make and rate em boys

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>eating cereal

my nigga everyone in my discord thought i was baiting when i posted this shit

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Man when I got OG cornflakes that's all I've ever got

I feel like getting cinnamon toast crunch now and then but when I'm actually at the store the cornflake is what I get

>Celestial Tier

Where the fuck are the weetbix?

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sounds like only one of you is gonna make it

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>Hating on Trix, HNC, Cookie Crisp and Froot Loops

>no korean oreo o's
>no french toast crunch

kys you plebeian faggot literally the best cereals arent even listed anywhere.


>eating cereal
>no Cracklin' Oatbran in god tier


>golden grahams
>god tier

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everyone knows
>bull semen
>steel cut oats
>insta oats

>Honey nut in C-
>Pops in S
>Reese's puff above Honey Bunches of Oats
I can't even understand what your taste it right now. It's like you just randomized a bunch of cereals and put it on a list to troll me.

1. all types of oats
2. millet flakes
3. cream of wheat / cream of rice
4. grits / polenta
>power gap of malnutrition, diabetes and bad dietary habits
processed cereal

I almost never eat cereal but when I do cocoa pebbles are the best.

Mini wheats are GOAT.

Corn flakes are fucking disgusting and Kellogg was a faggot who burned off little girls' clitorises so they couldn't masturbate.

>Hating on preschool food, retirement food, cardboard, and preschool food 2 electric boogaloo
i did it mainly on the biggest name brands fagboy
oreo o's top tho
>liking honey nut
uh oh

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whoa buddy slow down a sec

>preschool food 2 electric boogaloo
holy shit im dying

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Fucking normie tier shit

One true way coming through

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Unfrosted mini wheats are better than oats desu. They take less time and you get basically pure fiber and now you don't even have to wipe

Begone, negroes. Make way for the cerealis superior

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you mean cerealis posterior

>tfw eurofag who never tried any of those
>haven't eaten cereal since I was a kid
>my parents always bought me those vitalis muesli or crunchy pillows, eurofags will know
>you americans will never know what god tier is

Attached: Dr-Oetker-Vitalis-Schoko-Msli-Chocolate-Msli-600g_main-1.jpg (1000x1000, 167K)

get the protein plus from this brand. It tastes exactly the same as the basic chocolate ones. Eat with plain/nature skyr. I basically eat this daily for breakfast.
There’s a ton of “protein Müsli” but I haven’t tried them yet.

Only American cereals I like is original Cheerios (can only find multi grain here but for some reason they’re all honey coated? Here), raisin brand And life. Sometimes honey bunches of oats.

the dark chocolate version of these are the absolute best. If just they were a bit cheaper...

They're all candy, you manchild.

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Rice Krispies>Honeycomb
Life>Golden Crisp

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Approved god tier

I have 100g of this in the mornings with some semi skimmed milk.

>no the only sugar in the product is whats in the raisins

Please stop eating cereals for children.

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Where does this rank

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in the trash with the rest of the cereals in this thread

Are you a child? You have the preferences of a child.

Max soyboy detec

All cereal is candy.

Bear Naked is tasty.


smorz holy shit yes

Crunchy may be my fav

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I can't find the protein plus product on google. Is that cereal or powder?

at leas 90% of cereals are way too sugary for my taste. I occasionally get something like off-brand Rice Krispies or...what are those called...the non-frosted grain rings?
Anyway, I get those to put a bit into my oats, but that stuff is not breakfast by itself

jesus christ I miss cereal. I haven't had it for at least 5 years. if I try it it'll probably be way too fucking sweet and it'll ruin the memory.

I fucking hate growing up.

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The only thing I want for breakfast is my twink boyfriend's ass, after I pump a few gallons of cum I'm satisfied.

Pic VERY related

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This and cornflakes should be the only cereals in god tier

>Saying bad things about honey bunches of oats and cinnamon toast crunch

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>all that sugar filled cereal in anything but the bottom tier

Learn to cook food you stupid americans.

