Why are nocoiners pathetic faggots?

And why are they so sadistic?

Pure bitterness. Why would they want to ruin this when they can simply jump on the choo choo train?


because ppl work hard for their money and when a few fools get lucky on a get rich quick scheme everyone hates them and hopes they burn to the ground

the way we feel about bitconnect is how everyone else feels about BTC

this is why BTC will never hit the crazy numbers everyone thinks it will, a large part of the population will never buy at ATH and help make you richer

not gonna lie, pretty bitter that I didn't buy/mine some when I first discover about it mid 2011. I'm a jobless poorfag and I made a wallet recently but it's pretty much to no avail since now the price skyrocketed and mining them is out of question

I don't get why people are like this.

I mean, did you REALLY believe it'd be worth anything way back in 2011? back in 2011 did you have the power to see into the future, and thought, I'm going to avoid buying bitcoin because I want to suffer. Do you really honestly believe that "YOU KNEW IT'D BE WORTH SOMETHING SOME DAY" just chose not to act on it?

no, but if I mined a few back in the day I wouldn't be using a windows XP right now. I was never a "no coiner" and yes I (and probably most people) couldn't fathom that it would get to this price so fast but even than I get butthurt for not knowing the future. It just always comes back to the "what if I had..."

regret is for pussies.
im just glad im in right now.

>but if I mined a few back in the day

Tons of people mines back n the day and thew out or lost their keys because they were worthless at the time. Just be glad you're not the pizza guy.

It was meant to be. Weebs shouldn't be rich.

They will have no choice. Many of their transactions will use or be backed by Bitcoin and they won't even know. Ignorance is bliss.

>Goto different boards and mock "no coiners" and insult anyone who questions you about bitcoins
>Why do they hate us bro I don't get it.

>Windows XP
Nigga you do know you can get a real operating system for free?

Thinking a deflationary currency is going to be the main currency of the world
>ignorence is bliss

only if you're talking about some version of linux because I'm using a 2007 pc

fair point

I guess you're right.

betcha can't put into words a good explanation for why deflation is bad.

Am I nocoiner if I mine and instantly cash out? I mean, not just like a few-rigs-mine, but BIG-mine.

Well, I guess I am. But I feel neutral to the market, whatever happens.

Try to get something if you can during this dip though, I hope you become middle-class at least.

Good luck user.


Ready to get schooled dumb fuck? Deflationary currency encouraged hodling instead of spending. This is absolutely terrible for every nations economy. Inflationary currency encourages spending which is great for the economy. If you want to argue that BTC is a good hedge against inflation thats fine, but to think it is going to be the global currency is a fucking joke.

If you are running a business and need to invest a million dollars worth of BTC on a 2 year project before you see any returns and BTC goes up 10% a year for those 2 years, guess what, you just lost an extra 20% for not just hodling. This is why it is a shit currency. Take a fucking economics glass you ignorant nigger.


t. public school educated worker drone.

or maybe this will teach the world that you probably shouldn't buy shit you don't need

I put 200 in, its all I had in my savings, now its 400 and I've discovered that I really want to develop on blockchain. It really is the future in my oppinion and the only way I can secure myself is by becoming a developer in it. Going to get autismbucks for CS and other courses, 3 years free, use my grants/funding to buy mining equipment being as I can just pirate the computer programming books online.

I don't wanna get rich for no reason, I wanna get rich because I contributed.

the entire world economy is predicated on people buying shit they don't need

That's why things like "planned obsolescence" exist. That's why it should be replaced.

also the fact that people think if they had bitcoin back then they'd still be holding it today, you would have shit yourself when it was worth $70 or somesuch and cashed out then.

Or spent it on drugs...

Why did you fags invest in invisible money?
Buy real stocks in real companies. Oil, Gold, Guns - those three will always make you money.


>mid 2011
that's nothing, try 2010 /b/ and spamming spiderman pictures in every bitcoin gift thread because you wanted those "cancerous fuckers" to fuck off with their drug coin from the board and stop making 5 different active threads about it

btw people who rolled trips or quads were usually gifted 20-30 BTCs by some random guy(s) who had stacked a fuckload of them

1.31% increase over 5 years is still an increase.

Same. I started using /b/ in 2006. I remember seeing bitcoin threads all the time and thinking it was a scam. At one point in 2010 I even downloaded a wallet and mined a bit just to see what the hell was the big deal. I think I ended up deleting everything and saying "fuck it". I could have been a millionaire with just a $50 investment.

We hate you because you fucks won't shut the fuck up about bitcoin. You are essentially the vegans of the finance world.

looks like this dude just cashed out his last 20 BTC 2 weeks ago so i guess it all worked out ok in the end


You'd be better off investing in Treasuries.

Maybe because all you idiots don't actually do anything with your bitmemes and only hoard them for speculative gain
> I don't understand why did it crash?