Ausfags Blockfolio Thread

How bad is it?

>has chink coin Neo
>doesn't have any PowerLedger which is home grown aussie coin that's gonna moon again in a few days

Get POWR mate.

No powr? Support your country you unaustralian cunt

Good comfy stable. Grats bro

powr bois rode this from 20c


Get more ark in ya.

Also why haven't I seen any HST yet?

(It's in usd to make it easier to use US exchanges don't h8)

fuck didnt know it was from the boys, i'm on it now

Too late to buy POWR now m8's.

idiot powers going to like $6 screencap this

and yes i watch initial d

>Not keeping track of your stats on a spreddy
Some shitcoins but I'm a patient gambler so we'll see how it goes in 2018.

Agreed wait for a dip.

wew led, you got some strange choices in there..

Mind explaining dimcoin, nimiq, artemine, funfair?

Is there a way to do this chart style in excel? Is it also possible for an excel macro to access real time info from an API?

whaaaatt have i become
my sweetest friend
every dollar i have
goes in to Ark and the pain never ends

Looks like you bought ARK at the 24h all time low, won't it just go back up?

Chucked money into them because they're bloody ambitious and stated that they want 10% of the world's global trading volume used with DIM by 2019 and supposedly already have a few partners. It already became a good buy, bought the ICO at $0.01USD and they plan on releasing it on exchanges by the end of the year. Buying Dim coins also gave out Dim tokens on their wallet called depotwallet (there's a depotwallet website to buy and sell at the moment), but I think it's just the tokens that will be on exchanges while the coin will just be tradeable on their own wallet. Even if it goes below ICO price the value of BTC has more than doubled since, so can't really lose unless it really shits the floor.

Below ICO price but it's been recovering this month. In December they're releasing their Nano Wallet App and in Q1 they plan on launching their mainnet. It's only worth buying if you want an unexpected shitcoin flavour of the month which I believe will be Nimiq anywhere between December to Febraury.

Utter shit, pretend you never saw that. Only after buying a few hundred dollars worth did I find out you only get all your tokens after they've been mined over 60 YEARS. Maybe when I'm an old fuck that might be valued at an incredible price but it's more of a time capsule.

The best altcoin I can trust. Heard about those fraudulent slot machines at Crown last month? Stuff like that won't happen anymore if casino operators are pressured to use provably fair tech like Funfair's. Main dev has also worked with PKR for a while last decade as well as worked on the Super FX chip that was later used by Star Fox (he was Argonaut's CEO) and knows what he's doing. Next few months will be huge for them and I can see it going over 30 cents not too far into 2018.

Not really sure about Excel, but on Google Sheets you can nab the API off coinmarketcap with =ImportXML() or =ImportJSON(). There should be guides on getting them in Excel.

Didn't expect you to answer haha, thanks man.

Had a laugh at Artemine, that's hilarious.
Funfair has always interested me but I am trying to stay away from the gambling industry, not a huge fan.

Will definitely check out Nimiq and Dimcoin

Have you looked into HST?
What do you think of it?

are you trying to give me hope?

No clue m8, but going by a glance at the whitepaper at least they're making proper use of the blockchain. It's surprising that it's taken this long for a voting platform to utilise it.

Takumi Rev to 11grand

about 14k now

currently holding link, req, hst, pbl, eth, astro, gvt

>mfw never know when to pull the plug on shitcoins

glad i held onto hst, although i bought in really high when it was first added to ED :( only just broke even rofl

Dude look at monaco we can finally get a card that pays us for transactions

How much FUN you holding m8? I also think it can get to $0.30, maybe even $0.50

also do you guys use a crypto card like ten x, monaco, ect? i was thinking about signing up for the coinjar one

I heard about the coinjar one the other day too, but forgot to look into it. I'd also like to hear any input from other Ausbros about this.

Hurry up and rise again POWR

Looks interesting but why would I want to sell my bitcoin when the value keeps going up when i can just use my dollarydoos which isn't gaining in value

All I see are shitcoins and no BCH

BCH is going to have smart contracts placed on top of it as originally envisioned by Vitalik Buttercuck right? ETH is going to get raped in the arse by BCH, it is only a matter of time.

t. Ausfag.

well yeah, given that the AUD is currently dropping there isnt much point, but im curious regardless

Rate me boiz

How long did it take to get there? And initial investment ?

can't argue with that logic m8

dumped my entire life savings 7k into ethereum in feburary. Should be on a lot more but i lost half my btc value from chainlink. Oh well

>Holding USDT

That's some nice bags guy

It's from WABI presale, they bought back my 650 tokens which i paid $1 each for $8.5 each. The USD value is what i'll receive back in ethereum

Oi, take a squiz at VIBE and don't say I never gave back.

why did they buy them back? thats so bizarre. i was going to buy into this ico

To stop the presalers (me) dumping on the crowdsalers with an 8.5x advantage. i'm bullish on the crowdsale for this reason, their token metrics are impeccable.

do you know how much the crowdsale cap will be?

low as fuck, between 1.5-1.8 ETH. will be a good buy on etherdelta if you can time it right

Not bad day