Last Chance for ChainLink Megamoon

Im 100% confident LINK is going to megamoon this month and for two specific reasons
>getting listed on bittrex tomorrow
>rory said in slack hes going to be releasing actual news and partnership announcements at end of december instead of these shitty updates
Thats right baka. just sittimg here confortably with my 350 k LINKs

Literally. Anyone who sold below 30 cents, is about to feel some ultimate cuckoldry. Santa's coming with to me a stash of cash this christmas baka.

3500k linklet here. Where is the info coming from that it’s getting listed on Bittrex?

is there really an announcement in Dec?

This is the fake moon mission, but it is a good exit point for you SIBOS bagholders.

>is there really an announcement in Dec?
no, Rory said they will be able to estimate a date for news when they are closer to mainnet launch

and there is no bittrex listing tomorrow

screencap this post, ill be making a thread tomorrow to make fun of you when it doesnt happen

Oh dear, the grief of getting justed so hard has made OP insane. Let us all join in and post "get well soon, OP!" to aid him in his time of need.

Get well soon, OP!

>hes going to be releasing actual news
>inb4 he's going to shut it all down for good
anyone really surprised by this?

You do realize ARK has been going up steadily eith no finish product at all and just progress reports? You know whats the only thing from chain link doing the same thing?

the exchange.
he literally said he has good news hes looking forward to sharing with us and implied that there are already partnerships in the works that he will ~ot confirm till the coscending company tells him.

Accumalation time is over. the 6 figure link holders will hold all the power now.

Tfw bought at the top..
Plz tip 1-25 links?

wait, wait, wait.. the story behind link is a poor soul that lost all his monies, and is now shilling and botting anywhere he possibly can, to get people to buy in, s.t. op can pull out already?

What does the price go to in the space of 48 hours once it’s listed on Bittrex?

Anywhere from 10x to 100x senpai

Will Bittrex make it moon?

Oh shit.

It won't mega-moon now, just a pump that will allow trapped weak hands to dump quickly.
Bitcoin may also come crashing down at some point dooming all alts. between Q2-Q3, 2018

Maybe 5x, correct and shake out all the weak hands. Then, like IOP it will explode 25x into a week long bull run with plenty of exiting opportunities. It will slowly bleed out for 6 months until BTC starts cracking 50k. The cycle will rinse and repeat.

no one really cares

Did you even read the tweet? Bittrex is specifically saying that this should not be seen as a sign they are adding LINK.

The trex wallet hoax has been thoroughly debunked. There is zero evidence that LINK will be added in future. If you think you have evidence, post it.

This guy gets it.

Agreed... fellow LINKers just stop shilling, keep calm and accumulate. If you hold LINK just to get a quick 2x-3x after a new exchange listing you are on the wrong boat.