Who's genuinely excited/interested to see what the new ATH of LINK will be after it finally pumps after a partnership announcement or whatever big news comes next?

pic related?

pic related

Whatever happens crypto will be huge and Chainlink will have over 1 billion one day in mcap.

so a 20x is what I expect in fiat value.

so im comfy.

When LINK truly moons, you will see a new era of memes, a renaissance if you will. The amount of Veeky Forums drama currently surrounding this coin, created in part by retards, trolls, and LINK-holders themselves, dictates nothing less.

You will see all new flavors of Wojack, Pepe and other things that only a happening can produce. Veeky Forums has already set this in motion, it is inevitable.

They will be coming

Someone please let me know what the fuck is going on with this thing. Are there people that actually believe it can recover from a 70% loss or is this just all a parody of being a bad investor.

Veeky Forums memes a man into office and now they think we can't meme chainlink to a multi-billion dollar market cap.... tsk tsk

if you are only reading about this now you should get onboard before you miss the biggest of all moons

What is there to "recover" from? The price of the token is meaningless and has no bearing on the success of the project. The devs already have their $32m which is more than enough to fully implement it. Once the ChainLink protocol is actually implemented and the tokens have a use, the price will rise proportional to its use. People who think it will be used a lot would prefer the price to go as low as possible until then so that they may accumulate more. Those who do not believe it will see much use would either not care at all (not invested) or (bagholders) want it to go up so they can unload before the price crashes when the project's failure becomes apparent.

Are LINK holders the same people that invested in DGB or weren't around for it? They have to be, because I refuse to believe that there are this many hypocritical dumbasses that can't take a step back and actually look at the state of things.

This is mirroring the collapse of DGB in every fucking way. Now LINK threads are filled with people saying "FUD just makes me want to buy more" and using repeating digits to confirm moon missions.

Your CEO is missing and doesn't care about marketing, SIBOS was hyped up and failed to deliver, and you're left with a legion of bagholders preventing it from mooning any significant amount.

The coin is fucking dead. I will never touch link, because even in the event that I'm completely wrong, it was still a good move to avoid it because all signs point to this being a shitty investment.

If you guys genuinely make it, congrats, but know that you were all retarded either way.

> We'll be throwing an all ranks ball.
> Memetics R&D will be through the roof.
> Well stack the FUDders even higher
The future is bright for all those who HODL.

You legit sound exactly like a Digimarine, I hope you realize that.

Stop trading with your emotions.

Digits confirm.

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

To have Iron Hands in these times is to have no soul. Let alone emotions lad.

Check'ed, KEK'ed, and FUDders soon to be REKT.

We can have a dgb-funded raffle to give nocoiners a chance to attend (and pump my friend's dgb bags he has held from the top ri.ip)

what happen to your general statues?

best site to buy LINK?

what the fuck did you pass 3rd grade english motherfucker

Digits confirm linkies are digicucks

binance, respect your seniors


>tfw I bought more link so I'd at least be an NCO

Easily the dumbest reason for a financial decision I have ever made. I just view as buying a ticket on the ride... crash or moon, the memes are going to be too good to sit this one out

If this post ends in a 4 you're a faggot and you're going to miss the rocket.

if this post ends in 0 serg is zerg

If my id starts with "maiT" we're going straight to the fuckin' moon

1100 LINK reporting in

"Hey user... can you LINK me some chain? I can only afford enough for a hummer and I want a lambo like you guys"

so... you're also specialist, eh?

My friends.

It will be epic.

marines, tag up with you ranks

Yea and I overpayed when i bought last week at 18 cents. Scared to gain rank because of the lack of quality chainlink memes. I need to know for certain if Sergey is Satoshi.


what, no. I'm an undercover specialist. Currently on duty. Sir.


Linkies not just deluded but blinded.

Literally 1 million tokens were sent to a binance wallet with zero explanation from cuck boy Rory