
is Veeky Forums hyped?

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and also this


Are they coming out with the next new WC3 expansion or something?
Unless it's that or announcing WC4, I couldn't care less.

Though, I wouldn't mind if they released some sort of Warcraft encyclopedia with all the lore and history neatly catalogued.

>Unless it's that or announcing WC4,
They call it WoW.
Face it. Warcraft is dead. Blizzard is channeling its resources into the next big thing in gaming.

do you really imagine they will make a decent game again? I'd be very surprised.

the movie's about the older lore so I think it could be interesting.

Pay-to-play microtransaction-based games and session-based MOBAs?
Well, they could try. After all, even if the new Age of Mythology expansion wasn't really good, it was at least more-or-less decent.

>khadgar is in explicit training to be the new guardian
>some orcs will ally with humans to fight guldan, already in the wc1 era

GW goes bankrupt and is bought by Blizzard.
Blizzard launches a new minuatures product line based on Warcraft and Starcraft universes.

What happens?

It was a successful title, it will get a direct sequel eventually.
That's how business works.

I'm trying to figure out what you could possibly be talking about, and I'm coming to the reluctant conclusion you're talking about the movie. If so, I'm not sure I can possibly put sufficiently little emotion in the word "No.".

Wow, where did they find a CG production company from 2003?

Honestly, I would love it.
Metzen's corruption fetish could compliment Chaos perfectly, and Ork players have been dicked over for so long that they would gladly take green Jesus if it meant to finally be relevant again.

My only concern would be Nids, they would be scrapped entirely for the Zerg.

Honestly I like the CGI, it looks like they've done a good job of making it feel like an actual fantasy world, with magic and towering castles and shit.

realer than real life

And then you have the green painted chick.

Nice only 10 years too late.

aka muh waifu

Im looking forward to the sequence where the burning legion takes full control of the horde and transforms them into demonically enhanced berserkers.

The old horde in WC1 was fucking bad ass.


Well there will be some nameless draenei shown briefly to feel bad over so.

>Khadgar, peerless wizard and apprentice to Medivh himself
>looks about as resolute and distinguishable as your average twenty-something manchild working minimum wage to pay for his anime figures

He has such a round head- he has the jawline of Mickey Mouse.
Also, hearing him yell out spells is kinda cringy.

I get that he's just been a studious bookworm 'til now and that his ascent into archmage badass has only just begun, but he is very underwhelming to me.

That said, I have absolutely the lowest expectations for this movie. They're already shitting all over the lore for no discernible reason other than to give Durotan a spotlight that wasn't there before, and to play up the "muh noble savages" tropes.

The movie looks terrible. I'm 0% hype.

I'm waiting for the movie to blow over so those warcraft faggots stop making their threads here.

>muh noble savages
That gotta be the worst thing that wizard ever did to the lore.

Y-you . . . too ?

lol get real faggot

honestly fuck that movie. first of all, there are a lot of negroes in it. i dont have anything against niggers, but they have no place i a medieval movie. the actress who plays varian's mom is a half nigger. it breaks my immersion A LOT! from the screenshots you can see that there are a lot of dark haired ppl in stormwind... WTF??? this is pissing me off. 70% ppl should be blonde in warcraft!!! its world of noble aryans

cgi looks like shit, armor looks like crap, actors are retards, especially lothar, fuck this movie. im gonna watch it as soon as pirated versions are available tho

lol go back to Veeky Forums you piss-bottling landwhale.

>said no one ever

Make me

The Warcraft threads started up with the announcement of the Chronicles books that would outline previously unconfirmed and new chunks of lore, not with the movie. It spurred people to want to make a proper homebrew regarding it so they could play in a Warcraft universe that was free of whatever they deemed was the shittier bits without resorting to the awful D&D 3.5 conversions.

In true Veeky Forums fashion, however, very little has been accomplished and most of the discussions revolve around either how shitty the lore is, or power-level dick-measuring contests.

>most of the discussions revolve around either how shitty the lore is

Fucking blizzard they ruined warcraft!