The boxing pill

The least you could do is pick up sparring/training on the weekends.

We're men. We evolved to fight. It releases dopamine and gives us a sense of grounded placement in this world moreso than videogames, shitposting, or jacking off to porn.

Just type in your nearest big city and 'boxing' and do it.

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Other urls found in this thread: boxign&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS727US727&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn9nQ2IPaAhUT9WMKHTMaBiUQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=694

A low impact sport like judo is much better if you lift. Boxing and lifting is asking for injuries

this. If you want your brains scrambled go ahead and box. boxign&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS727US727&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCn9nQ2IPaAhUT9WMKHTMaBiUQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=694

They're all wearing headgear

>ameature boxign
Boxing, not even once.

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Lol judo is the football of grappling you fucking piss ant.

>the football of grappling

What did you mean by this?

whats a martial art I could practice with the least risk of injury? I don't need to break my rotator cuff and lose my gains.

jiu jitsu. Tap early, tap often. Stretch and work on mobility. Try finding an instructor with a wrestling or judo background

fuck that I'll just practice boxing and kicking at one of those swinging things and keep bulking. Mobility my ass.

headgear is for stopping cuts. it does nothing to prevent brain damage and only makes it worse by making your head a bigger target.
t.ammys for years

this is about JUDO
this aint about Jesus
and you shouldnt fucking talk about telekinesis
nigger please, moving shit with your mind
trying moving your mom out the projects with your rhymes

>low Impact

You have clearly never done any Judo. Judo
and wrestling will snap your shit up. Take up Brazilian Jui-Jistu if you want a low impact
effective martial art.

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BJJ all day. Just a warning it is fucking hard when you start.
But if you invest the time into it you can really excel at it.

What's the best martial art for a manlet?


>low impact
This is false
it blue

>the most effective and successful martial art which became necessary to know to stand a chance in mma
>lol fuck that

>Martial art revolving around torquing joints in directions they aren't supposed to go
>Won't snap your shit

I can't even watch boxing without getting too aggressive, there's no way I could restrain myself from kicks and headbutts in the ring

torqueing joints really only damages you if its taken way too far and too quickly and very rarely happens. been training for 2 years and the worst injury I have seen so far is a cut open lip because some guy didn't grit his teeth when he was getting cross faced.


It revolves around landing hard blows at close quarters

>low impact
mild giggle

as others said bjj is easily the safest.
one thing though, starting bjj means absolute humiliation and agony, for months. the drop out rate is super high. you gotta stick with until you start to not suck

competitive ass licking

Should I consider boxing if I'm in Oakland?

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lad, lets work out

Where you off at?

im running lake Merritt tomorrow morning

everytime i get punched in my big ass nose i tear up
It's not like i'm upset or i feel sad, i just start tearing up after i got a good punch to my humongous nose.
will i get made fun of, or is this normal?

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Freestyle and Folkstyle wrestling. The The low center of gravity manlets is great for double legs and single..

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I’m in east oakland, E 14th and 98th (aka the deep). Where you guys at?

The best MMA fighter years up when hit in the nose, duh.

any muay thai bros?

>listening to bjj fags
it only takes one of these autists to crank on your joint and fuck you up real good. these dumbasses don't even know the rules for their own tournaments. if you want to box then just box.

I second this. I was a 171 @ 6'3. I usually had around 6" on my opponents and got 90% of my takedowns off of slidebys and headlocks. It is hard as fuck to get under someone with that kind of height difference.

why are you guys still in that shithole state?

Blow Job Job is unironically great, pretty low-impact too

Judoka do take a lot of falls, but falling isn't all that dangerous. The injuries that usually take people out of competition are chronic knee and shoulder problems, just like every other sport you play on your feet. Concussion rates for adult male judoka are lower than most other contact sports, including basketball, so that's not a real problem.

For a lot of people, BJJ is harder on the body than judo because of the strain on the knees, hips and back when working the guard.

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San Francisco is the greatest city in the world.

BJJ my dude

Always a way to play it depending on your body type and who you're against


*lets out air*

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Reporting in


How am I supposed to combine lifting and martial arts? Seems like if you pactise both of those at the same time, you stay shit at both activieties.

I love Christmas too user.

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lift 2-3 times a week then fight, depends on how often you fight of course. Fighting should take priority as lifting will have a harder impact than vice versa.

I did some boxing in high school but never had a sparring. This year I've been training again and already had my third sparring. I'll probably leave it since the headaches can last two days and I donþ want to be retarded. I'll keep lifting.

Wow judo if flipping aawsum

I really wanted to do boxing but I’m scared of becoming a veggie when I’m 50
Is bjj good for fitness + self defence?
I think I might just buy a punching bag and practice boxing on that at home

I'm planning to join a wrestling club. Are there any tips you can give.

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If its just sparring, you're fine: no one wants to get hurt practising, so practically no one ever is.
Besides, if you embrace a more conservative style, you'll be doubly fine. Moore, Foreman, Walcott, they were all fine mentally into their later years. Basically, get decent and "Make em miss n make em pay."
--t. 3-a-week am. boxer

Maybe if you're a homeless junkie, otherwise no. East bay representing, just a bit further down the less ghetto end of E 14

I've been wanting to take up martial arts for a little while now but I feel like i've waited too long in to my life to start training it so I will never be pro level

solid bait

t. someone who hasn't done judo or boxing

you will be getting plenty of tips there

>that was a penis joke
>because wrestling is homosexual

No, San Francisco is truly the greatest city in the world. Name another that rivals.

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>there's no way I could restrain myself from kicks and headbutts in the ring
a guy your size knocking your head off for trying to kick him will humble you


Chicago is a fine city, one of the best in the West. But not the greatest in the world.

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Have a low stance

Don't reach out like a retard

Never close your eyes

I blink a lot. What can I do to prevent that.

Blinking isn't necessarily bad but you don't want your line of sight impaired. Let your guard down once and the guy will shoot in a flash. You want to see every option you have and pay attention to everything he does but you still want to be the one in control of the flow.

>Falling for the boxing pill meme
Wrestling is the manliest sport to exist.

Thanks for the info.

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>do boxing
>jump back 10 feet whenever your opponent comes remotely close
>tap on his face few times
>get driven into a corner and hug him out
>win from points
>get brain damage and get Alzheimer's

>Drive your opponent 10ft back into a corner
>Lay him with body blows and hooks
>Relent and let him take a step forward into a...
>Opponent loses by KO
>You win
>Develop brain damage and Alzheimers

bridge jumping with not bungee



train yourself to only wink, that way you always have at least 1 eye open and constantly have a visual

New Orleans

Boxing + Judo is a solid fighting base and solid for pretty much any barfight

then do it for the cardio

I'd rather play some video games, mon ami.

It's normal to tear up or start sneezing if you get hit in the nose. Did boxing for years, still sneeze every time I get caught clean in the nose.

>every time I go without blinking for as long as possible I tear up
>its not that Im upset or I feel sad, I just start tearing up after going without blinking for as long as possible

no shit you fucking retard

>everytime I cut an onion my eyes start watering, will I get made fun of?
>everytime i stare at the sun for several minutes straight my eyes get really sore and my vision goes all fucky for a it, is this normal?
this is actually how retarded you sound

>The least you could do is pick up sparring/training on the weekends.
Don't do sparring untrained, dumbass.

>whats a martial art I could practice with the least risk of injury?

Just do drills, hard drills instead of sparring. Many pros do that.

Gain test

It doesn't have to be boxing, but some kind of fighting hobby does a great deal for your mental health.

>kickboxing and Krav Maga made me a happy, confident person in less than 3 years