SIG/ Self Improvement General

Mental health workout edition. Post normal content then answer the roll.

Mainly been working on the cardio these days. trying get "complete a marathon" off the bucket list, got 2 months left to train up. Hows everyone else lately?

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Well that went downhill quickly. Virgin christian here planning to save it for marriage so no experience nor encounter.

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Can anyone recommend me a decent plant based protein powder? Whey powder has been giving me mad acne

from what i read mixing pea and rice protein is an okay substitute. Nothing is as good as whey though.

i just bought pea protein. hope it fixes this shitty acne.

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Not bad. Been struggling with nofap but there have been times I've done worse. I read pretty often when I have the time and have been doing good with SL 5x5.

Not gonna do that shit,
Trying to work part time now or get a new job to work part time, bulk coming along nicely or maybe I'm just getting fat, still learning the piano as much as I can, watching to much cowboy bebop right now it's just too good but I should read more gonna try out some l lecithin with coffein tomorrow and continue to work on my Amazon FBA buisness. Also I might liquidate my Crypto Portfolio it's just bleeding.

try to get some cod liver oil.
vitamin D and A are your friends and they'll help with gains

I recommend not having a protein powder. I’ve never used one.

Just tried pea protein. Its disgusting and dont recommend it if you value your tastebuds

I need help bros

First, workout shit

I go to the gym 4/5 times a week. I do chest, shoulders, arms and back. Should I do abs and cardio on the last day? I'm at 16% bodyfat, 6'1, 82kg.

Second thing, books. I have a couple paths to follow, I don't know which one to choose
>start reading Evola, The Mystery of the Grail
>The Republic
>The Way of Men
>For My Legionaries

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How come I don't remember things that I do that were somewhat stressful? For instance if I give a speech I don't feel too nervous about it, and I always do well, but I won't remember actually giving the speech? Like I don't remember saying any of the words and I'll think I forgot some of them or something. This will happen with exams where I'll think I forgot to answer questions or on this paper I just wrote I don't remember writing any of these words. Apart from this mildly stressful school stuff I'm pretty good at remembering things. The fuck wrong with me?


ive read way of men, it really motivated me for a while, gave me a sense of purpose

Don't just jump into the republic user if you've never read plato, it'll fuck your shit up.

Philosophy is all about progress, just like lifting. Start with Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo (all fairly short), and use secondary materials like Greg Sadler lectures on youtube.

>aware of chakras and the mysticism & complexity of the human body/spirit
What an absolute faggot

I don't know if it's due to the antidepressants or just due to getting older, but the last few months I have been really working hard on improving myself. Here is what I've been up to:

> obese
> severe depression
> tons of drugs and alcohol (weed, molly, shrooms, lsd, RCs, and more)
> failed a course I could have easily passed
> isolating myself
> fapping 4x/day
> can't stop thinking about ex from 2014

> normal BMI, leanest I've ever been my entire life
> no more suicidal thoughts, depression still there but much milder
> sober for 2 months
> passing all my courses with As
> hanging out with friends almost every day
> fapping 1x/day or less
> cut off ex, blocked her, deleted everything I had of her

It hasn't been easy, I'll give y'all that. Last November, I was the closest to offing myself I have ever been. I just had to concentrate on ONE thing at a time. Baby steps.

I also came to the realization a few weeks ago that I'm a people pleaser. My self worth and behavior has always been defined by what I think other people think of me. I'm trying to get past that and just do me without worrying about others, but it ain't easy.

Now, I just want a gf. I feel like my life is on track again and everything is getting to where it should be, but I still can't get over the fact that I'm single. I've been single for 4 years and it's just getting old. I want someone to come home to, you know?

Muladhara (1): What can you do to feel more secure in life?

Keep up being sober and continue to look for work. My biggest source of insecurity in my life is that I'll graduate and have no work lined up. Too much student loan debt is on the table for that. My manager from my internship last year hit me up and said he is looking for positions within the company for me, which is exciting, but it's no guarantee. Hopefully I'll piss clean when the time comes. 2 months is a while, but god damn if I wasn't a heavy smoker.

How do I stop thinking about my ex

It wasn't easy. I tried a million things before ghosting her, but ghosting her is what really helped get her out of my mind. No facebook to look at, no insta pictures to look at, no text convos to look at, no sex tapes to look at. It felt bad for a week, but then I was finally able to just move on. Without any reminders of her, it was much easier to stop thinking about her.

She's also insane and broke off her engagement to come bang me, so that helped give me the push honestly.

I ll take the roll only

Need some guidance.

