$9700 Incoming

It breached past the logarithmic scale. Death inbound. Exit markets A S A P.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying anything is possibly rational in crypto anymore

We're hitting mania baby

Already been out for a while, same with ETH which was extremely overbought at $478 a few minutes ago, and waiting to buy a BIG dip.

OP is a (((banker)))
He wants you to sell your bitcoins
He wants to pick them up cheap cheap
No OP, NO! Shoo Shoo!

Whatever fuckhead no one is selling. Ever. Till options are available there is no chance of a crash.

It's proven the sheep are so blind to the obvious now after so many red flags, Finex should just blatantly print 1 billion tethers and shoot this thing to 50k for shit and giggles.

But you can cash out BTC, idiot.

Thanks just sold 100k
>he thinks he can cash out

Anyone notice that alts didn't really suffer too much in this bull run (at least in terms of fiat value). Does this indicate that Bitcoin is rising due to new money?

looks like that new 20 million tether is being put straight to work

Fuck you I just went long - up 700$ on my margin trading today so this next hour or so should cap it off nicely.

This shit is going parabolic with potentially big corrections and reloads for the next few years.

It’s obvious.

fuck this I'm out - a lot of people are going to get screwed by crafty traders. See you on the other side

Exit to what? As that one guy said, ETH is overbought. I might jump on Monero as its holding USD around $163 pretty well. Any better ideas?

Noticed. Or new money into alts? Probably both.

stellar seems good


Litecoin seems to be holding its value well.

fiat you mong

2nd for Stellar Lumens

There's gonna be a huge fiat correction soon.

>eth overbought
how do you figure

I'm all in on bittrex. Could move it over to normiebase but CBA. Plus fiat is for pussies. Imagine the run on ETH and LTC when this does crash!

The Thanksgiving FOMO.

>"Hello family, check out how much money I made on bitcoin this year."

BTC and BCH’s inverse correlation is not seen recently - suggests new money moving in rather than stale money sweeping around
>its normening

Mooncoin, boys. Buy mooncoin.

Join THE Official Veeky Forums discord bros





> What did they mean by this?


Brainlets go away, there are actual techniques involved in market prediction.

I see no reason why ETH is overbought, it trailed at $300 for months, it was due that it shot up.

I cashed out, and spread out my last %10 into All the bitcoin ripoffs that could grow due to brand recognition and low transaction fees

How can you do that when you can't even cash out?

thanks NSA just bought government bonds and weed

fucking fiat if king falls they're all fucked

BCH is coiled to hit 2k when BTC corrects. If you play this right you can sell BTC at 9900ish before everyone else sells...buy BCH at hopefully for you the price that its at now...then sell when it hits between 1900/2k or watch for it to go higher. Then after BTC hits rock bottom...buy back into your baby. alllllll righty then

>wow this graph is too steep its crashing mania is here

>sell BTC at 9900ish

it'll crash before that, or much after that

i'd say it should already be crashing soon, like right fucking now

honestly good move on XBC, if you have any reasonable amount make sure to run the wallet and stake

9700 breached on GDAX


It's gonna crash back down to $500 probably.

9700 breached on BFX. what the fuck

nah too many suckers are being roped in still

Is USDT = fiat ? Can I park it there overnight or should do something stable like eth or ltc?

Insider here, my dad is BTC
It'll hit $150k by end of 2018

You kidding? Litecoin is the only good option

in your picture is 17k the 8 or the 10?

I've got 70% of my money in LTC right now.

Same, please tell me it's the right move.

My gut tells me no but im too much of a pussy to stay in BTC right now.

Nobody can tell you it won't be affected, but good luck out there.


10k in korea

Definitely not, LTC is bound to be heavily affected by BTC, I'd suggest ETH unironically


There’s no way it’s not. At 25% of bitcoins current market cap, better technology, and how closely related it is with bitcoin there’s no way bitcoiners won’t fly to litecoin when it dives. Plus it’s more spread out so it’s a more stable investment so all these new boomer investors that are just now hearin about this crypto stuff are gonna go for the reliable coin. We easily have potential to reach $2000

Other than 'technical analysis' what reason do we have for BTC crashing soon. IMO there would have to be some kind of big news event (like 'China is banning Bitcoin').

