Has there ever been a case ( with proofs ) of anyone actually giving other Anons bitcoin or other coins here?

Has there ever been a case ( with proofs ) of anyone actually giving other Anons bitcoin or other coins here?

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lol no stop dreaming

i got 0.33 ether from a nice nigga here a few months ago.

Some guy gave out a few thousand dollar worth of bitshares last week, was legit, you could see his transactions

i got .5 obsidian. thanks guy

someone gave me 0.005 btc in summer

I gave 1 ARK away to the best wrist watch in a thread I made a few weeks ago

a guy last week gave 0.05 btc to two different people.

i got .000001 BTC but i did have to suck 4 anons dick at the same time

i got .1 btc last week from a guy, he gave .1 btc each to 3 dubsfags

someone gave me 0.0015 btc

Do you guys want to find out? I'm not a whale but I bought some btc when it was still at $100. I'll give the first 10 replies 0.01 each.

I got 1$ bch

Being a rich fag, I was thinking of holding contests to amuse myself.

But its going to require some effort on user's part.



what a lucky guy, how many did you buy


bitcoin: 18vts5G4LvUoAKpgHSegmZBD4j2jf28tU3

Hope you're legit.. I'm poor as fuck :(

thx user!




yup. this dude gave me $100: warosu.org/biz/thread/S4609602#p4616637. i'm really grateful. i ended up sending most of the money to the op, guessing he might need it more than me

I'll find out :D

I got 4 chan coin and a Nigger

retards stop fucking falling for this. you are fueling the cancer that is like half the threads filling up biz now adays

That was me, i gambled a few more times and got like 38k but lost 17k of it, still came out with 21k tho

boom :P

ty user.

Got 0.08 XMR yesterday from an user yesterday when I warned people about the XML PnD scheme. If you read this: Thanks user for the tip!

I got half a million ohni in a giveout thread, but didn't (and still don't) understand how the fuck any of this works and forgot the password key.

someone gave to two people 0.05 btc each yesterday.

you are truly a Veeky Forums legend, we will ride lambos in Valhalla someday

yes someone gave me some BCH

Maybe, if we dont all get justed first.

I was just seeing if people are actually this gullible. Turns out they are.

P.s. I just emptied your wallets thanks for posting your addresses


dude your a savior i actually need exactly 0.01 btc to cover my losses, so my dad doesnt hate me

I gave 1 bitcoin as a donation to a forum back when they were like $200 and organizations were just starting to accept them.

sure. I gave some fuck on here 0.01 BTC for shoving a sharpie all the way up his ass, cap included, and then fishing it out, was hilarious, didnt think anyone would actually do it

Eyy I was one of those dubfags

Like fuckin clockwork

12th here.
t. OP

>Has there ever been a case ( with proofs ) of anyone actually giving other Anons other coins here?
\biz\coin user always delivered, as well as \bees\ guy.

you all shut the fuck up and give me some btc, thank you cryptotards 12676TYMB7utnStciUyr3JQsaK5HpQmFdn

can someone please for the god of love send me some

13BVMEgmQCCmfH54vL3FSZMyTV7fuJ9aLZ gib

oh god you are so rich
want to lend me some I promise I pay you back with interest

I gave somebody $10 in BTC during end of summer

I gave 3100 BTC to a landfill in 2010 so I don’t give shit anymore


Some guy was giving out $20 WoW subs in btc and I posted three different address with different screenshots and got them all topkek

Yeah someone gave me 55 ETH last year from a biz thread and like 5 years ago people used to giveaway Bitcoin like nothing

Especially before it first hit 1k and after it crashed from 1k