I'm not going to give you

A lie, I'll be honest. I broke into a neighbors house and stole his Xbox and games. In one of the games was a piece of paper that said BTC keys and a bunch of codes. How do I find out where to put these keys to unlock this BTC? Please help

Other urls found in this thread:


send em codes here bruh we"ll help

Go away FBI, this is an anime board!

>the absolute state of crypto security
post the keys and I can help you out

You'll have to kidnap him but make sure you do it LEGALLY.

I don't want to go to jail.

I'm not that dumb. Not just posting them. But where do I enter them? Is each one a Bitcoin?

Lol I caught that obscure Trump reference

fuck you pajeet nigger faggot fucker


I will help you on discord... do you have one?

I'll split the codes with whoever tells me. Get ready to enter them because I guarantee someone will snipe them when I post the picture. Seriously help me

Google it fucking shitbrain

Nope, is it an app or a program. I don't have a pc

assuming ur being legit do not post them... I can explain how to import a private key.... is it a string of 24 words or is it a string of random letters and numbers?

Thanks Dad, it was talking about a wallet but I don't have his wallets, just his keys

there is an app you can sign up for .... if you dont have a PC I will probably have to check them for you ...is it 24 words or a random string of characters?

Random letters and numbers

how many sets ?

everybody here are fucking dickheads ill help. google:
e-currency key portal

you are a fucking scumbag. kys you lowlife trash

We can't help you withouth posting them

Give it back Jamal.

>A lie, I'll be honest. I broke into a neighbors house and stole his Xbox and games.

>Being a big fat nigger

8 sets

>steals someone's bitcoin by breaking in to his house
>wants people to be friendly
fuck off both

Does it start with an L or a K?

arite so these represent 8 different wallets... do not post them here... if they are infact his private keys it seems like he divided up the coins... I find this hard to believe though... how old is this person? We are going to import the keys and check the balances


ransom them. then you can get money and clear your conscience

Imagine if this was real and not a larp

The richer you'd get the worse you'd feel, always knowing in the back of your head that you stole it from some poor schmuck in basically your position. Every sweet and cool thing you did with the money, from hookers to lambos to whatever, would be tainted by that part of your brain that knows you're living a lie and someone out there is looking for you.


wouldn't care

Thanks for joining the chat and for the free money. Next time don't rob innocent people, idiot.

What country are you from?

what coins r you holding ?

be careful, don't cut yourself on that edge

i smell a pajeet, wanna be alone in here?


He's old, at least 30

Walton is gonna pop 200% by Saturday..supply is low..master nodes are getting activated

Then post them, so we can help.

so you guna import them ... if you arent going to share one and you dont have a PC then you have no option rn

how do you know? i have 1k to spend

Im not OP you fucking retards... do you even check IDs

Yeah, what country are you from?

Will he b able to see who used the code? Im getting nervous now.

Yeah, post the codes.

how much money do u have?

why do you keep asking that like it matters?

lol to a random wallet? no....who says they even have balances... or he didn't scramble the code in a way only he would know...

Of course

how much money do u have ?

I highly doubt anyone with a considerable amount of coin doesn't have them more secured than a video game box ... I am intrigued though ...

DM me on twitter I can help you out @TheBitAdviser

Okay so this page in a different box has one code with letters and just 9 as the number in between. It doesn't say btc, think this is his unscramble code? I'm confused af now. No balance? These aren't worth money?

He's a nig. They aren't wired like humans. He will be back to poor by the end of next year. Don't waste your time trying to explain logic and reasoning.

Also, kys OP. LARPing or not.

You type the code wrong once and the security lock will be enabled.
IP etc. will be sent to nearest police station.

kys u thieving nigglet