I honestly cannot see a future (several years) where Bitcoin remains king. Its fucking stupid at this point...

I honestly cannot see a future (several years) where Bitcoin remains king. Its fucking stupid at this point, we all know that in terms of tech, Ethereum is king.

Other urls found in this thread:


Agree BTC is a meme

Eth and Ark is all we need

You should make yourself another drink OP. It’ll ease the pain of being wrong all the time.

ETH also support child pornography though, so, on that basis alone, fuck off cunt

>Eth and Ark is all we need
Ehh, ETH can work without Ark. You dont really need bridges between blockchains for smart contracts to work. What you need is a decentralized oracle for the "trustless" meme to work.


All you need to know.


Stop slaving to memes and set yourself free. BlockChain is over. Everything you see is just a cozy little bubble created by your mind so that you don't have to face the truth. Digits promote slavery. You will never create anything worth a damn with this "my coin is king" mindset. Crypto pyrite was only meant for one thing.

>It’ll ease the pain of being wrong all the time.
Kek, ethereum's growth rate (price wise and development wise) completely wrecks BTC. Have you seen how much ETH's price and development increased this year? If the trend continues, it will without a doubt overtake BTC.

Don’t listen to this clown either

Hard to overtake the value of something as rare as bitcoin when ETH is so readily available.

Supply is going to determine overall price. I’m done giving insight. Do what you want. Best of luck user

>Ether has infinite supply
This has been debunked so many times already. By the time Proof of Stake hits, Ether's inflation rate would be so fucking low that BTC doesnt have a reason to lead the store of value meme anymore.

>eth is a person

Agreed, Ethereum and Chainlink is all we need.

>we all know that in terms of tech, Ethereum is king
>Can only do 10-20 tx per sec

chain what?

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"
Pretty much this. Don't margin, don't trade, just make your position and hold on. Bitcoin will fall in the beginning of next year or so. Will take time for media to understand blockchains and start talking about Ethereum. When that happens, the people who don't do their own research and just blindly follow news, will start buying in ETH as well. All the money from BTC will flow into alts.

This is all the truth you need to see. When you accept this you will be able to move past master of coin and move onto something more than scamming bots and shilling lies. You do realize that Wall St. has been doing this decades before Crypto even came to you right? Look up patsy and then maybe you will understand the long con.

U srsly shitting on ETH's current transaction speed while Bitcoin remains king? Even if we dont take Ethereum's scaling plan into consideration, it completely destroys BTC.

ETH is exactly what crypto was trying to get away from; banks. It's inflationary, it's not like gold, and it's supported by BANKS.

The fact that it's inflationary alone means it will never outpace bitcoin. It will always have to be based in bitcoin.

The believers will reap the rewards. If we base all our decisions on profit then no one would have ever invested in bitcoin to begin with, and we would have never even heard of ETH.

Don't get too wrapped up in trading, that is just a sideshow of the greater impact of crypto on society, and from a profit seeker's perspective, and glimpse into the probable future of the market.

Eth is insecure. Like Bitcoin it was a first attempt and has problems. Just ride it till its replaced by something better

autism off the charts here

>Eth is insecure
Insecure? Has the ethereum blockchain been hacked even once? No. Are you talking about the flaws in smart contracts? Are you seriously blaming Ethereum for shitty Solidity code? Might as well blame the Java, Python, C# platforms for every shitty website hacked.

>honestly can't see

Listen, banks and normies don't give a shit about tech. They give a shit about branding. Bitcoin is like McDonalds. No amount of Nandos or Shakeshack coins is going to change that. ETH could be KFC but it's not going to be the sole crownholder against the pioneer.

>in terms of tech

Better tech obviously doesn’t mean shit.

>Are you seriously blaming Ethereum for shitty Solidity code? Might as well blame the Java, Python, C# platforms for every shitty website hacked.

When you build a secure system its up to you to validate every layer, including bugs in programming languages or compilers. Most website security are related to unprotected queries and have nothing to do with the language the server applications were written in.

For extremely high end security (government tier), people build their own hardware. India, China and Russia don't trust Intel so they make their own chips.

So when you write smart contract infrastructure it is absolutely on you to make sure some brand new language which wasn't even battle hardened isn't just dropped into your system like its nothing.

I don't think they will move to proof of stake. It seems like a pipe dream. I think it would be amazing for ETH if it did happen though but hasn't Vitalik said it's not going to happen a few times?

There is a fix in the long term plan for eth that addresses the scalability issue. Do a search on ethereum casper.

Thats why we have chainlink. Chainlink will without a doubt secure the insecurity in ETH. My portfolio is 50% ETH 50% LINK. Comfy as fuck.

>Listen, banks and normies don't give a shit about tech. They give a shit about branding. Bitcoin is like McDonalds.
Hahahahaah BTC is definitely in a bubble at this point. You fags arent even speculating about the tech anymore. You're speculating about the price rising because of more people buying in. This is absurd lmao.

People buying BTC now are definitely the dumb money. Before people speculated on BTC's innovation. They even expected shit like BTC's colored coins as the future of money. Guess what fits the bill of colored coins? Thats right, fucking Ethereum.

Dont know what the fuck I'm talking about? Thats because you are the fucking normies.

This. People buying into BTC are idiots, but eventually we will run out of idiots.

in russian news they shill vitalik hard, maybe we'll see oligarch pumping

this is so true it hurts

>the absolute state of /bizreddit/
next you're going to say we shouldn't be racist


Block 3000000, approx ETH supply 87962556, time '2017-01-16 00:38:33.067775' blocktime 14.86
Block 3500000, approx ETH supply 90612556, time '2017-04-11 18:09:34.273529' blocktime 15.27
Block 4000000, approx ETH supply 93262556, time '2017-08-15 18:20:24.642729' blocktime 30.01
Block 4500000, approx ETH supply 95912556, time '2018-11-03 05:55:48.912370' blocktime 136.71
Block 5000000, approx ETH supply 98562556, time '2025-10-02 11:47:30.658317' blocktime 835.81
Block 5500000, approx ETH supply 101212556, time '2128-03-20 09:14:16.483692' blocktime 17183.83
Block 6000000, approx ETH supply 103862556, time '5189-09-26 20:57:59.367004' blocktime 520901.19