What was your most alpha moment?

What was your most alpha moment?

>pick up latina gf who was at coworker happy hour
>Know she's tipsy and will take forever to leave so I sternly say get in the car
>Her black co-worker (mind you pleb retail workers here) said "hey homie, don't talk to her like that" trying to white knight her
>I say "Stay the hell out of it. Let's go"
>Black guy say "You a bitch dawg, You treat her bad"
>I get out of the car never breaking eye contact and get straight in his face
>He gives a fake "I'm amused face" but his body language turns beta and he looks down
>Say "lot of talk so why don't you do something bitch"
>Turns silent
>"Nothing to say now, faggot? You think you're a crip or something and work at fucking Target. >"A-acctually I'm studying business right now
>"Yeah ok fag I'm going to smash that pussy tonight while you jerk off"
>"Now get in the fucking car" to spic gf
>Smash 15 minutes later

Small crowd was around and cholos were mirin

Broke up with spic since. Still wants the BWC back in her life to put her in her place

>inb4 soyboys expose those themselves as a cuck for thinking that confronting a black guy is so implausible that the mere thought of it causes them to piss their pants

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Nice fantasy dude. Did you come up with it while watching your cuck porn?

>be me
>finish smashing latina slut at work in cleaners closet
>shift finishes, we all walk out
>latinas beta bf is waiting in car
>know she's just fucking him for his money
>"ayy see you tonight gurl"
>her by starts sperging out
>genuinely think he's having an autistic stroke
>ask him if he's okay, just finished my first aid course so know the symptoms
>he gets out the car and starts mirin my traps
>non-stop sperging
>he drops to the floor
>walks the dinosaur

Feels good man.

>be me when 12
>girl friend of mine says "i love you"
>me "i don't"
>girl cries
>lol who cares
>be me when 25

t. owns a BLACKED account listens to hip hop, and would never dare disrespect BBC
If I said the guy was not black would it suddenly become believable. Jesus white men are fucking finished

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Do you guys think people lie on the internet?

Damn so this is what /pol/tards fantasize about

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Nope that dude was telling the 100% truth and anyone who says otherwise is clearl Coping with the fact that they can’t LARP as well as based incel faggot OP.

>soyboys expose those themselves as a cuck
imagine being this fucking insecure. holy fuck


No, it would still be a retarded story penned from some ridiculous 14 year old's fantasy

I enjoyed reading your fantasy. Nice job.

>be me
>trying to into chad
>can just about do it at my drama group because no other real alphas to put me off and as a result I’m treated as chad their
>walk into drama group one time
>see resident drama Stacy talking with other stacies I’ve heard of from local girls school
>go over and drama Stacy says “hey user” and starts flirting
>introduce myself to other stacies one of them starts giving fuck me eyes
>fuck it up 1 minute later due to autism
And that’s it bros. The 60 and only seconds of my life I’ve felt alpha.


Hard cope from niggers and soys who fell for the blacks are ""tough"" meme

Of course a man who can't imagine standing up for himself is a fucking sip cancer poster

Hahahahaha holy shit imagine getting this mad in 2018

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Eh you'll get more chances bro work on your confidence gainz

I put niggered a nigger by fucking his woman last week.

Lol he probably thought real life was wakanada

At least this one isn’t a larp

>Hard cope from niggers and soys who fell for the blacks are ""tough"" meme

They may not be tough, but since they don't have money, a career, a family or a life worth living, they will do anything for their "pride" including fight over nothing.

I have lots of things to lose if I would get in trouble with the law due to fighting. Fucking savages unable to control their basic urges.

I dunno bro being a sip poster is one thing lying about some weird conquest fetish fantasy is another thing

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Lurk more

Let me guess, situations like this are impossible for you guys to imagine because you're under six feet tall.

As a 6' 3 man I give off a natural aura that discourages manlets from trying to step up to me.

>tfw liquor license
>have to keep my nose clean otherwise I can lose it

At least it's a brewery so it's mostly hipsters and older folk so I'm not dealing with true degenerates

>As a 6' 3 man I give off a natural aura that discourages manlets from trying to step up to me.

