Is dancing a good way to get Veeky Forums?

Is dancing a good way to get Veeky Forums?

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People here don't dance, just stand with your arms crossed and give dirty looks at inferior beings

This hurts to see.

Wait till you see her instagram and it's all pictures of her with a footballer chad (srs).

Of course the guy would be the ugliest one out of the whole dance group. That's really unfortunate because the girl will never be attracted to him, ever. This young man essentially wasted a huge amount of time and effort only because nobody ever told him that you can never make another person attracted to you--the attraction has to be independent and predetermined--for either counterpart to be attracted to the other, that is. You can not force biology to behave a certain way. Biology doesn't recognize acts of good will or words of kindness, even if the intention behind them was an expectation of a sexual reward or intimacy - all it recognizes is a guy who isn't ejaculating inside a woman. Despite how common sense this sounds, most MALES do not seem to grasp this reality, thus ending up in the friendzone, in other words, social contacts of a female who will never be sexually or romantically receptive to them due to sheer unattractiveness, but the males will not believe this and cling on to a belief that some day it'll happen.. After enough validation and gifts she will suddenly realize how amazing and generous I am and fall for me. It's a good deal for a female who will be dating attractive males and on the other end receive attention and free benefits from unattractive orbiters. This video in particular reminded me of this recurring scenario because the boy's mentality is similar to those unattractive males (that is, a skewed understanding of biology and human attraction).

Dancing is great fun, and like any form of cardio, it’s only as effective as effort put in

Now, obviously, the boy thought that "maybe the girl just never noticed me by accident or thinks I'm just another guy even though I have this awesome personality and willingness to treat her like a princess". Sadly, this is not how the real life works. A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular. This isn't to say that personality and emotional and social traits do not matter, they play a big role in maintaining your woman.. But the woman will not be drawn to be around you in the first place if she doesn't consider you physically attractive at least to some degree (in the best case scenario, this girl will become closer with the boy and keep him as a good friend, maybe out of pity, maybe out of good will) and facial beauty is the biggest determinator of attractiveness in human beings, mainly due to its convenience; it's impossible to hide from a female that uses it to weed out potential partners and pick the most attractive males. Judging by Alexa's forced smile and glib enthusiasm, it's painfully obvious that she weeded Garrett out of the equation the first time her eyes ever latched on him. Girls of Alexa's tier will NEVER be receptive to boys of Garrett's tier.

Attached: nailed it.webm (720x404, 551K)

Well link us then, dear user

Can confirm

Needless to say, someone will have to break the news to Garrett that the blonde is not for him. He will need to settle for less, much less. I will not comment on his musculature or fashion sense as those are changeable later in life, but will only focus on his face. I understand he's very young and still growing, but unfortunately the only things that could improve in his face as he grows up are his disproportionate nose and puffy cheeks, and even then, only to a small degree (the hopefully decreasing facial adiposity is really the only thing I could see making a tiny difference to his appearance). As for the nose, it will not change in shape but rather in size (but again, on a millimeter scale which is barely noticeable), and when it comes to the shape itself, anyone will agree it is anything but aesthetic.

Didnt that dude unfuck his shit? I think i saw him somwhere on some pic, not a Chad by any standards, but not a fedor neckbeard as would be expected either.

He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure. Narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure) thats presence, or lack thereof, are both manifested in the human face and females are biologically designed to immediately pick up these traits in male faces, thereby determining whether the male they're looking at is attractive or not in less than a second. There is no make up to deceive this biological evaluation. Although it's unfair to rate a 13 year old undeveloped face, this 3/10 is unlikely to ever reach 5 when estimating where he is on his growth phase (unless I'm mistaken and he will grow to be a 7 foot giant). Either way, this is the judgment that Garrett will have to deal with from 80% of females, Alexa included. I remain hopeful that he will meet the right one, seeing as the majority of females aren't exactly attractive either.

harsh, but true

I didn't save the link obviously. But this girl has some disease that she needed surgery for and has a massive scar that covers her entire belly.

Autism. You have no way gauging Garrett's true potential, face wise or else, which imo is limitless.

If anything being publicly shamed like this will make him even more determined to get big. He will probably roid and fuck some plastic club sluts. Then when that girl hits the wall she will go back to him and he will pump and dump her. The ultimate revenge.

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that's a lie, we just bob our knees and do our reload animation kata

It was kidney cancer as a babby.

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There are many photos of this chick staring lovingly at her tall football player boyfriend. He must be giving her the good dick for her to be so besotted.

Well that guy doenst look much chaddy... just a...guy

>that guy is 17 in that pic

needs to lift tho

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look at those skinny arms

he is definitely chad tier

You do realise that they are teenagers right?

