Don't Be This Guy

Lost 100K over wifi

All wifi networks are vulnerable new bug discovered

You are Welcome.

was his wallet not even password protected? dafuq?

probably classic man in the middle.

So, like, you'd get automatically redirected from real Bittrex to their Bittrex if you connected through that network? Is that how it would be done?

lol no. they take your info you send to Bittrex (because its goes through them first as the middleman) to login and now they have your login information and can do whatever the fuck they want.

happens in china all the time, its which u see that giatn check if this is the real site on the official bitfimex website

Dude probably just hijacked user's session where he was already logged in.

Doesn’t 2FA solve this??

How did this happen?
It's not possible through transaction
Possibly an android wallet without https
Or poorly coded exchange without HSTS

>having over $100k on an exchange
>accessing your account on free public wifi
Dumbass deserved it.

>having your wallet or log in info on your phone
>using public wifi


What if you staked over public wifi?

how to protect myself from this shitty scammers? no meme answers pls

>ITT: people who know nothing about netsec

its fucking public WiFi. If you perform any kind of sensitive data transfer on public WiFi you deserve to have your shit stolen.


Yeah, it would with something like google authenticator where the 2FA code is only valid once.

nice just lost 100k

dont login to anything crypto related on your phone.

Ah OK, but they'd presumably have to find some way to synchronise with the 2FA. I saw a guy who got phished through a fake Bittrex ad, and got prompted twice for his 2FA due to an "error". But, it was actually the other end needing to enter 2FA a second time in order to validate teh withdrawal.

Do you not see a problem with this if digital currency is adopted at your local McDonald’s?

Holy fuck, Bitcoin got hacked again... The currency of the future, folks.

When this thing pops there will be no survivors

what is https

mfw I was making 5 figure trades on my school's Wifi but had no fear of data being stolen because it's a community college full of brainlets

>using public wifi
I guess he ignored the giant disclaimer when he connects that all transmissions can be intercepted by a third party.
Most exchanges require your 2fa to approve a withdrawal and sometimes email as well.
This guy locked $100k behind a single password.

Is it safer to keep my coins on bittrex which has 2FA than on MEW which doesnt?

i work for austria polizei
he had no password in wallet
he was bragging for how much BTC he have and someone probably installed keylogger. The other police division are retarded, this man was keylogged
no. Exchange has 2FA so hacker would need his phone too

MEW requires a JSON/UTC file


Glad i'm not that dumb.

i don't know

>I work for the austrian police

what are some ways that someone could get into my MEW wallet?
could they access it if i simply clicked on a link?

i keep my private key written down on paper and on a usb drive, but not on my computer.
the JSON file is on my computer though.

Wouldn't a sophisticated enough program be able to terminate your connection to the network once you enter your 2fa and use it to access your account? Or when you make a withdrawal modify the JSON sent to the server to include their own wallet address instead of the one the user pasted in? Lot's of shit you can do when you control a network.

either way; top kek.

>Crucially, the attack is unlikely to affect the security of information sent over the network that is protected in addition to the standard WPA2 encryption. This means connections to secure websites are still safe, as are other encrypted connections such as virtual private networks (VPN) and SSH communications.

Read the article


retard was using some janky ass shit

https is untouchable

you can't randomly install software on someone's comp with mitm

>not storing your private keys in a librebooted x60 Thinkpad with no wifi or ethernet card

I logged in to my Bittrex account while waiting at the dentist few months ago. Jesus fuck am I lucky nothing happened? I also logged in while in a hospital just few weeks ago.

It's not a bitcoin that been hacked you goys.
It's poor man's security.

stop being an autist. Just browse Veeky Forums while in waiting room or strike up a convo with other people waiting

God I hate people who make waiting room comments. How much of an asshole do you have to be to think that strangers want to hear what you have to say while they're waiting to do something unpleasant?


Don't be this retard
Nobody wants to chit chat in the waiting room besides old people.

>Just browse Veeky Forums while in waiting room
yeah, just like normal people do

i browse /b/ and masturbate under my trench coat like a normal human.

VPN fagit

Unlimited fast 4g plan + tethering.
WiFi not even once.

This. QR code transaction signing so no USB ever touches the vault

I scanned my computer for malware, created a mew wallet in tor browser, put the keyfile on an encrypted usb drive and the private key written down laminated
am I safe? give it to me straight

Verpiss dich HE!!!

>am I safe?
Probably not, no.

how do i do it user

No you're not. If the key was ever shown on your PC it's vulnerable.
You can either create a wallet on a vacuumed PC that you'll never connect to the internet or buy a ledger.

FUCK I have accessed my coins countless times over wifi. Time to make new accounts on everything again. Fuck.

Personally I use an old monochrome gameboy with the gameboy printer.