Fucking bullshit ads

Can we have a thread for fit related bullshit advertisements & products?

Attached: IMG_3069.jpg (750x797, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:





>the female fat burner


Attached: IMG_3070.png (566x462, 56K)

Lol wtf?


Attached: booty bounce.gif (680x347, 1.46M)

Heh she could suck some dick for the same result

It's a binkie

This skinnymint tea snake oil bullshit always being shilled on my Facebook newsfeed

>Not calling it a Teatox

advertising travesty

Women's magazines are rife with these

Attached: IMG_20180317_100326.jpg (4160x3120, 1.97M)


Attached: IMG_20180317_102559746.jpg (3120x4160, 3.68M)

Yeah just exercise instead!

Attached: IMG_3072.jpg (350x247, 56K)

Her face hahaha


Attached: IMG_3073.jpg (964x1183, 500K)

they always have a horrible weight loss advertisement in the biggest font followed immediately by a desert recipe and then dot the page with random claims like "reduce brain fog by 82% with this one weird stress management technique!"

we sell these at my retail job and i hate them

Her tattoo in the third pic makes it look like the base of a cock...

all gluten free and lactose free products. (they are only worth it if you are intolerant)

I don't get why she is holding her tits in the 2nd and 3rd pic. It's not like she needs to hold them out of the way given she doesn't do it in the first pic.


>walk into gym
>some Mongoloid over there
>in the curlsquat rack

Attached: FB_IMG_1507864620437.jpg (960x960, 42K)

>squat curls
>aka just fuck my shit ups

>improve your AIDS

Attached: IMG_0001.jpg (750x1334, 199K)

>lowers blood sugar

This is the worst new meme for us Brits

>liraglutide (Victoza) has been used for over five years to treat type 2 diabetes, still has serious and unanswered questions about its safety. It has been linked both with a raised risk of thyroid cancer and with a condition which can lead to cancer of the pancreas. Even so patients given it for slimming will be getting twice the dose given to diabetics. A higher dose of any drug usually increases the risk of side effects.

For people who are too lazy to eat healthily

Attached: Screenshot_20180322-125129.png (1080x1920, 513K)

Shit like this makes me rage so much. Pic related too. How decadent does the world have to become that you would rather pop pills to medicate yourself than quite simply just eating less of everything?

Attached: XLS-Medical-Fat-Binder-10-Day-Trial-Pack-60-Tablets-497052[1].jpg (300x300, 11K)

>eat this one food to SKYROCKET your metabolism

Teatox already is a thing and brand i think.

why is she handbra-ing in the 2nd pic if she's got a sports bra on? lol

>that jerk who squats in the curl rack


DNP needs to make a comeback so that retards start dying again

Personal favorite incoming. These things are literally just caffeine, vitamins that you're probably not deficient in, and some Chinese herb that does nothing.

Attached: Seems legit.png (181x676, 103K)

Jaw exercises work. If I clench my jaw now it looks like I have cheekbones. Seriously, it works.

Attached: 1521696626236.jpg (222x222, 8K)

>Eliminates Canada
if only

Source on pic?
I'm stealing it.

Will literally cure anything but it's not profitable to prove it

Attached: 51nd8BAWyAL._SY679_.jpg (266x679, 30K)

wtf I do that same thing in my bathroom while waiting for the shower to warm up

You have a trampoline in your bathroom?lmao

Spotted the DYEL faggots who don't squatcurl at least 2pl8 on arms and legs day. Never gonna make it.

no, i jump up and down while flexin my abs

kys shill


>He can't curl what he squats
Enjoy being DYEL

ironically, authentic gear is cheaper than the fake shit

nobody died, everyone just gained the weight back within a couple weeks