Am going out today with friends for the first time in a while, been around 6months since i last was out drinking

Am going out today with friends for the first time in a while, been around 6months since i last was out drinking.

Im not concerned about drinking alc, but i hate the exhausted feeling of morning after.
I tend to drink lots of water during too, so i'm never at the state of throwing up.

Is there some drinks or bewerages, that dont hit me that hard with hungover next morning? I want to be moderetly drunk, but also want to hit the gym tomorrow evening if poss.

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order tonic water say it's g and t. If people don't believe you they won't be able to tell if they test it

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Moderatley drunk = no hangover

>Im not concerned about drinking alc

its called not drinking to excess

Just have some neat spirits and call it a night after a few

I specify neat spirits because its better than chugging down carbonated, caloric, sugary mixers or the incredibly caloric beer/ciders.

Just drink dude. Dont be a fucking pussy. Your hangover should be gone by 3pm

>drink water between drinks
>high protein, low carb throughout the day
>eat some leafy greens during the day
>drink gin + tonic

No. You're just gonna have to suffer m8. I feel the same way every time I'm forced out drinking for someone's birthday. Always end up with a major hangover, something smashed or missing, or an injury. Fuck alcohol.

Pine apple and vodka is the way to go

>drinking over your limit
What are you? 15?

you must be 18 to post here

Just don't get totally wasted?

Gin and tonic is a terrible drink to avoid hangovers. Tonic is loaded with fucking sugar. Drink non flavored hard alcohol mixed with regular water.

Cucumber vodka and water my dude

Just get up in the morning, drink some Gatorade and eat a few strips of bacon. Alternatively, don't drink like a fucking retard. Learn to moderate.


Protip weed is a godtier hangover cure

But weed is also degenerate.

>G and T
>Whiskey neat/on rocks
>stay hydrated
>no sugary mixes
>eat something and drink tons of water before bed at the end of the night

You’re gucci

But not drinking alcohol, no sir. A little puff to take the edge off is way more degenerate than spending $100 at the bar so you can puke into the toilet at the end of the night then spend the next day moaning like a bitch because your head wont stop throbbing. You’re enlightened!

just drink cocktails and drinks
stay away from hard booze like shots or whisky

Lmao jesus christ you fag

>Comparing one little puff to a full blown bender.
Yep totally fair argument gj

>just drink cocktails and drinks
>stay away from hard booze like shots or whisky
I wonder who could possibly be behind this post...

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>I'm underage the post

tonic water is fuckin PACKED with sugar to cancel out the quinine flavour. Maybe if you get sugar free, but I doubt the clubs are pouring that, its a bit obscure.

Eat a lot throughout the day dude

Vodka soda with a few slices of lime, my dude. Even after drinking like six of those I never get a hangover thanks to all the water.

This, unfortunately. I happen to prefer the taste of diet tonic to regular, but you'll never find it going out.

Just have like 2-3 beers. Keep the ABV in the 5-7.5 range and youre golden. You look like a normal person, may get a bit buzzed, and no hangover the next day. If you wanna avoid the tired feeling the next day, drink some pedialye or poweraid zero before you sleep

are you asian?

i-is this (You) in the picture OP?

agreed mate, that diet shit actually goes pretty well. Im about at that point where I wish all carbonated drinks were just default diet. They're fine unless you're super used to sugar versions. Idk about the carcinogen aspect but I spose the science is potentially biased on both sides either way and just drink what seems to keep me fitter.

No, why?