/biz taken over by crypto

Alright guys,

this board is nothing but cryptocurrency now. Everyone talks about speculating only crypto. Why is no one talking about stocks? Why doesn't anyone talk about real estate?

The internet is killing retail across the country and there are thousands of foreclosures, which is good for savy real estate investors who can buys those and turn them into something profitable. I guess everyone who comes onto here is too poor or too lazy to really look into something other than just complex gambling of cyptos. A moron can do crypto, but it takes some smarts to do real estate and make it. More dividends and less speculating. Speculating is good in the short term but you guys really cant be expecting to make stable income from trading cyrpto right? You need to have passive income that comes in the mail every month from a real estate investment to really break free from the wagecuck cycle. MORE REAL ESTATE AND LESS SPECULATING!

Been reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and it has blown my mind. Not saying cyrpto is bad, just saying /biz needs to have some diversity and I would like to see more real estate talk on here.

>Been reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and it has blown my mind
good way to lose your money


Don't worry, boyo.
I see what you mean.
We need some more biz diversity.

What are your thoughts on the real estate game? Have you done anything with it ?

Nice blog post. Also buy bitbean faggot.

Damn you are years behind what is actually going on. RE is about to reverse like a mother fucker. The only thing that will save it is hyper inflation where the dollar is sacrificed to preserve the asset prices.

>Been reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and it has blown my mind
Nice troll op

Yeah, we should get back to old Veeky Forums where we talk about nothing but sucking X cocks at Y dollars a time to reach Z target.

Ever hear of Proof of Stake? Masternodes?

No, he is busy buying bonds.

goddamn op we’re just trying to cut our teeth here. it’s great you’re old af and can invest in PROPERTY but give us some time.

Demographic cliff my friend. Let the price come to you just keep out the shitskins. The jews are trying to fill the gap.

Agree with OP, we need a daily Personal Finance thread.

I mean, at the end of each day, we need to manage our gains somehow right?

Real estate is how I plan to make my easy millions.

>save 200k for down payment on 1mil loan
>use that loan for houses
>collect rent

No hard and heavy risks to keep me up at night, or any back breaking work.


it's been like this for two years loser. buy some bitcoin.

why do you think we are trying to hustle mad gainz in crypto?

Real estate doesn't buy itself . . . Some of us had to start with nothing but our labor.

>own 2 houses
>take out equity loans on both of them
>$400k low interest money to invest in crypto
>mfw double dipping in my wealth

But I AM diversifying my portfolio. My portfolio consists of crypto and guns and ammo, for starting the revolution the day BTC crashes down to zero.

I like you user. Add some silver and booze to top it off.

>Why doesn't anyone talk about real estate

Because it's already fucking insufferable in daily life, muh buy property and rent it out is literally every fucking normie on the planets plan to get rich. They'll tell you crypto is unsustainable and go on to complain they need to spend every cent they can possibly borrow to get in on muh property before it fucking runs out.

next up a house. with future plans to refi and buy the next midwinter's eve.

>not caring about owning multiple mansions and condos

>not selling the top

> now

You know, Veeky Forums has always been a cryptocurrency board... it was literally created as a containment board when /g/ was flooded by cryptomonies talk after the 2013-14 BTC spike.

Yes, we are all too poor you stupid faggot. I had 6k net worth and started investing in crypto a few months ago. I have close to 15k net worth now. My gf has made almost 10k on crypto. We would both love to do real estate, but the fact of the matter is that crypto is a much better opportunity at the moment, especially for people who don’t have the funds to get started in real estate.

My boss who makes upwards of 300k a year told me the other day he was looking to start getting into real estate but decided Crypto made more sense at the moment. Might have something to do with us being in a fucked market (Vancouver, Canada) but either way there's a lot of truth to what everyone else is saying here. You can invest in Real Estate whenever, the Crypto Boom however is something that will only happen once and it's happening now. It's like the difference between investing in Real Estate and investing in Apple or Microsoft stocks during the Dot Com Boom.

Feel for you user. You are in one of the most over priced RE markets in the world. Australian markets had their first pull back in 55 years. Anyone jumping in now is going to get rekt. If the FED rescues housing again the dollar's value will plummet.

Fuck real estate "investors". Shelter for people to live in should not be speculated upon. Go fuck yourself boomer Jew fag. I run my own business not fucking people from life necessities.

I've been telling everyone I can find this. Unfortunately I look like a raving lunatic with the lasted ponzi scheme. As a realtor I'm sure it comes off badly but when your making 8% back after paying for everything it looks too good to be true.

Until the cheap credit is gone.