Eth isn’t even a currency homie

Literally no one with money is flying into LTC as a safe haven. Everyone will be going to ETH for safety, or BCH if they're betting it'll be a bigger crash, since they can triple their profits by trading btc/bch pairs in the event of a 'dragoning' hype.

Everything points to a correction, it could/not happen, but if it does it's probably not gonna be a small one.

Technically no 'cryptocurrency' is a currency.

This is the way I'm looking at it too. However, there's still a chance of a domino effect causing it to drop back to 8k in the short term.

I get that, but these markets seem to be different to any other market in the past, so I'm not so sure. Does there need to be some big news event to cause a crash (say in other markets in the past leading up to a correction ie dotcom bubble).

Overbought and overvalued, people wanting to cash out, traders and whales who are waiting for a huge correction will trade on it, making the correction bigger since it is in their best interest long term.

Might not happen, crypto is unpredictable, but there's virtually no chance we don't see a 30%+ red day before 12k.

Good to know you updated it.

mtl , salt, nuls etc

the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.

Despite my hesitations I'm only got 10% of my money in BTC right now, so I guess a correction would be good for me long term if it means more other coins gain on BTC pairs (even if they also drop in the short term).

>17k to 1.7k
Thats fucking suicide tier

That ain't my image my man.

Although it would probably be smart for me to shift from 70% LTC to at least 50% LTC 20% Eth.

It doesn't matter what the reason is. Just needs to be the first domino

I call bs it’s the only stable coin with enough hype. No 1 wants eth anymore except for the shills that jumped on the bandwagon earlier this year and dummies that don’t know about the actual usability of the technology,

If BTC crashes, what do you think is going to happen to all the alts that aren't even being used as cash? Just fucking think about it. It's all or nothing BTC.


this. its just like the tulip craze at this point.

totally unpredictable

LTC is probably the most used coin after BTC.

This pump is giving me a nosebleed

Here's a hint, what's the coin with the huge whale sitting right below the btc pair price just waiting for the price to fall back?

What's the coin that makes the king and most altcoins irrelevant?

What's the coin that will be the leading trade pair on many exchanges coming in December, exchanges that actually have reserves and will not be using tether?

That's the coin that will save you when the btc bubble pops, every other coin is tied to BTC price, which is mainly valued in tether, a made up token with nothing backing it.

Only this coin will save you.

BitcoinCash. Sorry not sorry.

The King is USD you useless double niggers. Imagine the dollar shills right now.
>fucking crypto if king falls they're all fucked

Jesus Christ you're right
It is Normieing
If anything it is time to get another 2000 worth this week before it leaves the Decimal system and we are counting in units of 20's

Closer... Closer


Are you seriously using google to check the price.... use cryptowat.ch BTC/USD Bitfinex so you can at least see spoofy in action.

I just like the calculator
I usually use block folio because I can see the orders.
Some sick fuck just bought 94 of these damn things

Wtf is that volume?

Part of me is saying gtfo, part of me that it will go over 10k and carry on going. That's impossible, right Veeky Forums?



How much fucking longer are you gonna make me watch before one of these decides to be the one to moon relative to the other.

fucking hell this place is now reddit

They would have to chew through 5.7K sell orders. Who the fuck knows at this point. They might have to squeeze the shorts at some point.

Correction incoming?

Dipped $200

>Part of me says this will go to $1,000 bu that's impossible right?

Always do opposite of biz.

where are you from, little lady?

9588, going down.

This is my dilemma too.

I wouldn't even mind missing out on a BTC moon because I have a lower value portfolio anyway but it's not only missing out on the value that's the issue, it'll bleed any altcoins I move into like it's done twice to me when I misjudged a BTC moon.

My wire transfer is taking to long to get through to coinbase so I can't go all in yet. REEEEEE

9495, is it actually happening?

What is the opposite move(s) of BTC long? Watch what the market is telling you. What is a speculative move vs. a change in trend?


How short is your attention span? literally just earlier today it dropped from 9600 to 9150. Now it's at ATH. What makes you think "this is the one"?