Which is the superior greenboi?

Which is the superior greenboi?

Attached: mydadgaveuponmealongtimeago.jpg (598x900, 57K)

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These are the kinds of threads we need, not fucking manlet and dick size threads lmao

Asparagus or broccoli for dinner.
Spinach and kale for lunch.

>superior greenboi

Attached: broccoli.png (550x463, 389K)

That bunch of asparagus looks like shit, you have to get the ones that are skinny.

Eat all the greenbois


Asparagus by a mile

This, I am curious as to the health benefits of Asparagus though.

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Variety from all the different veggie groups is important imo go for low water content thogh they have less nutrition for their quantity

it makes your piss smell bad

Manlet dicklet detected

Skinny ones get floppy when I grill them

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cruciferous vegetables are anti-estrogenic and therefore the best greenboi

>induce estrogen-excreting liver enzymes, reducing estrogen levels
>inhibit estrogen signaling pathways
>isothiocyanates have been observed to silence estrogenic genes

cruciferous veg is the best veg


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aren't green and black tea bad for test?
Is panela cheese good too?

Green tea is good for you.

This. Usually when the ones at my local store are really skinny they have them marked down too so it works out great. I think some people think the bigger the better which is fucking stupid. They're borderline inedible once they're past a certain size.

>unironically eating stankpiss spears

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Broccoli, asparagus and green beans for me all day every day bois. I definitely eat broccoli the most frequently though and I definitely eat it every day. Any benefits to changing my main green veggie of choice to something else?

Put a couple layers of aluminum foil down on the grill/don't grill them for so long

who cares, flop them in your mouth


Don't grill them as long retard