/fat/ Consider sashimi instead of rolls to lose the rolls

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your diet and see your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with
MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Previous Thread:

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Ate a whole pizza today. This binge eating has to stop; I lost three pounds and feel like I just lost it all

>ate a whole pizza
im not sure how you let yourself do that but depending the pizza you are probably sub 1500 calories.

>wake up
>weigh myself
>it's gone up
>wonder what the hell this is about
>take a shit later in the day
>oh, right

All you can eat sushi user here from the last thread here. Six rolls, three miso soups, and one friend veggie plate later and here I am.


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one post above you father

Hey fatties. If you can't control yourself and must eat, make sure to chose right.
If you are lifting, prefer meat. At least it will help with the weights.
If you are not lifting, remember to compare/estimate the volume of the food when wet. A lot of stuff looks "big" but when you wet it it gets tiny.

If you get hungry while shitposting, try something to distract you physically. Such as bitting or holding a pen in your mouth, moving your fingers or legs.

i let my calories get up to around 1300 today
considering my goal for the day was 0 (2 days fasting for every 1 day eating because i'm too gluttonous to withstand indefinite fasting) it's a wonder i haven't completely broken my resolve by this point and gone back to eating like shit

take last digit of post
multiply by 200
that's your calorie limit for the day

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>be cutting
>spend this whole week under-eating in anticipation of a cheat meal with relatives tomorrow
>now cancelled because of weather

Should I do a cheat meal anyway or just get back on track? Is the “cheat meal boosts fat loss xDD” thing a meme?

dont fast user

I ate 4 servings of moose tracks ice cream with a spoon of peanut butter, a HyVee bakery cupcake and 6oz milk poured over top just now and I loved it


I ate pizza and cookies today because they were in front of me and I'm a weak piece of shit. No excuses. I'm getting back on the bandwagon no matter how hard it is.

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>10 pounds under overweight line

>only ate 600 kcal today

>just 10 more pounds to hit goal

did i make it bros?

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recomp helps to boost fat loss (assuming you are under 15%bf otherwise you are better off just continuing with weight loss). Keep in mind, recomp is just eating at maintenance and having more carbs, not really cheating.

>went from 177 to 164 lbs over the last month (5'9")
>can almost see my abs now
Just ~10lbs or so from escaping skinnyfat for the first time in my life, we're all gonna make it

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>the inner fatty doesnt order the family size

nice job, finish strong

I hope i am able to retain my calf muscles once i reach my goal. They are the only part of my body that has muscle definition. They are pretty big, Its about the only thing people mire. "God damn user, your fucking calves, i wouldnt want to be kicked by you." Which im not a super fan of the comments but whatever.

try buying a pizza, and just trow it. don't take just a bit, don't smell it, if you're not hungry, just trow it directly in the garbage.

yeah it's not nice to throw perfectly good food, but being unable to say no to food is worse. throw it now, of your own will so you learn the valuable lesson that saying no to food isn't actually that hard.

I definitely have developed sleep apnea and I'm exhausted and can barely sleep [never been able to sleep well even when I was a powerlifter]. Causing me to eat like shit, lots of quick carbs.

>mfw ate like 6 tablespoons of nutella
It’s pure sugar and palm oil ffs.
Well at least I just ruined my day instead of a week of calorie deficit.

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>out for dinner
>"oh I'll just go for the chicken sammie, won't be that bad"
>go home later to check the calorie content for my spreadsheet
jesus fucking christ, thankfully I'm doing OMAD otherwise it would've been that + breakfast + lunch + snacks + any calories I drank in a cup that day

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Goodnight /fat/ and may the veggies be with you

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I used to lift weights, but I haven't in about 4 years. If I'm trying to lose a ton of weight, would it be best to start again with something like Starting Strength, and perfect my form, or should I just to a push/pull split like I used to.

why not just have the last three digits is your cal goal for today? You're not gonna die, this is why you're fat.

>able to partition and eat small portions of foods I used to binge on before
>feeling less hungry throughout the day, even without my afternoon coffee

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eating out is the ultimate gains goblin. you're probably not even counting all the fat and butter they added. I always add an extra 30-40% of calories to the same meal had I have made it at home.

why not have a healthy amount as your cal goal for the day instead of some arbitrary amount?

if you're here, the lower the better.

>Weigh in
>lost ten kilos
>spend the rest of the week eating like a fat fuck

Why do I do this to myself?

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Any /fat/izens doing keto?

