I work for some start up where like 5/6 of the founders are women and they are actually hot...

I work for some start up where like 5/6 of the founders are women and they are actually hot. How do I fuck someone richer than me Im usually just feeĺ so inferior and am so jealous of them desu but fuck I stare at their stomachs because its getting hot now and they are wearing midriffs to work bros

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>posting pics of a 15 y/o
classic Veeky Forums

gonna need a name

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Disregard that

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Malu Trevejo

either i went to class with this bitch recently or every basic girl looks like this. constantly argued with the teacher.

You dont. They own you. They MIGHT fuck you if you do your job for a year, get pussy on your own, and have high status at work, but not high enough status that threatens them

This chick is only 15 holy shit

>projecting this hard
Holy shit dude talk to actual women please get off incel forums

Never, ever, EVER fuck someone from work. Remember: "don't shit where you eat". Don't jeopardize your job for some pussy. Go to a club on the weekends or swipe on Tinder like everyone else.

Hell, I don't even become friends with people at my job. I work with them. That's all. I don't want them in my personal business. No way I'd fuck any of them, even if they were hot.

Fuck Instagram giving all these attention whores a god damn platform.

I would agree but a third of couple met through work so how can it be so wrong. Just don't do weird fuckboy shit with girls from work

Gift them all strapons and become the office slut for them all to peg and take their frustrations out on.

W-what do you mean I watch too much porn

I want off this ride

Can you picture that? A couple working together? You never get a break. You go home and talk about work. Etc.

I worked with someone whose wife also worked at the same company. He was weak, a bad manager, what people here would probably call a soyboy, and they talked about work at home. if the company failed, they'd both lose income. Etc.

Just think if you break up/divorce. You still see them every day. Work productivity suffers. One of you may fuck up bad enough to get fired. Or you get all depressed and shit and quit. Whatever. It's bad.

Horrible fucking idea, being with someone who works with you.

Tittus get the sauce

they obviously didnt hire you for your brain so just get one of them drunk and let it happen

have a few pretty girls at my work, never talk to them even though it would be super easy to go drinking with them and eventually fucking them
don't shit where you eat user

I’m tempted to fuck a bunch of women at work and I’ve had a lot of opportunities since I’ve started but it would make things super awkward if I did and I’m too much of a pussy to deal with that. I had a job interview recently so once I quit I might try and fuck a few of them. I’m 24 and a bunch of them are 18/19 and I’ve known them since they were 16-17 lmao restaurant lifestyle.

If they have company events or drinks after work, tag along and be social. Don't act desperate, though, be disinterested at first. Also, crack jokes while around the office. Nothing too racy, but enough to make them laugh and think you're not a square.

Woman almost exclusively date at either equal or higher economic status. Soooo pretty much your only option is to become so attractive that your physical appearance alone causes enough sexual desire for them to fuck you. good luck with that only like 10% of men are even capable of that.

As somebody who only meets woman through work and never learns his lesson. I can confirm that this is a horrible fucking idea and once the new relationship smell wears off it just creates a ton of issues.



women NEVER date down

A decent amount of male doctors where I work are dating nurses but all the female doctors are dating other doctors or the top hospital administrator guys who get paid lik edoctors

If you don't play it well, if you don't become the nice dependable fun guy who occasionally fucks their brains out but is a terrible choice for a long term boyfriend or hubby then you'll fuck it all up.
Shit will get bad really quick.

Casual, BEYOND casual fun NSA sex is the most you should ever expect or go for.

Starting Strength