Dont you hate it when basketball americans hog half the wights in the gym and blast their ghetto music through out the...

Dont you hate it when basketball americans hog half the wights in the gym and blast their ghetto music through out the gym.

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say something then faggot

>Get to gym early
>only one bench open
>pack of nigs walk in, all loud as fuck
>mfw make them wait for a long time for a bench

Its been like a week of this now, how long before they chimpout?

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The black dudes in my gym are all pretty chill but maybe that's because I'm British

Whatever the yanks do with their ethnically challenged they should stop doing

"Hey! Fuckfaces! Turn off your fucking nigger noise!"

never experienced this

>say something then faggot
>'hey turn that off'
>'bruh don't be racist bruh get a fuckin feel bruh

just keep hogging it, bro

That's because you live in an obese shithole. Everyone's pretty chill here in the UK.

>going to a gym with blacks


guaranteed the weights won't be reracked

Who reracks weights

That's autistic as fuck
Get out of here with your gay housemaid routine

>being black

Also sucks they economically destroy every country they are in.

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They also commit insane levels of violent crime.

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just remember almost 50% of all whites included in state statistics are straight up small skull black hair black eyed beaners

The underclass commits crime
In my city it's over 90% white and they still act like animals

Honestly if you want to deport anyone it should be poor people

Sorry brah blue eyed devil here

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People who were raised in shitty economic/social conditions act more like pack animals. If you have their respect, you're pretty much one of them. If they can smell fear or anxiousness from you, they won't let it go. You can tell them they're fucking shit up, but you have to know how to do it. First impressions are important, the first time they see you open your mouth will decide how they view you

t. Inner city teacher

They leave their weights unracked as a show of dominance, next time as soon as they get up and leave the weight on the bar, come up to them, say thanks m8, put on one more pl8 and lift that. You have no idea how fast they shrink away. Love seing their smug smirk dissapear, as they see a chubby whiteboy in permabulk mode squat 3 pl8s.

Who are disproportionately black. There's fairly compelling evidence that it's not just correlative, but causative. In the black => poor direction, not the other way, if it's unclear.

>live in a city for wealthy and retired people
>the only blacks act as white as possible
>the niggers of the gym are the 50 year old roiders trying to desperately fight the ageing process

>so black you even steal your profile pics
god damn

The thing is, it's not just how they're raised. There's a large inborn component too that people don't want to talk about (and I don't mean to single out a given ethnicity). People don't realize how much of temperament and personality is hereditary.

t. someone who commutes on inner city buses daily and works with the homeless

This lol. Where you from breh?

fuck off todd

Where the fuck do you guys live lol? The blacks at my gym are jacked as fuck keep to themselves and are pretty polite. Couple of 50 year old cranky black dudes half repping 1 pl8 incline but that’s it.

Something like this

You mean stop leaving the literal slaves here 150ya?

A black dude in Britain immigrated willingly, he was the 1% in oogaboogaland

>living in the south
>living in New York


thankfully there isn't any american pigs in my gym where we blast nasheeds all day all night

Nope. Poor white cities commit nowhere near the crime black cities do.

Same thing in Canada. The blacks here are nothing like the blacks in the US.

Nah, they're just as trash here. Media coverage isn't nearly as extensive here (as in the states) and it is completely blackwashed if you catch my meaning. I know someone working as a CT/MRI tech and nogs are in and out of there with stabwounds and gunshots just as often as n8s. And that is saying something.

I lived in Florida for a semester. Not even close buddy. They just don't have the same mindset. At least here in Montreal they are just like normal immigrants. Arabs and Turks cause more problems though.