speaking?
damn, user, you contributed to my amusement today. ty.

why is ike barinholtz yelling at me to drink saltwater. what is happening.

>possible critical loss of muscle and heart muscle
you have no idea what you're talking about.

that's nonsense.
i shouldn't even bother arguing, but do you think that everybody who did a water fast during the last couple of thousand years scooped powder out of little cans following a recipe they found on a board full of social outcasts talking about fitness?

probably. maybe it was written on tablets back then.

they sucked on rocks

wow, that's almost like what you do!

There are known instances of people dropping dead after 3 weeks of fasting due heart muscle wasting away.
Certainly not a often occurrence for well prepared people here, but i still would avoid going over the 2 weeks mark.

they sucked on rocks.

People who did water fasts back in the day also did absolutely nothing else besides meditation. We are still trying to maintain some level of productiveness.

yeah. that's very close to what you do.

>y’all how the fuck do you do this when people care about your wellbeing
>>user why aren’t you eating
Because I'm not hungry.
>>i dont think I’ve ever seen you eat before
A face like yours kills hunger, see above.

>>do you want to go x restaurant with me? awww. why not?
No. Because its fast food/high carb/don't like it/dont like you.

that's nonsense, too.

>People who did water fasts back in the day also did absolutely nothing else besides meditation.
But that's fucking wrong. After my people resettled from asia to europe they needed to fast to fight the aftereffects of switching from a nomadic to a settlement-based lifestyle and sudden abundance of food, all while building a kingdom.

they sucked on rocks


And you suck the dick, we know.

they sucked on rocks

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im 5'7 and 134 lbs. I think im around 12% bf (i can see my abs with proper light and flexing them)

Should i do 5:2?

If i do it, how much weight is expected to be dropped in order to get to notice my full six pack (10% is my guess)

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>3 days into dry fast
>something in my left side hurts
Am I finally dying lads?

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you almost made it! so jeal