Sure : thing son :^)

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>at club rolling on e
>meet qt 3.14 and her friends
>talk outside while smoking
>girl gets harassed by some obvious pua
>he plays a card trick and hugs her at the end
>tell him to "get his fingers off of her"
>asks me if she's my gf
>say no, but still
>pua says he's sorry and about to leave
>suddenly feel bad for and go over to hug him
>wish him a good night and more success with his pua endeavor
oh well

>frog posting, ifunny posting, AND sip posting


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>piece of shit friend wants to cuck me
>he thinks he's being all sneaky and clever
>one day saw him making an approach on my girl acting all smug and cocky
>stare at him straight in the eyes
>he realizes he's in deep shit
>he crumples like a little bitch in front of my girl and her friends and scurried off
>he's visibly terrified of me the next time I saw him

Nice friends you got there friendo

> visit girl I like
> sit next to her and talk about work stuff
> know that I have to touch her if this is meant to go anywhere
> can't break the barrier for the longest time, barely know her, she sits 90 degrees to me and we talk about mundane shit
> look her in they eyes, she looks back then gives me a look like "why are you looking at me weird"
> at some point I just grab her by the thighs and pull her towards me, saying that she pleases me (literal translation from non-english language in which it doesn't sound too awkward) and start kissing her
> we spent about 5 nights together in the last 10 days which would never have happened had I not had the courage to grab her

Still feel alpha when I think about it

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This is the most pathetic thing I've read all day. You think this is what being alpha is? Even your fantasy reeks of insecurity.

>be me
>walk into a Starbucks to take a piss
>right in front of me some woman approaches the restroom door
>door is locked with the code lock but there's nobody inside
>I decide to go to the counter and ask what's the code while she stands near the door
>too ashamed to just ask the code so buy a coffee and ask for the code
>walk back to restroom
>woman still standing there
>I dial the code open the door and start getting inside
>she gets mad and says that Im rude
>I get mad and tell her that while she was standing there I went and bought a coffee and got the code, ask why should I let her go fist

That's the weakest shit I've read in my entire life. Was a sad bit of mental gymnastics that was.

You already had rapport built up and knew her for some time?


I always thought /pol/ was shitposting DYELS but this CONFIRMS that they're alpha. /pol/ pls stay

What language

can confirm, am happy hour

>ITT assmad niggers and spics
Go back to drinking your malt liquor and mexican piss water.

Gr8 falseflag m8

German, I said "du gefällst mir einfach so gut"

We matched on tinder and then by chance had a night shift at a hospital together in which we chatted a bit. So perhaps there was some green light prior to our meeting, but still it's always hard to do this, break the apparently agreed upon situation and risk rejection

And then pic related happened and everyone clapped

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>white knight

not most alpha but kinda funny story

>driving to gym after work
>finally find car leaving crowded parking spot, waiting in aisle to park
>car comes flying in and slides into the spot before i could get in (the way the dude pulled out blocked me and let her go in)
>fuck you
>find another spot 5 minutes later and go work out

>as i'm leaving gym i see same lady going into her car to pull out
>i stand behind her car for 5 minutes while she's trying to pull out
>getting mad but im not moving cuz bitch wasted my time
>she keeps backing up but doesn't have balls to run me over
>gets out starts yelling at me
>told her she wasted my time so im wasting hers
>get bored and leave

very petty of me but bitch snaked my spot

Things that happened for $500, Alex

>hey man, be nice to your girl, my coworker
>OP: y-you want to fight me b-big guy?
>no, idc enough
>OP: [better go on Veeky Forums and brag about this]

shit thread tbhwy

Honestly when you get redpilled and start confronting blacks they often back down

That wasn't alpha at all dude. You sound like a fucking faggot

>Girl I have known practically since birth walks in
>Mirin' my arms
>Wow user, your arms are getting so big
>Gym has really been working out for you huh?
>Laugh heartily, say I guess it has
>She smiles and asks me if I want to go out for dinner tonight
>Say sure

Thanks mom, the family dinner was great

>meet basketball player on the internet, hit it off with her, charm her quite quickly cuz I got my ways with girls, two weeks later she's already in love, becomes my sexual toy at this point, virgin yet caves in to my requests and starts sexting hardcore.
>Fast forward one month later
>visiting her in her country (we're from different parts of Europe), have her pick me up from airport, straight up take her to hotel room, shower with her and fuck her. We fucked 3 times a day, every day until I left.
>Fast forward 2 years, she's been my girlfriend since then, keeps wanting to marry me, casually tell her to fuck off.

Tfw I was a kissless virgin before this, tfw she was a kissless virgin too, also her dad's a millionaire and her uncle a multi-millionaire. If I can do shit like this, the average beta Joe on this board can too.


