Be lifting for 5 years

>be lifting for 5 years
>cutoff alcohol 2 months ago because I was drinking 6 beers everyday and realized I was analcoholic
>gains explode at the gym and feel 100x better
>be home alone last night watching BR2049
>can't help but think I would enjoy it even more with some beers and/or weed
>wanna stay healthy and as fit as possible

What do? I'm thinking to maybe take small amounts of shrooms every now and then.
What's the least damaging drug I can consume?

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Drink fuzzy/sparkling water.

>from alcohol to shrooms just to get a "buzz"

jesus christ lad you're an addict, you should be trying to avoid these sorts of stimulants and drugs full stop, clearly. Shrooms are also completely fucking different from getting drunk holy shit.

Having said that, 6 beers a day isn't THAT bad as far as alcoholism goes.

Lmao @ myself for typing "analcoholic"

stop being a degenerate

smoke some weed. if you're worried about health get edibles or vape

just smoke a lil weed and do some cardio to offset the nonexistent lung damage it will do

>6 beers a day isn't THAT bad
Yeah I know there are worse alcoholics but the problem is it's EVERY day. Plus I only buy premium beer so that's $300 a month right there

This, I personally mix it with coconut water for dat hydration

>needing drugs to feel good
Plebian spotted

Weed will probably do the least damage. Alcohol lowers test.

>6 beers a day isn't THAT bad as far as alcoholism goes.

But who the fuck drinks 6 beers a day and doesn't develop a tolerance?

Bro, I just broke my cut by binge drinking for 5 days straight. Don't do it, you'll feel horrible. Smoke weed, if anything.

Drink vodka instead of beer.

I did. At the end I was drinking 8% alcohol beers

I would suggest shrooms or weed.

Personally i find cutting impossible when smoking weed. It lowers my motivation slightly and i always binge eat like clockwork.

If you're lifting and on a bulk i would say just blaze weed in a vape.

Buy a magic flight launch box, its honestly the most useful thing ive ever spent money on. I use maybe 1/3 of the weed i used to and when its vaped i collect it in a jar and cook it down with coconut oil to create cannaoil for edibles or when i want to get mega chilled out for hours.

In the same boat user

>live at home with parents
>dad is a beer snob
>always have beer in house
>drink lightly but regularly
>move out
>going through paramedic school
>stressed all the time
>don't drink every night but binge drink 3-4 days a week
>one night drink a six pack on %8.2 IPA's and a bottle on wine
>get in my car and drive to the Plaid Pantry to buy more beer
>black out after getting back to my apartment
>wake up and the whole second 6 pack is gone
>realize I need a change

Seriously alcoholism is scary. I've been sober for 2 weeks. Really hope I can keep it going. I feel way better and my lifts are going up again. Addictive personalities run in my family. Most of my dads side had some sort of substance dependance.

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Do what I do: gym first, buy a shitload of Persian style bread, hummus ,nuts and chickpeas snacks,slices of turkey and ham, good quality cheece and loads of fruit. Go home, smoke da weed and help yourself to a diverse range of healthy food. Also, I have some dumbbells at home so i can burn some calories after

Just keep abstaining from beer and eventually those impulses go away entirely.
>This would be so much better if I was drinking
That's definitely alcoholic thinking and I used to get those thoughts all the time. I stopped drinking 3 years ago and have never looked back. I don't think about alcohol at all anymore and don't even remember what it feels like.

ty for going sober after that experience. you are doing good

I'm halfway through a one month break from drinking, smoking, pills, powders and women. Weed is the only thing I miss and will be doing again, I don't understand how people are sober on a daily basis. Life is depressing as fuck.


Switch to weed. I was an alcoholic suffering from PTSD, depression and anxiety. I used to drink myself into a coma routinely and my life was completely out of control. It got to the point where i got in major shit with the law (i got attacked by drunk dickheads and beat the shit out of both of them). I tried to kill myself when drunk before i finally went to court, it was all over the national news about the case. I lost my job, my home, my friends, my reputation and my self worth.

Ive been an addict since a teenager but i decided enough was enough and gave up alcohol. It has been the bane of my life and im glad to be free of it. I guess you could say it took me losing everything i had to make me finally see the damage it was doing to my life. I will always be an addict but ive found peace and happiness just using weed. I hope you can make the changes you need to be happy user.

>I don't understand how people are sober on a daily basis. Life is depressing as fuck.

Were you depressed before you ever did drugs or drank? Your brain is probably just readjusting to sobriety

Not at all pal, Ive always been a bit miserable but too motivated to be depressed. I've got a school report where my teacher described me as the 'most world-weary 12 year old I've ever met'. I guess I just don't like reality and feel a desire to escape it a few times a week