I havent got cinnamon toast crunch in my country so i would always get some when my cousins from switzerland came to visit, eating toast crunch with milk and watching dino riders is one of my fondest memories of my childhood. Next time i am out of the country im gonna bring a whole case of them back home

I could quite easily eat nothing but cereal for the rest of my life.

But it will do me no good.

Who the fuck eats cereal, are you 12 and black?

bunch of faggots itt

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This tier list is shit

Who /frosted cheerios/ here?

>implying all cereal is sugar filled

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this desu


There is only one god.

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technically, oats are a cereal grain.
The fucking sugar in OP is farther from cereal than oats I would argue.

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99% of the ones in those images are though you -5 intelligence modifier brainlet

Very sugary so I don't eat it often but so good.

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This is Veeky Forums. What’s with all you fat children eating this sugar laden garbage?
Grow up and eat oats

fucking nigger cereal are GOAT
>pick some good brand with little shit in it
>add cereal
>pour milk
>1/2 cup oatz


The only true gods itt. The rest of you need to get the fuck out with your shit tier, candy and fruit filled boxes of commercialised, processed shit.

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Virtually all processed cereals(US) are garbage! Graham; Post; and Kellogg were very odd men; they promoted cereals to reduce male energy.

raisinbran reportin

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Rate my cereal

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This and raisin bran and mini wheats are all I need

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>John Harvey Kellogg is best known for the invention of the famous breakfast cereal, but it was actually his brother Will who discovered it, after leaving dough out over night and grinding it. Originally, he called this cereal Granula, which he later changed to Granola in 1881. However, due to patent rights, he had to once again change the name to Corn Flakes.[46]

>These Corn Flakes were invented as part of his health regimen to prevent masturbation. His belief was that bland foods, such as these, would decrease or prevent excitement and arousal.[47] Kellogg was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006.

>god tier
Unflavoured, unsweetened cereal

> shit tier
Everything else

Op here updating tier list as we speak to add more cereals and cereal variants
whole heartedly agree but occasionally its a nice treat
Almond taste like cum and cinnamon toast is for laddies who snort cereal powder
I keep a box or two in case im running too late to make food or if im just lazy
exactly dumbass
wipe the jizz out of your eyes and check again
You say this but your cereal has nut in the name gayboy
god no
>Oatfags that make insta oats and think they are gonna make it
but really oats are fine but you got to indulge once in a while
this cereal is versatile and healthy but shit in terms of actual flavor it has to be mixed to be good Id give it a B or so
Kakashi is pretty nice Id put it in A tier
Well i can say he is wrong

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>fitness board
>people unironically consume hardened corn syrup cakes for breakfast


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This T B H.

who /specialk/ here?

>Kellogg worked on the rehabilitation of masturbators, often employing extreme measures, even mutilation, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying phenol to a young woman's clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young,[35] he wrote:

>"A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.[42]"


>"a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice"


>"In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement."

>He also recommended, to prevent children from this "solitary vice", bandaging or tying their hands, covering their genitals with patented cages and electrical shock.[35]

This list is shit,just like you are.

Why do you fucking autists on this board always bring up the most fucked up shit?
Boy you are all sorts of messed up.

Straight out the box

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I love how insane and EVIL early America is when it came to science and society.


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yeah buddy

MODS end the thread

MISS end his life

Op's updated List for you guys

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woops special k fucked up my dimmensions here you go

Attached: cereal tier list.png (1881x768, 1.31M)

>waffle crisp not #1
>waffle crisp not even present

Waffle Crisp confirmed above god tier.

>Almond taste like cum
And why do you know this, user?

>cinnamon toast crunch in god tier
Yes please. I make a conscious effort not to buy these because they are my kryptonite and could eat an entire box in one sitting.

>Raisin Bran
kill yourself

Its 8g if sugar in a cup of cinnamon toast crunch litterally eat it fuck these fags actually harmless, i know a guy whos natty and shredded and he eats a bag of sour patch kids every fuckin day.