Rory gets paid in link

The reason why this retard doesn't say anything useful is because he gets paid in link.
He's a linkie just like us. Sergey and Steve are the ones with all the cash. I bet Rory doesn't even talk to them.

Rory is literally embodiment of Veeky Forumsnesman.
Everyone who hates Rory is hating himself.
Rory is thick, Rory is loving, Rory is caring.
Can we even hope for better community manager?

I feel this burning hate towards Rory. I don't know if it's his faggy name, or his nu-male SJW rhetoric and the fact that he controls all LINK news.

Am I the only one here?

lets be honest, you want thay rory dick in your viable mouth don't you?

Our sons will read in the history books
"Rory Chan was the first human to get paid in ChainLink"
He already made it

>He already made it


rory is the one dropping the price
he is dumping 1 million links am month

less than minimum wage

>I get paid in LINK guiz

Jesus what a shitcoin scammers

Glad to have you "hear"
Amazing community management ,I see why he gets paid the big links

probably in Bancor too

He literally married a coal burning roastie with a nigger child plus he's getting paid in LINK.

If you're ever going through a hard time, just remember this guy.

God damn Rory will be rich

Where do you find these pictures?

He really does never smile


Would it shock you to learn that Rory looks after his wife's black child?

with responses like this, you just KNOW you invested in a good, cool team. go LINK!

The forehead on that niglet, jesus fuck.

Why did he have to cuck himself this way, I'd feel bad for the guy if he wasn't a useless prick on Slack.

Why, Rory? Why?

Holy fuck is that actually Rory?

This is what being paid in LINK gets you, biz.

yikes Rory's counting on this as much as we are.

Bets on how long after LINK moons he's dating a 10/10 eastern european broad?

Male pattern baldness on his wife's negroid daughter. Feels bad man. What a cuck.

He lives in Africa?

>gets paid in link
>dumps on us every time he gets paid

wew lad

everytime I think the link meme is maxed out, something hilarious pops up. I laughed my ass off while taking a huge shit. linkies, Rory, sergij, the go learning pajeet, please never die

Wholesome Serg! Buying for those pinchable cheeks.
I'm going to become a millionaire because Sergey's cheeks are cute

Sergey takes hoverhanding to a new level.

This is like the opposite of hoverhand bro. The girl is literally bouncing and supported by Sergey's massive cock. Hoverhanders have a forcefield that auto repel even the beefiest of females.


Goddamn, I don't care anymore if I make it with LINK, I just want Rory to make it brehs.

What a true alpha male. Women just cant keep it in around him. I bet after that pic Sergey demolished that pussy with his 25cm/25cm monster world destroyer cock and impregnated her with atleast 10 babies
Holy shit. If I get even 1% of Sergeys top testo levels, Id be the next Mr.Olympia

That's probably his daughter or niece you pedo.

Would you expect better of LINK marines when their token is based on pedocoin?

Real alpha doesnt choose his holes

Lmao sergey too greedy to pay his team with actual money?

What about the 32 million dollars he raised?

They sure as hell aint being used on development

Fuck this shit, chainlink is the new bancor

Lol Rory the cuck

rory literally just gets to put the chainlink logo next to his name and block people. He's a confirmed nobody to keep the man children at bay while steve and sergey work.

Bancor was made by Jews. So this is different

OK, I no longer care if people are mean to Rory.

Wait, that other one looks Chinese. Did they adopt? Maybe that's whats going on and he isn't a full cuck. If she burnt the coal then fair enough, mock Rory. But adopting, while not great, isn't as bad as taping a burnt hole.


Rory is stonewall pencildick.

Pretty much. That's what they 'pay' him for at least. Sergey and Steve are busy men.

wondering this as well


I don't hate him, that's just stupid. But his inability to spell is fucking irritating. If Sergey gave him anything more than 100 LINK, he overpaid.

Don't worry that's all he's probably getting paid