I work fast food, going back to school in September but will work part time then anyways. I hate my current job (I know, all jobs suck to some degree otherwise I wouldn’t get paid but this is just mind numbingly shit) and I know I can get a much better one at a warehouse or atleast a comfy local restaurant. Only thing stopping me is that there’s some co-workers I really get along with and will miss them a lot.

Should I continue working here, or get a new job?

Great work user, keep it up.

A bit of advice on the gf front, make sure you are completely happy with yourself before getting a gf and relying on her to be happy. If you're fucked you before you meet her and she breaks your heart you'll turn into one of those dumb 'all women should die' posters.

fuck co-workers, they aren't paying your bills user, move on to greener pastures.

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Veeky Forums newfag here, I've been moping around for the past three months over being dumped by my girlfriend. To make a very long story kinda short, we had been going through a rough patch and weren't communicating as much as we should have, and it turned out she was coming to a bunch of false conclusions all on her own without ever consulting me, and when we finally sat down together and I thought we were finally going to open up about our feelings, she just dumped me on the spot for no specific reason and completely cut me out of her life without warning. Come to find out a few months later after trying to bridge the gap through mutual acquaintances, that the issues she broke up with me over were complete misunderstandings that could have EASILY been fixed if only she was willing to communicate like I had wanted the whole time, but she was so stubborn and set in her ways that she refused to listen to anyone's opinions or evidence but her own, and has no issues moving on with her life even though she's WELL aware of how much pain she caused me by not even being willing to talk with me when I needed answers after the fact.

All this to say that my endeavor of trying to reach out to her is over now and I see what a heartless, emphathy-less bitch she really is, and now I'm ready to pick myself back up and do something with myself. Hence why my first step is going to be signing up for a membership at the gym to try and bulk up. But I don't have the foggiest clue of where to start or how to do it. I've never worked out outside of jogging, swimming, push-ups and sit-ups before.

I would say move to the opportunity that will do the most favors for your mind and soul. There's no reason to be stuck in fast food for the rest of your life, and the longer you stay, the more invested you'll become. Add your coworkers on Facebook (or make one if you don't already have one) and keep in touch with them, try to get together after work every once in a while.

Mental health is staying off this site for reps.

To continue on because I hit the character limit in my last post, this guy hits the nail on the head as to what I'm struggling with right now. When I got dumped, I lost pretty much everything I held dear because I have such a small sense of self. Right now I feel lost and alone, I don't have friends outside of work, I've tried going to church but it didn't do much for me, so I want to expand my horizons and branch out, and I have a lot of free time on my hands lately so I'd love to do something productive after work instead of locking myself in my room all day. I'm far from becoming a bitter misogynist, rather I'm far harsher on myself than on others for being so useless, but I've hit a point where I've realized that if I feel like a useless sack of shit, then I'm the only one who can stop myself from being a useless sack of shit.

This is amazing, I'm really proud of you user. It's a tough road but we'll all get there eventually. I think I'm a people pleaser too, I'm very shy in public and don't have many convictions or much of a personality, so I find that when I do talk to people, I try to echo their opinions and mannerisms more than I try to put forth my true self. But for starters, I just want to be less quiet and try to converse with others better.

And I agree, all I want right now is a girlfriend. Someone who wants me and loves me because they choose to, someone to take my loneliness away. And meeting new people is hard the older you get. I'm considering online dating sites like okcupid, which I've tried before and didn't get any luck with, but hopefully I'll be able to transform myself enough in the upcoming year to turn into a real catch.

Chakras are gay as fuck, but some of those questions are really good for self-reflection.

Thanks user. I agree with you. I've been working on loving myself and pushing the loneliness out of my mind. Hopefully I can accomplish this in the next month or two. I feel like the right thought patterns are there, but just "on the tip of my tongue" nomsayin? I just need to ruminate on them some more and flesh them out.

One thing I have found that has helped me converse more is recognizing when I have something to say. I got so used to being up in my head all day, that I just thought I never had anything to contribute. It turns out that I have just gotten really good at answering my own questions or just leaving them without answers. Next time you're curious about something, don't go look it up or try to figure it out by yourself, just ask the person next to you. Because, at the end of the day, what are meaningful interactions? It's simply an exchange of information. So, next time you want some information, talk to someone else first. I'm not sure if that makes any sense... I haven't quite fleshed out the thought pattern there, but hopefully you get the gist.

Since I have started lifting, I completely changed my diet. I dont eat breakfast and keep it to two meals a day. I sometimes snack, but mostly its something healthy. I have cut out any fast food, candy or deep fried stuff. Im feeling much better and Im losing weight. Not at the pace I would wish but its slowly going away.

Good job user. Remember, it's not a race - it's a lifestyle. You'll be where you want to be before you know it.
