I asked all my friends and they said no

I asked all my friends and they said no.
Does anyone on Veeky Forums also make arm cheese?

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First and foremost, L O N D O N. Second, the fuck is arm cheese? And third, poast butt.

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Here’s a close up

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Fungus is your arm pits dripedp/grew down your arm.

What the fuck

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Still don't know what tf that is. Looks like vaginal yeast, so maybe it is yeast. Maybe better hygiene is the solution I suppose? Get a good scrub and an antimicrobial soap or something.

You still haven't posted your butt btw.

my friend does, i'll tell you how he solved this problem if you post a naked picure of yourself covering your dick


This OP. I'll devote the rest of my afternoon, and depending on what I see, the rest of my life, to research arm cheese and if needed invent a solution for it if only you post body.

If it helps this is what it looks like after I wipe it off

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Wtf op thats not normal

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That poll reminds me of when I used to bang a pudgy white middle aged lesbian.
Tight as vice and left a thick coating snail trail cream from tip to base and came every few fucking minutes.
Damn I loved making that little dyke scream my name.

Post picture of your armpit and inside of your upper arm.


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Thats hot post green text user plz

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Quit teasing me with your manstruation already and post bussy bls.

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wtf OP.

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it's not that bad

user what the FUCK is that. it looks like someone came on it and just spread it all over.

I feel like you're teh guy from the waterboarding neck strap pics

pls no

This thread is a very nice mix of gay and disgusting

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it's my arm cheese...?
not me

will you explain what the fuck is even arm cheese?

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i use my pc for like 3-4 hours a day and my computer chair gets arm cheese on it, that's what it looks like after like 6-7 hours
smells pretty bad

Stay the fuck away from me, don't want your Ebola

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What the hell is this thread

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