The Flippening

Alright boys this isn't corecuck FUD as I have over 50BCH and 0 BTC. I have been waiting excitedly for the next flippening attempt but I am not seeing any signs. The mempool doesn't seem to be getting flooded and BTC profitability has went up.

Likely BCH will let miners sit on BTC for all that profitability and then when the next difficulty adjustment happens that will be their time to strike.

In the event of this I sold at 1650 and will be keeping an eye on BTC mempool for any signs, but until then I'm looking to buy back in lower and increase my BCH stack. The recent rise in price was because of flippening hype and if it isn't happening we could be going back to 1200.

Stay safe BCH bros. If you wan't to hodl that's cool but I am going to take a chance on buying back in a little lower.

Other urls found in this thread: cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k


bunch of volume on bithumb in last 10 min and we seem to be recovering from the dip

>Billionaires quietly accumulating cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k

Rsi is oversold on almost every interval

Good luck, user. I hope you'll lose less than you can cope with.

BTC is only 1% more profitable right now.

Are people actually buying this flippening nonsense? I thought it was /x/ level larping, but people on here seem to be talking more and more about it as if it actually might happen...

BCH mining profitability *just* overtook BTC... price is stabilising on trex. I feel like the pump if starting pretty soon.

Of course not. But there will most likely be a big pump and that means $$$

did they just make 200mil trading this?

>BCH mining profitability *just* overtook BTC... price is stabilising on trex.

If its easier to mine a coin, that means its price should go down. Literally buy high.

>I haven't been paying attention to what's happening

in principle yes, but there are other factors involved right now.

Should I go all in on Bitcoin Cash lads? I reckon this Operation Dragon Slayer is serious stuff. I don't want me money to drop, the Chinese are very smart people.

so far all signs point toward this going down

without mempool spam I dont see any kind of flippening attempt happening

I learned my lesson,2 hrs to send bch to bitfinex? wtf is this...costing me so much money

i just cashed out of my bitcoin cash, the hashing power took a nosedive, its been fun but im out

Lost $200 buying about an hour ago and sold.

a $200 lesson learned.

BTC currently going up in price. BCH plummeting.
Ahhhh man I love watching the cash kiddies try to defend their shitcoin. I'm eager for some new wojacks

but mah flippening and hash rates...only people with downs fell for this the 3rd time.

Where do I see the hashing power?

BTC is being artificially propped up with fake Tethers.

bch lower than in recent days and weeks LOL

Cashies are literally retarded. Or they love sucking Roger's dick. One of those.

BCH has been the best investment in top 25 coins of November. If you can't see that you are blinded by your emotional attachment to other coins. But on the same side BCH supporters need to learn when it's overextended hype as well. Or you can just be a HODL loser in which case why do you even bother checking up on crypto news?

Yes they are indeed, something corecucks don't seem to realize

Just join this channel
search for D.VA pump on the web

This is our profit table. Let's meet on telegram.
XMR +25%
BCH 1st +10%, 2nd +10%, 3rd +15%
KYC +8%
ARK +15%
NEO -8%
OMG +20%
DASH +166%
ZEC +12%
Wavers +45%

Now, it's time to make a profit with us.

i told you this was coming why u no listen im trying to keep you from bagholding biz


>tfw make 15% today on bch and use profits to buy 100k link