Literally who is funneling so much fucking money into btc? Wealthy tax evading china man?

Literally who is funneling so much fucking money into btc? Wealthy tax evading china man?

Other urls found in this thread:

All the wall street brainlets who mocked bitcoin for years are now funnelling their billions into it


the entire fucking world.

Yeah this. The site I buy bitcoin from ran out of supply yesterday and today. This is one of the craziest bull runs so far.

i don't think they would do that at ath....

Theres a new ATH every fucking day/week for the past three months.

The Tulip Age is back. Thankfully, tokens don't rot like tulips did.


tether, duh

exactly.... so it's probably not them.

my guess, teenagers.

which supplier is this?


coinbase has 10 M users. they've been getting 100k new users EVERY DAY. 1% gain per day.

how can we predict when this growth stops?
if we kept an eye on it wed know when to cover our btc longs
ok here we go. coinbase has not updated this list in a few days.

but cb already has 10 milloin, only 300 m people in US..... how many more really could make accounts??

Jap payday loans and NEET lawnmowing money

you forgot the billion pajeets

>all news about hitting 10K
>big bang normie did a show about it
>memes about bitcoin on instagram


Every news outlet in the world is paying attention to the $10k milestone. Normie FOMO is CRAZY atm


It's the Koreans worried about a war with North Korea. Bitcoin is trading for $12k on Korean exchanges!

Normie invasion has begun, it's a perfect storm. I can't even tell if it's fomo or if this shit has truly gone parabolic. I've had three friends I haven't talked to in a year message me in the last 24 hours asking if I still did "that bitcoin thing" wanting to know how much I had and how they could buy some too.

If there is no correction soon, you will know we have reached critical mass. The floodgates have opened.

>be wall street
>know cme futures are coming in less than three weeks
>know you can invest a fraction of your wealth in bitcoin and gain a significant stake
>may or may not know about the bitfinex/tether situation, but either way, know what lack of regulations entail because you're already using every dirty trick in the book WITH regulations
>short bitcoin futures on christmas
>sell a ton of bitcoins at once to trigger panic selling
>make bank
>buy dip with profits
>do it all over again with much bigger stake

There's literally no one with enough power to stop a big firm from doing that except other wall street investors. Most of the normies who claim they will sell their BTC at 100k will be shaken out in a couple of weeks if the price drops 75%.

We're witnessing the next generation of wealth transfer. Better get on the fucking rocket because it's not going anywhere but up. 0.1% adoption rate so far, limited supply, censor free currency, border free, appreciating store of wealth, wtf do you think is going to happen?

Honestly the first time I thought about this seriously (besides already having some bitcoin) was in mid 2014 when I was travelling abroad. The amount of hoops you have to jump through in order to manage your currency if you travel a ton just doesn't make sense. Everything else is going global, it doesn't make any sense to still be divided by different currencies. Everyone wins in adopting a single currency. Whether that's bitcoin or not in the long run it remains to be seen, but this is good for everyone besides the big banks and governments (fuck 'em)