Who has the video?

Who has the video?

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golem get ye peed on

This disgusting faggot is fucked in the head. Why anyone gives him attention is beyond me.

the ments

Wtf lol

Pornhub does.



Holy fuck

tranny piss contains actual testosterone, the golem knows this.

If you click it you have to watch the whole thing, there's no turning back. Yw


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He got a smaller dick than the trap

/fit in a nutshell.
That's your poster boy right there getting peed on by a tranny.
You people are degenerate trash.

>vera is extremely feminine
"thank you"
>do you want to turn around and show the viewers your sexy body
"thank you"
*stays standing still*

lenny never had a chance

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why you here you almost trips getting faggot?

y-you too

>grab my cock
>Lenny starts jerking this person off
This guys is fucking shot

Wait so lenny is a cookie cutter trap addict?

>he actually sucked that tranny's dick

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welcome to Veeky Forums

Hello newfriend

Big lenny in a nutshell

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>making a black dude suck a bbc

Mistress T is kino

No but honestly she has this one particular video with some fat cocked white dude tied down to a bed and gagged and its like 17 minutes of her teasing him and sucking his dick while ordering him to not cum. Probably the only thing she's done that I actually like.

>13k views in less then a day
wtf lol

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Mind your business you retarded faggot.

You watched all her stuff even thought you only like 1 video? Are you, dare I say, a porn addict?

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No he never did.

Nah but her stuff crops up on pornhub when i'm looking up fetish shit and I always end up closing the vid after seeing if its any good

"how do you like that, dale"

>Watches domination fetish stuff
>Nah bro not a porn addict just browsing man


>has different tastes in porn
>must be an addict

your logic blows

you act surprised

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Bra, you know how you got there

Okay lad I guess I'm an addict seeing as nothing I say will otherwise convince you.

What's your experience with porn?

>find single video/image
>jerk off to completion
>close it
>repeat every single fap

>"hur dur u dnt lyk seeing man drinking piss??!! U MUST BE NEW!!1!!"
Off yourself fag.

Your fetishes and appetites evolving doesn't mean you're a porn addict. Having a masturbation session and going through a few random videos after typing in keywords into pornhub before busting your nut to one you like isn't "porn addiction".

I watched the whole video...Is this what big lenny has come to?

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so you thought when he talked about trannies he was just being ironic?


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That's why this shit is funny, Jason is an actual retard too.
It's not funny enough that you would risk sharing it with your normalfag friends, it's an acquired taste, "this can't possibly exist but it does" funny.

>Getting desensitized to normal shit
>Bro my tastes are just evolving
holy shit the denial

Fucking hell I can't believe the Misfits could actually hit a new low without Janoy. And Lenny can't even get the limp shrimp going.

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Fucking shame-laughing throughout the whole video to the point of even making a tranny uncomfortable. The creep probably has never seduced a sober woman in his life.

Once the video is over he will probably pay that tranny big and he didn't even get off because he was busy being self-conscious as fuck.

Gigantic fucking loser. The epitome of people with the need to "get big"


If dubs everyone ITT has to bust to this

So you're constructing a mental universe in which I do/say things I haven't done/said in order to paint a picture in which I am always what you want, that's nice to know.

Regardless, getting deeper into kinks isn't porn addiction. That's like saying i'm addicted to porn because i went from just holding my GF down and placing my hand over her mouth to tying her up while dressed like a leather slut and sutffing her ass with a plug. Which is also true, by the way.

Porn addiction would be being unable to achieve an erection with normal sex and/or being unable to gain an erection without pornography, or being unable to go for a period of time without looking at pornography and masturbating.

I look forward to your next 3 line post in which 2 of them are geentext unrelated to anything i've said

woah buddy hold on


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>diddling kids
>raping animals
and you're still not addicted to porn lmao

You're obviously new if you don't know the Misfits or respect Lenny for all the ments he gave us throughout the years

I'm not desensitized to normal shit, but even if I was, that wouldn't imply I was addicted. Your logic still blows.

>that dick shaking

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youre a bit late

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