Which one of you did this?

Which one of you did this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Fuck this is gold

What a miserable bitch. He'd definitely be better off without some dumb cunt that can't laugh along and gets so offended at totally harmless, goofy internet memes.

Oh, and of course, leave it to the modern woman to get especially offended at the term "milkers", since it reminds them that, indeed, that's what their breasts are for (nursing children, an abhorrent thought to them).

Link for anyone interested

>reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/86r4dw/21f_my_boyfriend_22m_has_started_using_Veeky Forums/


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stay on reddit, faggot

you do realize you had to unironically browse /r/relationship_advice to find this, right?

>everyone who actually sympathises with this thin-skinned cunt

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>"If you don't want to dump him then respond in kind, call him a stupid name, like 'smalldick", or 'Chief Cumtooquick'"
>this is humor on reddit
What the fuck

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You did OP. You don't need to pretend that this isn't your post.

>all these people unable to handle the banter

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fucking kek holy shit

Still though
>being a redditfag
>being a phoneposter

Reddit is fucking retarded and doesn't understand the meme at all. There's nothing good about cumming quickly or having a small dick. You're supposed to describe something attractive, but in an obscene and degrading way.

Dubs says 2018 year of the milkers

You could have just left it at "reddit is retarded" and no one would have argued otherwise.

lol t. cuck

based chad

Fuck boys they’re on to us.

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Watching redditors get offended by pure banter is one of the greatest pastimes. Bonus points if they're male or sympathizing with a female.

For once reddit didn’t produce utter shite.

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>khazar milkers

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That's just someone from here you dummy. Also that's just straight up insulting him with our memes, in no way is it equivalent to the braphog meme which is sort of like a backhanded compliment.

If a girl did this to me I would probably kill her desu

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So what are the male equivalents of braphog and milktruck?

>Unironically using Veeky Forums memes irl
That guy's next main board will be /r9k/ confirmed

Semen truck has arrived

both of those are reddit memes, please fuck off back there.

>thats not how to spell rape

>tfw no braphog gf

traps with feminine fat distribution and who lactate

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>going to reddit
>reading relationship advice

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rip in peace

No, they don't even deserve rape if they do that to me. I can't be attracted to trash. It's straight to the meat grinder and then they get sold to Chinese restaurants as dog meat.

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Youll find roasties getting btfo'd so hard

Or op is the one who posted this delicious bait on reddit.

>t. cuck

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I didnt cteate it but i do think its fake account only has 1 post unless its a throwaway

>tfw your gf has been using Veeky Forums since she was 13 and half of your conversations with her contain obscure references to Chris Chan
feels good man

hogballs. those damn things are huge.

how many sharpies can she take?

I unironically want this so bad, pls help


its opposite actually its like horseshoe theory. you can be chad, then theres normie incel autist inbetween. if you are autistic but not ugly, being over the line autistic will get you on chad level but unironically


............And then rape

She can take my dick; I don't know how many sharpies that converts to.
I don't know how to help you user. She and I became friends in high school because she was one of the few women I could carry on a conversation with due to her being a literal autist. It was honestly pure coincidence that she posts on here, so I have no tips for you.

One. One sharpie.

Are you projecting?

>a literal autist
you mean actually on the spectrum?

Just go get the big pack and try. It'll definitely bring back memories for her.

Yeah she was diagnosed by a doctor; I have to give her lots of reminders about social stuff when we are in public.

Are you speaking from experience? Did it bring back lots of memories for you the last time you stuck a full pack of sharpies up your ass?

How is she at counting cards? Also make sure to get it spayed. We have enough retards.

If you mean that autistics have an an exclusive playfeild of autists to work with, I suppose I can see that.

She's not very good at things like counting cards because she gets overwhelmed in fast paced scenarios. Shes really good at doing stuff that requires as much memory as card counting does, but she can't do it under pressure.
Nigga she's high functioning, and given that our economy is becoming more tech oriented if we ever have kids I'm sure they'll find something their good at to do for work and be able to contribute to society.

I'm only one of those things somehow

>"Me and my bf have been together for 10 years, but lately he doesn't like x"
>"OMG You should definitely leave him, you deserve much more than that, m'lady. He has no respect and that is consuming your entire life. Run as fast as you can, gurl. It will be good for him too :)"

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>going to reddit

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>that's insulting him with our memes
Our memes which we use to insult each other...

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rolling for the year of the milkers

I'm sure they've only been together for a few months. Acting like she knows who he really is.

>t. cuck who loves dick threads and don't take lifting seriously





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>22 dating a 21

not one of us. our quota is women being AT LEAST 5 years younger. 10+ is the preferred number.

Holy fuck and I thought I was beta

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not in my year of braphogs it isnt