>get a call from unknown number
>it's some girl claiming I called her earlier
>say I didn't and she throws a fit
>text her a screenshot of my call log showing I haven't talked to anyone in weeks
Dumb roastie btfo

Goddamm, you just made my day

People like you truly inspire me

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h-how did you meet her? how did you charm her?

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Kek, you sound like a fag.

>be lank
>no one talks to you
>girls can't mire if they can see the boogers up your nose
>manlets have no reason to fight you since you have no presence
>try to pick a fight with a manlet due to your natural advantage
>manlet with supreme natty gains lifts your shirt to reveal your skinny frame
>go home and cry on Veeky Forums about how tough you are due to genetic predisposition and no real effort of your own

>picture of nazi
>focused on the fact that the guy was black above anything else in the situation
>uses term BWC

You're a loser faggot and none of this ever happened.

This. Blacks are pretty naturally redpilled because they growup in shitholes so they always try and intimidate any other guy in the room. Avert your eyes and you lose. Remember, around blacks never relax.

>getting this worked up over a nigger
nothing's alpha about that, you're just some insecure faggot. Should've just ignored him.


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This made me hard, sieg heil

>Not spreading the BWC truth in 2018

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Met her through a common friend. Now, as retarded as this might make me look, I met her on fucking League, which we still play once in awhile, both of us high diamond players even if we play like a few games a month on average.

>have this one friend I was memeing with on league, met, of course, on league aswell
>invites me to some normals one day with a couple other friends of his
>she's a friend of his, they've legit been friends for years, I figure it's a girl cuz he addresses her as a she and on her name
>she's cool so we chat, ignoring the fact that it's a girl, didn't care cuz most e-girls are ugly as shit or autistic so my initial motifs weren't to hook her up
>turns out she's pretty damn good looking and that's where initial post kicks in.

You just sound like an asshole

Whats your routine?

Wait you play league, nevermind

should have ended
>poured my hot coffee on her

>driving to work in the morning
>heavier traffic than normal, cant go faster with cars in front of us
>dude behind me is losing his shit even though we are in the fast lane and passing everyone
>tailgating flashing his lights just being a real asshole for no good reason
>He finds and opening on the right and goes for the pass with lots of room to keep going
>instead he cuts in front of me and break checks me
>this dumb fuck then jumps back in the slow lane pulls next to me is screaming something and starts hitting himself in the head swerving at me ect.
>laugh at the dumb shit
>he turns off a minute later
>fast forward to the next morning
>in the gym doing my thing when guess who walks in
>ok whatever maybe dude was having a bad day or his mom died or whatever
>I keep catching him looking over at me
>I finish my workout and start heading to the locker room
>this guy actually follows me in... oh boy here we go...
>straight up ask him if he is the guy road raging me the previous day
>describe what happened and can see he is nervous while he continues to deny it
>finish dressing and walk out to my truck
>wait and watch the coward get into the same car that road raged me and drive off
>havent seen this guy in the gym since

back to /pol/ buddy

I've seen people do this so I don't know why bitch niggas are hating on you, opie

you know he is fucking her now and you are just lying about her still wanting your dick...
Way to play right into his trap

>actually netting an egirl that isn't a slut or retarded

>FWB is house sitting for a male friend that's coming home that evening
>He was a major pussy with a huge crush on her. Always talked shit and wanted to fight me cause I was banging her
>She proceeds to invite me over to bang
>Starts in the living room, ends in his bedroom
>End up blowing my load on his pillow
>She makes me a snack and I leave about an hour later
>As I'm leaving, pass him driving out of his neighborhood
>We make eye contact
>He ended up finding out after confronting FWB
>Saw him at a party couple weeks later; didn't have the balls to call me out

>be me
>wagecuck at shit retail store to pay for business school because poor black family too poor to pay for anything (inb4 haha nigger)
>qt spic coworker keeps telling me how her bf has anger issues and abuses her
>tell her I'll try to say something when he picks her up after our happy hour tonight
>it's time for her to leave and she wants to say goodbye to everyone but her bf is going ballistic in the parking lot
>laying on the horn and calling everyone "soyboys"
>starts yelling at qt latina to "get in the fucking car"
>tell him to calm down and that there's no reason to be such a dick
>he gets out and wants to fight me but I back off because he's such a manlet I literally have to look down to him and I don't want to hurt him
>crowd of onlookers is forming now and the police are on their way
>qt tells me next day that he beat the shit out of her and that it's over
>slide into those dms and start fugging
>wite boi keeps texting her about his "BWC" but she's just happy to be with someone who has some goals and life and isn't so abusive

