Thanks, just bought 100k!

Thanks, just bought 100k!

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Just bought 100k!

100k here too! I am ready.

fucking cardano has been watering down our gains all week

im holding alot of cardano, hopefully it will pump within the next few days.

What is Cardano. Is it like Iota?

>Poor old student fag
>Interdasted in BTC
>paranoid malware on PC cuz pirate.png
>Go Coinbase
>Put 200 dolla in
> Transaction says it went through but doesn't show in wallet nor bank
>mfw when I want to trade but can't

Old news - priced in
Should have been buying it sub .50c when it was fudded here
Now too many shilling pajeets unload their bags

No the 0.000130 whale is the only reason the graph is literally a straight line

It's always congested network for IOTA. I fully expect to never be able to withdraw it.

If all the e-commerce solutions come through, you won't have to.

IOTA withdrawl still suspended on binance, eh?


Fuck off,the whale with 350btc dumped everything. For a reason. Just unloas your bags and get into Link

That's not a whale when you're sitting on 4bn cap and have the entire iot industry lined up to pump

Whats this whales endgame, to accumulate most of the IOTA?

To get more btc since iota is going up anyway

Buy a house with the money? Fucked if I know

Gimme a short explanation of how iota works. if it seems good I'll look at their whitepaper and if that looks good enough for it to 3x over the next 6 months I'll buy for 3m USD worth of BTC.

Always do the opposite of what biz says , I just bought 100k gold.


thanks sold 100 billion

anyone else enjoying the IOTA gainz on binance?

I'm enjoying the gains on everything. Except fucking Ripple.

Iota is a fee-less, quantum-computing proof and infinitely scalable decentralized ledger.

Its like a blockchain but is an innovation on traditional blockchain. It is a Decentralized Acyclic Graph, also known as "the Tangle"

Traditional blockchain requires CPU power to mine blocks via solving algorithms and then when a block is mined all transactions on the ledger are approved and people get their money.

With the Tangle the proof-of-work is performed by the machine when making a transaction.

For example I send Iota with my phone to buy a widget. Well the request by my phone contacts the widget company, while simultaneously verifying two previous transactions that happened in Iota. (Stacey buys an apple and Chad buys a Banana)

This replaces the need for miners and creates a much faster ledger that, without fees, truly opens the door for micropayments. Thus opening up the Data marketplace.

I didn't understand a single FUCKING word of that sentence but I liked the way you said it. Just bought 1. All-in baby les go.

just bought 231 IOTA on binance for .00012995


People keep saying it's not.

People don't understand a) what the coordinator is and b) why it won't be here forever. In fact it is being abandoned in the next weeks already.


I just found it odd that the explanation was littered with the word decentralized when most say it isn't. I have no idea co-ordinator.

How new are you? It's a whale who's gatekeeping to keep the price down before pulling back the curtain and eating up all the desperately low undervalued buys. Be grateful fucking, shut the fuck up, and don't ruin this accumulation for the rest of us.

It currently isn't but will be very soon.

They need the central node to make sure transactions are verified because the network isn't widely used yet. The way IOTA confirms transactions is unique and relies on other IOTA users sending IOTA out of their wallets. Not enough users currently to support that, hence the node.

Then why doesn't the network work? Why can't I withdraw my IOTA from Binance?

dat 1 million buy wall on binance :(

It was 2.8 million yesterday, we are chipping at that wall. When it goes down, it's the breaking of the gate of the bull run.


just sell for btc and withdraw lol

Watch it. It won't get taken down. It will get eaten.

Something to do with the few million $ that someone dropped on IOTA on Bitfinex yesterday at this price.


you asked for a way to withdraw retard im not telling you to sell

Moving coins off an exchange is withdrawing not selling.

system is just flawed. Can't wait until bitfinex or binance drops it

your iota are safer on an exchange than on their wallet

Why's that?

wallet has been glitchy and kind of difficult to use for new users. coins disappeared for a lil bit too. theyre retrievable but its kind of confusing. also sorry for calling you a retard

That's ok thanks.

What in the fuck is going on with the IOTA? Bots all over it, 300 btc buy wall all night

they dont disappear the wallet is just slow as fuck and takes a while to get your balance from the tangle

after this wall leaves will it go up or down?

stocked up at $1.11 twice looking to add more to sell at 0.0001300 again I guess

Fuck this wall I wanted to dump this at $1.50 but ive staring at 0.0001299 for the last 9 hours ;.;

thats what i said m8

can't wait

up, sell walls are created to accumulate coins at cheaper price, and why would someone do that without the certainty of the price going up?