He uses the manlet urinal

>He uses the manlet urinal

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There's nothing wrong with being 5 feet

tfw I use the stall because I'm a grower not a shower

I'm a grower too but it's the confidence not the circumference

to be clear, I have no problems with confidence in bed or around women, in general. I just don't want to have to knock some asshole's teeth out for making a juvenile comment while he's checking out my cock in the restroom

>Believing someone would do that

Why is there a shitstain beneath one urinal?

Real talk
>be me
>have to help 6 customers back to back in shit retail job
>haven't gone to bathroom all day and am going to burst
>bust into bathroom
>coworker friend is washing his hands
>run to closest urinal, way the fuck in the air, my 5'10" manlet body barely is high enough
>unzip, cock basically falls put
>loud thud ding slap of my balls hitting porcelain
>coworker shocked, thinks my dick is huge

tl;dr friends at work think I have a huge cock, am really just short and used a tall boy urinal

Because someone did a poopie


it's less about someone saying something like that in real time, but rather gossiping behind my back, at work, etc., and finding out later

Most used urinal so all the piss that misses collects

Hmm really makes me think...

uh guys... I thought that was for squatting into

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get ur dick semi hard before pissing, that way you can always flex

>He doesn't use the long dick urinal

Where da fuck does this happen at? In all my 32 years on earth, no Juan has ever commented on my cawk while pissing next to me.

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>He uses the urinal

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manlets look out

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based chad

Guys thats the big dick urinal.


Who the fuck gossips about the size of another dudes flaccid dick? Are you still in highschool?

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>he doesn't squat to use the manlet toilet
>not getting extra leg gains

hurr children and midgets don't exist

>tfw shy bladder/pauresis
put me out of my misery

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>he doesn't use the chad trough

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>he doesn't use the long dick urinal
it's like you want to use the high urinal because it's all your penis can reach

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I like to use the kiddie urinal especially if a manlet is using the one next to it
>feet 3 feet apart so am low enough to be at manlet height
I'm kind of a dick

>jim beam in a can

>he doesnt use the tall urinals from 5 ft away.
pressurelet detected

>he doesn't go into the women's and release his urinal torrent, blasting a hole through the wall and landing perfectly in the urinal at the end of the men's room
I bet no one mires your piss streams

>when manlets use the mens
>when manlets and women use the mens waterfountain

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I need to use the stall because I need toilet paper to stop my dick from dripping 13 time into my underwear.

>So your old and incontinent

just squeeze it stupid


Uh huh so 5'4"

the corner urinal gets used way more than the others
the piss splashes/drips collect beneath the base
the acidity and other chemicals erode and color the floor

>Manlets have to point their dicks up to hit the manlet urinal
>Ricochet splash
>Le yellow

>phimosis speaks

>he doesn't pee in the sink

>using the stall
NEVER going to make it :^(