This is shameful

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I made her racist to hate blacks and Indio beaners and she doesn't work with him anymore. Wouldn't care though cause it would mean I cucked him and he gets my leftovers after I nutted 1000 times in her and then dumped when I got bored with her

Well memed

My most Alpha moment:

>walk in to a room, any room
>suddenly a calm goes across everyone's face as heard mentality adapts to the silver back human, knowing a true leader is near.
>men nod to me in an understanding that the tribe is with me, that if I ask, they will follow me to meet our enemies
>women smile, eager to have me assign them a male for breeding, and - if they are of acceptable stock - for breeding by my own self.
>everyone is content with life
>i leave
>they all pull their phones out and resume a life of anxiety

What is the Alpha's purpose? Who am I to lead and where do I lead them?

If I wasnt right then you wouldnt have bothered to reply

While alphas aren't unnecessarily racist, they don't racemix. End yourself.

/pol/ is everywhere.

>Be yesterday
>Taking a shit at the gym
>There is a guy in the stall next to me
>He burps a loud sustained gross sounding burp.
>Does it again
>Does it again
>Does it again
>As soon as he stats the next one I yelled "ENOUGH, shut the fuck up...it's fucking disgusting"
>Gets up and leaves

/pol/ and Veeky Forums are brother boards

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Did you tap it my guy?

>Tfw you aplhad up from being a bitch
>the main thing was not worrying what people think about you
>went way too fucking far with it and unironically don't care about anything - suddenly extremely content , don't even want to work, just lift and read books
>don't care if parents aren't proud, don't care if a woman wouldn't find it attractive, don't care about anything


They aren't, its just that newfags can't into containment boards.

>n-n-no b-but s-s-still
>hey man i want a hug too

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>If you debunk incorrect comments, they become true

>Not lifting for the 1st or 2nd Rome and/or 1st,2nd or 3rd Reich
This board is 80+% white guys, of course many of us will be trying to find a strong purpose in life

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Kissed a friend yesterday and said no when she invited me to fuck because I'm afraid of intimate human contact

>be me, only guy at my gym at the time who could squat 3+ pl8s
>be there, doing 3-something deep squats for reps
>kind of angry because the wire on one side of my headphones stopped working, only have my gay house music blasting in left ear
>there's a studio/stretching area to the right beside me
>two teenaged girls I've never seen before are flailing around nervously in there, using yoga balls and kettle bells and rubber bands improperly
>can hear them talking because of my busted ear set, admitting they have no idea what they're doing
>they lay down on yoga mats close to me, can see them mirin in mirror
>one says: "Jesus Christ the bar's bending over his shoulders." The other: "He looks like he knows what he's doing we should ask him to help us."
>I could, but i don't, because i was there to lift not to mingle with thots
>don't tell them I heard them, don't offer any help, don't even look their way
>they continue coming infrequently for a month, then disappear

Is that alpha Veeky Forums? And before everyone gives me shit, no, I wasn't being autistic, one was a chubber and the other was 6/10, and yes, I am single and desperately lonely and wish something like this would happen to me again

Pic unrelated btw

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>at my brother's birthday (he was 11)
>neighbor's kid (14) and my brother start fighting
>i separate them
>the kid spits at my face while im dragging him away
>throw him at the floor
>he runs to his dad and tells him i beat him
>his dad starts screaming at my face while i simply watch him
>tell him to leave our house and take his brat child with him
>also tell him that i didnt beat his child but i probably should have
>he gets even more upset and goes to his car
>comes back with a pistol
>starts waving it at me
>i ask him if he's gonna use that or if it's just a prop for his little show
>he points it at my chest
>tell him "do it, do it right now" multiple times
>he takes it away, grabs his family and leaves

What a day, lads. What a day.

Do you not feel weird reading what you just typed? Even if it is somehow true you are just a dick man.

Lmao okay I'll believe this one

another episode in things that never happened

I walked the beach by myself. I was shirtless and listening to an audiobook about dealing with depression. I passed by a group of Stacie's so I put my phone on mute. One of them nudged the other and said "meatwagon arrived". The third one waved to me so I smiled and waved back. Is meatwagon an insult like Meathead?

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it's fine bro. sit in that state for a while and you'll work it out

"there to lift and not mingle with thots"
you're there to do what you want to do and it sounds like you wanted to mingle with thots.