Officially /our coin/


I'm fucking telling you change the logo to fucking RED or something.

Pretty much
I should probably get around to buying some huh?

Yes, at least before this goes to $1000


Zcash is in the billion Dollar Club

Stay Frosty

The logo's great go die

usually I'd agree that orange wouldn't be a good choice, but with xmr it's a dark enough orange that it works for me. idk

It sounds like a generic paypal crypto

trips wtf

sounds better than anything with "coin" at the end of it.

Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, Dogecoin - all sound like children's toys that came with a Fisher Price play set.

Monero is a highly marketable name

Normies even know it cause it's on the news all the time. Normies know bitcoin, monero (cause sometimes they buy drugs with it), and maybe ethereum

I have been waiting for the dip...but it didn't dip...when should I buy?

i swear monero will be the usable day to day crypto in a couple years.

eth will be used fro smart contracts

BTC will be longterm value reserve and information protection

monero will be the fucking digital cash the internet marketplacve will need.

down with paypal

down with visa and mastercard

we monero NOW

it will crash with everything else, my target for buy-in is $80-100



Good luck

It is about the crash hard
sell for links fast


Honestly I’ve always wanted to end up with Monero. I just wanted to build up more wealth using shitcoins in the meantime

$300 soon.

where can i buy it with a debit card and lowest fees

If you're in the US or Europe buy btc or Eth on coinbase then get monero on bittrex bitfinex binance etc. if you're European I think you can go directly eur to xmr on kraken

>our coin
bout fucking time

sweet i already had some btc on binance and they only charge 0.05% but i heard their prices are a bit inflated?

This guy again? Just get on board - here's your fucking cookie

>plot twist
Monero is Esperanto for coin


Binance is a great exchange, the only reason to use bittrex over them is higher liquidity for certain coins.

nice - what else do you know?