Im on Day 5. Keto flu hitting pretty hard at times but Im amazed how I am not hungry at all. Was eating at 1200kcal before keto and was ravenous...barely stomaching 600kcal now and have no appetite. I thought it was a meme but it works lads

W-what the fuck? How about just don't buy it.

should eat more than 600 lad. Probably more than 1200 too

>october 2017 weighed 272 pounds, fattest ive ever been (around 6 foot 5/6 foot 6 though so not too huge)
>feb 2018 down to 240 pounds and averagely good muscle growth
>then got a new job and been doing 35 hour weeks + 15 hours of uni classes
>feel exhausted all the time, especially because finishing work at 9pm most nights and takes me an hour to get home
>still at 109kg, sometimes going up or down 5 pounds
>been making excuses and havent been to gym in over a month

gonna start coming back to these fat threads to get focused

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Linear barbell progression for the gains.

starting strength is great but so is push pull. do whatever you're interested in

lucky 7's confirm willpower and strength gains are coming.

Not even honestly sure why I'm browsing /fat/ because I'm 11% bodyfat, but just continue your diet as normal. The days you ate less are basically just bonus weight loss at this point. You don't have to over indulge just because you were originally planning to. Good luck, dude.

>pizza last night
>mcdonalds tonight

fucking cannot help myself on weekends

top priority is getting that impulse under control, but you can actually limit the damage by eating clean and exercising the rest of the week.

A dominos large easily crosses 2000

I know from all too much experience

Tryin both lol




At some point in my life, I realized that I never threw food. if I bought something, even if I was not hungry, I had to finish it. I think it came from the same stupid thinking that forced me to finish my plate every-time, hungry or not.

anyways, one day I went and bougth something on impulse, realised I wasn't actually hungry, just wanted it. I started eating it but stoped, realised that it was stupid, and after some deliberation, throw it out. It was actually pretty liberating feeling, because until now, I was a slave to food, if it was in front of me, I had to eat it, no matter what.

ultimately, I won't say I never over eat again, but many time I remembered that feeling and stopped myself.

>wasting food
either dont buy it or give it to someon else, retard

posted in the last thread.

Ate 3400 kcal on wednesday and 3800 yesterday. I feel like shit and would like to make up for it (already threw out the rest of the junk food I had). Should I just go low carb today and focus on keto friendly veggies and protein? I've mostly binged on cookies,

Was feeling absolutely famished for three days and then yesterday I finally relented and ate a big, hearty meal thst took me to my maintenance calories for the day.
Today I feel so much better and ready to kick on.
I wish I was less afraid of doing that every once in a while, instead of walking around feeling miserable for days on end.

I didn't cheat last Saturday. I really don't want to today, but I quit smoking on top of all this weight loss and really feel like I should reward myself. What do /fat/?

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What's your blood pressure /fat/?

I just took mine at the pharmacy for the first time in years, assumed it would be high but it was 114/72

Can you reward yourself with a nice new kitchen utensil or a plant for your living room?

if this post post ends in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 we are all going to make it

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hmm... good point. I could fit a few new books on my shelf.

I assume you’ve probably tried quitting before so how does it feel like to do it while also cutting calories?
I moved on from smoking to snus a few tears ago but should probably quit them as well.
In a way I feel like it would be a good idea to do both since I’m already in a good mindset with the weight loss, but on the other hand, when I’ve tried going one or two days without, it’s been really rough.


get a lil vape if you lacking willpower to quit

Yes, I have successfully quit before actually. I quit from April of 2016 to July of 2017. There was some major differences from quitting the first time and quitting while also on a successful diet this time. The first time I quit the withdraws lasted 2 weeks and got progressively worse until the end of the week. This time, the withdraws hit me like a ton of fucking bricks the first 2 days then vanished by the 4th. They were so bad I was sitting in the shower starting to hallucinate. The first time I had the constant urge to smoke and was always reaching for smokes that weren't there. I had to fight myself every step of the way to not run down the road to get some. This time, I just lived with the withdraws. I didn't feel the urge to go buy any and I haven't really thought about doing it this whole time, not even when the withdraws were at their worst. I just kind of said "I'm done" and so it was. I think I've really strengthened my will power with weight loss. This on top of it is just taking it to a totally different level.

I forgot to mention that I chewed a fuck ton of gum and drank a fuck ton of coffee both times.

