Post the perfect gf pic you want once you make it. i will start but i pretty much care only body features

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One that will love me unconditionally

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I stopped caring about women
>I'm not a faggot

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Jesus I remember that thread, never have I seen so many sad souls

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no woman loves any man unconditionally. Even the heavily attached ones simultaneously hate the man they're with. Thank thousands of years of rape for ingraining crazy into female neurology.

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Good taste m8´s

why this have to be lewd?

You got a problem with tits son?

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Don't post her without my permission

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I actually like them degenerate

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Sorry mane, it impossible.

Feel free to judge me.

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>tfw no asian gf(male)

Attached: i heart meymeys.jpg (1400x1000, 237K)

I do. Harshly.

Why so harshly?

Bet ya she skips leg days

At least she makes the best out of what she has.

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>tfw I think I recognize one of them (They're not the same person, right?)

Wish I could hook you up user

who is this? I never found a source

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Tattoos are degenerate.
Also, there's something off about wanting a crippled partner. It indicates some desire to be with someone overly dependent.

fuck off faggot
trips not checked

please not this again

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I feel bad for her
paraplegic women will never get laid no matter how good they look

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>tfw you know you'll be alone forever
maybe in a different life

JFL @ these calves

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That's super unhealthy dawg

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daily reminder that we will never get a gf like the women posted on this thread cause we are either a manlet, non white, ugly face, dyel, broke, retarded, and autistic, and lost the genetic lottery

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I would ravage a fit chick with one of those carbon fiber/aluminum prosthetic running legs.

Melissa Debling

you lose feelings for degenerate girls after about 3 months

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That feel will never stop bro

I like 'em big

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Youre gay man. She does the look that dudes do to make girls fawn for them

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Well, she is a massive unironic no bullshit dyke so you know...

you and everyone else in this thread is fucking retarded if the basis of perfection in a mate comes down to just aesthetics. most of these women are likely insufferable.

>no high test MMA gf

Attached: shai.png (479x601, 373K)

God the girl (male) on the train is the cutest girl I've seen in my life
Also the girl (male) covering the N in DONT
Fuck me man

This was “kick to balls” the meme

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Fuckkin this

This is unironically my dream wife.
>MMA savage
>European, Russian type
>Spiritual Catholic
>Wholesome as fuck

This is one of the main reasons I lift the way I do.

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Her :3

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Honestly though im going to move to a Scandinavia country. Why live anywhere else when this exists.

Is there an archived version?

They're are also feminists that don't want children.

book optional

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As someone who is loved unconditionally i can tell you that this is NOT the answer.

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She skips leg day pass

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>letting your gf read
never gonna make it

Cos they have the most boring personalities on earth

OP here, good lads now take your asses back to the gym and become a confident alpha chad, i believe in you and we MUST make it. even the wheelchair fetish faggot deserves his dream to become true if he work his ass out enough. CYA

Glad you're keeping your goals attainable user.

>tfw no intelligent jewish princess gf
Why life brehs?

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Only God loves unconditionally. Find someone who's willing to give themselves to you. And who you're willing to give yourself to. As for looks:
The witches do it best for me

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wew, good taste user do you realize that this chick has almost no makeup, so she must be beautiful at all natural.

>intelligent jewish princess gf
got any examples?

I came here to this thread because I don't know where else to ask this question.
I'm 5 foot 4.75 inches tall
My body measurements are
I have a 27 inch waist in the morning
Be honest tell me the truth am I gross?

i assume you are a grill, right? if so not really, you could have other features men would like

Are you cute?

>No pics
How can we tell?

Are you a Qt though.

small pretty and white are the only physical features I care about, I just want a spiritually enlightened introvert who likes me for me

words cannot express my yearning

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previous pic related, being Harvard educated Natalie Portman

actuallly i have a friend who is exactly as you describe, but i even if i like her a little i just want her as a friend...

I love artsy girls. I want them to be outgoing, opinionated, and warm. I have a huge thing for motherly tendencies. Basically mummy issues.

I know a girl like this who constantly mothers over people, and it's so fucking attractive.

Attached: 25015649_395028250948117_1809595280878731264_n.jpg (320x319, 18K)

One day I may.

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being a famous actress accepted to a star-fucker uni (which pretty much they all are)

wtf shes naked?

>even in her dreams she's clutching chad's girthy dick

why even live.

uhh ok

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>Not Based Charlotte

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>perfect GF
>None of these girls lift
Don't tell me faggots wouldn't want a GF to get fit with.

Lifting are for men only.
Women that lift are all sluts.

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what thread is this from

>Woman that want to actually want to be healthy and attractive are sluts
Kek, no. Girls who actually respect themselves (aka someone who lifts) aren't nearly as likely to be sluts as girls who don't respect themselves.

you should ask Pianoman about girls that lift

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