He is Chad, because he might not look perfect or have all the 'alpha' features that autists on this board obsess over, but he doesn't even notice and doesn't even care because he's too busy winning football games and smashing petite blonde cuties.

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What vicious, cruel adult filmed this and put it on the internet? They must've known what a spastic he would look, how humiliated he would be long term and how little hope he had with the girl.

why did no one stop this poor kid

its disgusting, but these people dont care. all reality shows are based on humiliation and schadenfreude

I think it's kind of the same drive that makes us breed small disease prone dogs that can't breathe
they're cute because they pose no conceivable threat to us and their failures are easily laughed off since there's no way such misfortune could ever befall you, seeing as whatever faults you might have, you're not as bad as this guy

Jimmy Stewart

Yaaaas betch werk iiiit

Once upon a time "Chad" used to mean an alpha male. Now r9k has taken over and literally any average dude with a gf is considered a chad. It's fucking pathetic.

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She handled it so nice ;_; She could have easily destroyed him.

To be honest, I feel like he'll grow up to be somewhat decent, if he has the right influencers. He's not that bad looking and is obviously confident, just cringe. It's easier to improve from this than the awkward quiet kid.

this, since incels on reddit was taken down there are so many threads about -no gf-cant talk to women-depression -manlets-mogged-then maybe a actual fitness thread

no, Chad meant the football player in high school who fucked the cheerleaders while you jerked off to anime.

he fits the bill.


This. This is the type of guy I imagine I compete with on the sexual marketplace. I do what I do to be on their level.

the guy is a self-made millionaire, no joke

Who is he? I'm already friends with 2 Chads just like that irl who have tons of cash, one is actually good looking and the other is a millionaire. Both train and are big boys and can fight too

legendary thread

Disappointing desu. He didnt know his own potential and got an ugly roastie

>lol @ bashing his wife. although she isnt close to 8/10 she has a very good girl look to her. probably was a virgin before marrying him.
>Mr.Gould probably plowed threw all the cheerleaders had his fun then found a loyal virgin woman to marry.

that thread is gold

check the instagram the guy is nowhere near chad level and she is a womenlet

Its a skill. Training or learning is a good cardio workout and unlike spending hours on treadmill its actually useful and not boring. Being able to dance is an instant mogging of those big guys who just stand at the sides with their arms crossed.

But will it make you fit? Nope. But no one says you cant do dancing and go to gym bext day.

this guy was like 15 or 16. how did you look back then? truly pathetic

Are you buthurt, did some skinny skeleton loser fuck your gf or something. This is not your personal blog you retard

He has fucking zero muscle mass he ain't winning shit


>He has fucking zero muscle mass he ain't winning shit
>muscle = winning
Absolute kek

Because we all remember the people around Arnold, and not Arnold himself because he actually got something OUT of his muscles. Muscle = Literally fucking nothing without some result from them

So stop living in your basement thinking that because you're big you are successful, you're not. You've done absolutely fuck all with your life and the only thing you have achieved is the easiest thing in the world which is be a loner who eats chicken and lifts heavy objects for no purpose in your aimless life.

>didn't read

I go to lots of nightclubs but spend all my time in the smoking area doing exactly this. Its way too loud and hot, and the music is shite


Some common sense in this thread.
t. Garrett
True, being a good dancer is never a bad thing.
Positive reinforcement, good looks and success in sports from an early age on gives you confidence and will make people not buy into your product, but into you. Theres an interview with him explaining the analogy between business and football, and illustrates his entrepreneurial mindset.
Being in a competitive environment with hierarchies, respect for seniority, discipline is crucial for a man's environment. If you arent sending your boys to play a competitive sport from an early age on, you are setting them up for failure in life. How else would they learn to handle stress, become disciplined and handle fights, work well in a team, gain social skills etc? Had some of you played sports early on, you wouldnt have ended up here clinging to the concept of this one perfect girl that you will never, ever attain anyways.

It's probably low-intensity cardio but damn, tsc did turn out like this and if you know how to move right..

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Why do you go then?

>not wanting woman with black belt in blowjobbery

>white knighting a guy

He's ugly

yeah frigg dancing maybe

Attached: Randy.jpg (329x399, 33K)

why does this board have so many /r9k/ refugees

>robots who pretend to want to get fit/stare at dudes all day
>refugees from r/incel
it's a problem on every board desu

Shit that potato nose

oh my god that's hard to watch. but that kid has bigger balls than i ever will.

This is definitly a physique i would strive for chad level 10/10 not even jealous here that really looks like a cool dude


>A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular.

This couldnt be more wrong. His energy and personality are what she didn't connect with. Men do NOT have to be attractive. Women are attracted to social status and confidence more than looks.

Fuck off Randy

i go to school with the alexa blair robertson ama

didnt some retard find chad thundercock?
any related shit?