The last thing I'm lacking is willpower

I don't know what to eat today


Pussy maybe? That'd be cool. I seem to only get pussy when I visit home which is around once a month. Going home next week.


oh god, I found this in the pantry

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Alright thanks. I should probably take the plunge.

You got to really want to quit. I mean REALLY want to quit. If you don't have the drive right now, you have to find it.

Smash it into a powder and pour boiling water on it

Ive been eating 200-300 calories extra per day. I just cant help it.

Also, went to H&M because i reached a milestone and my current pants were looking extra baggy. I tried on shirts and pants acording to my generic/old numeric "US Size" listed and was the same size i was wearing at that moment. Jeans werent even close to buttoning. "Wide fit" jeans just buttoned/zipped. Tops were super tight in the chest/arm area.
I hope H&M runs small/or the US sizes are wrong in europe. According to the sizes/way they fit im not sure i even fit H&M yet.

why the hell

With that 200-300 extra calories are you still at least in a -500 cal deficit?

Without more information, generally, whats the weight for 12% bf for someone who doesn't work out at 5'10?
155 lbs?

yes. but the progress has already been so slow now that im only 20lbs away from my goal.
Im hoping that im active enough lately (cardio 4-5 days a week on top of 3 days lifting and a daily average of 9500-10k steps minimum the past few weeks) that those 250 calories extra a day dont really matter.


actually no, with those calories im only 200-300 calories in deficit.

Had a slice of red velvet cheese cake. It turned my shits red from all the food coloring.

Rawling for 0

If you don't increase that deficit it's going to take you 40 weeks (12 shy of a year) to just lose 20lbs. You've almost made it, now's the time to push yourself.

>lose 30 kg
>literally cant see any difference between all of my progress pictures


>lost 75+ pounds
>all the nurses who swing by my job notice
>"Looking good, hun." "when are we going to go out"

Weight loss mires are pretty sweet

post em bitch

Yeah that’s the problem. I only really want to quit because of money and health, but my heart’s not in it.

H&M are way smaller than other brands, at least in my country which is European.

This shit is so fucking stupid. Finishing whats on your plate isn't the reason why you're fat. Your family telling you not waste food is also not the reason why you're fat. Just eat balanced wait til you actually digest before you get seconds and thirds fatso holy shit. And if you order a pizza you can easily make 4-8 lunch meals out of it so why the fuck would you throw it away retard this is easily part of the reason why you are all so fucking fat holy shit

post or gtfo

I'm just tired of feeling controlled by it. After a while it stops giving a buzz. I just feel like the only reason I want it is because I'm addicted to it, not because I enjoy it.

I'm trying so hard to sort myself out right now. I've done 2 weeks of a military fitness course and the DOMS a&e so painful last Saturday I couldn't get out of bed without quite a lot of audible grunting. Going from not running for 6 years to 6km hurts. Just got a chin up bar too. I've stuck to chicken breast, brown rice and broccoli this whole week but Sundays I normally get a takeout. Gotta stay strong we can do this!

That shit is evil my man. Not as evil as the blue ones, but still pretty fucking evil.

Proceed with extreme caution.

Cookie quality wise, it's god tier. If I'm gonna binge on something sweet, this would be it.

usually when I binge on these I feel disgusted with them for a few months until I'm ready to do it all over again.
Although this time I might just take 100g -> 500kcal, can afford that much today

>eggs for lunch again

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if it truly fits your macros, go for it. Just don't develop a habit of slowly replacing clean foods with junk food like napolitanke, just because you can squeeze it into your budget. I've been down that route and it's not worth it at all.

Damn bro, same.
Kinda glad I'm not the only one, but I hope we can both make it eventually.

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Am I retarded and unable to keep my tape measure straight? I want to measure my body fat % but it comes out to a little under 39 inches, which seems a little high because I wear size 36 pants and those are loose without a belt. Any tips for a brainlet to keep the tape measure at a good angle? Or am I an even bigger brainlet for not accepting the measurement?

same guy who posted this, leaning toward the latter because I was too stupid to notice the male/female toggle

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>leg so hot
>hot hot leg
>leg so hot u fry an eg

reminder that if u keep limiting urself to egs u will become the king of egs with the hotest legs

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roll for new day

>eating while fat

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We all know if you're overweight it's greedy of you to even be eating at all, but some of us -- all of us, rather, since we're all fat -- lack the willpower to be any less greedy than that. So, continuing to eat, but just less, but not TOO much less, is a strategic gambit against our vices. Trying to whittle them down slow enough not to trigger them.