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Cherries dipped in chocolate edition

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First for Raven Guard


I envy the Space Marines, whose flash is easy to trim.

Worst first founding chapter.

I think you failed spelling 'Best'

Best at getting their chapter master killed, sure.

Ha ha

All the founding chapters kind of suck.

Abaddon takes Terra, estates himself as the new Emperor, kills off the dusty old one, and uses his chaotic powers to replace the astronomicon for ships loyal to him. The chaos gods do not simply erase the galaxy with the emperor dead.

What happens?

Age of the Emperor.

Severax was an unfortunate case.

Found the Taufag.

user, did you forget the broest of bros? How could you forget that the Salamanders are a thing? Who doesn't love them?

Their Chapter Master is now MURDERWINGS, and will always be MURDERWINGS. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of 12 attacks on the charge.

And besides, everyone knows that Severax made the mistake of trying to fight a Mary Sue in melee.

Why do you keep using random artwork for the OP image. You can share them in the thread, but the Header Images exist for a reason.

Orks actually. I just think the successor and later founding chapters tend to be more interesting.

Typical Dorn-fag

You mean the Dangels? First is worst.

a few of their disgraces

>caught torturing one of their own heretic fallen by the Crimson Sabers who promptly gun down a good number of the Dangels and give good thrashing causing them to flee the sector

>The Crimson Sabers now the Crimson slaughter launch an attack on the Dark Angels then brutally massacre killing every single Dark Angel in this sector and stealing their geneseed plus butchering their recruiting world

>were beguiled by a minor demonic entity into trying to destroy a loyal founding legion because the logic of "we found a wolf bolter next to these poorly trained dead Dangels, therefore we have to murder them all" seemed logical to their retarded chapter master

Honestly, first has always meant worst.

Keeps phone filth out and stops shitposting.


Aha! Found Carnac!

Where's my prize?

All variants of the macro image are skub and lead to excessive discussion of the OP image. Even in its absence we are still talking about it.

>everyone knows that Severax made the mistake of trying to fight a Mary Sue in melee.

Severax made the mistake of being a space marine, a race of creature who are only capable of exactly one strategy which they execute in every single battle forever, and that strategy is "zerg the commander".

This is a strategy that works against every other faction, even the otherwise adaptable Tyranids (muh synapse). But it doesn't work against Tau (muh greater good) but even if it did work all it takes is one person having a body double, and that person could defeat the combined forces of the enter galaxy's space marines.

Crimson slaughter are cool and wolves are getting what was coming to them for a long time. Best legion.

Did I say that last bit out loud?

>playing the game
pick one

I personally think that the Stormsurge's main gun should have a range of 200".

>Keeps phone filth out and stops shitposting.

There are people who don't use the search function?

You can literally add "40k" to the URL and get right here.

Not him, but I'm usually on my phone and I can find the general easy. Not my fault people can't just look at the thread title.

Am I wrong in remembering the Tau shitting their collective pants whenever someone manages to kick their precious Ethereals asses?

I feel you fleshy ally.

>Skitarii: combining the spindy/easily breakable infantry of the Necrons with the necessary colorfulness/highlights of Orks

Actually they get berserk and enter into genocide mode.

That's the "stated" fluff, and was the case on the tabletop for a long time (now it's only an extra VP).

However, in practice, a culexis killed the Space Pope and they just replaced him with a hologram and moved on. Admittedly, it was a small number of people who knew about this, but the point stands.

I really want to see Genocide Tau. There's a sept that hates aliens, I'd love to see an alien knock over an Ethereal and have that sept go on a rogue purging spree that would make the Emperor himself proud.

That would be funny.
It wouldn't really change its effectivness either, does anyone play on tables bigger than the standard 4x8?

I have trouble understanding the outflank rule.

Can I outflank with a unit even though the transport (in this case, a land raider) is not a dedicated transport?

They used to shit their pants and cry but that was too weak for the "inheritors of the universe" so now they get all angry like mentioned.

Ah 5th ed...
A simpler time where tau fielded hover tanks, grey knights were an elite choice rather than a codex, nids where the monstrous creature book, power weapons were power weapons, and wraithLORDS actually saw play.

And despite all of those things being superior to the current edition, it drove off quite a few players who only now are coming back.

Praise be to Rountree, hallow be his name.

Cry Carnac all you want, but chapters like the Mantis Warriors, the Reveilers, and the Black Templars are cooler than the big 9.

Here's hoping they don't fuck Dark Eldar any more than they already have. I mean, BDSM is kind of their thing, but come on...

True, it apparently causes some sort of instinctual/conditioned response because it harkens back to the Mont'au - the "Terror Age" where there were no Ethereals.

Losing an Ethereal is a big blow to morale, but the Fire Caste has likely been trained to keep going regardless. I think the 6th Edition rules of an extra victory point do a better job of representing this rather than the "I Win" button that killing an Ethereal was in previous editions.

With all that said, I think Severax made a decent call by going after Shadowsun. The loss of her tactical expertise would have been a big blow to the entire Fire Caste, even if command would have just transferred to Shas'o Kais. He was just outplayed fair and square.

>I think the 6th Edition rules of an extra victory point do a better job of representing this rather than the "I Win" button that killing an Ethereal was in previous editions.

I disagree, however, it does make sense, and moreover I hate "here's a cool unique thing also it's a huge penalty", which was the style of a lot of old GW design decisions (see: all of Orks and CSM).

>tfw you really like Tau playstyle, but hate weeb things.

Shadowsun played a trick on him by having a decoy, I'd hardly call that fair. I will give her praise for recognizing how her defeat would affect morale, however.

Is that davros on the back of that vyper?

>Shadowsun played a trick on him by having a decoy, I'd hardly call that fair.

The victor decides what is fair.


You mean 4e, user.

Those the new gemstone paints? Why is green only available in Australia?

It's proper Tau ignoble strategy. Of all the stupid shit in Kauyon killing Severax was not the stupidest thing.
The Tau have been known to kill Space Marine commanders by targeting them with seeker missiles, using a body double is hardly surprising.

Abaddon has taken the throne and chaos rules the galaxy. But by definition Chaos refuses to accept order and as a result Abaddon immediately finds himself under attack by his subordinates. Chaos factions constantly defend, conquer, reconquer, and destroy planets across the imperium and life as an imperial citizen becomes exponentially worse. Korne is pleased by the bloodshed, Tzeench cackles in glee as the chaos leaders scheme, Nurgle thrives among the corpses, and Slaanesh?

Slaanesh profits from the Craftworlds captured or destroyed by the Chaos hordes, as well as those swallowed by warp storms and the expanding maelstrom and eye of terror. The few Eldar that now remain hide among the Tau and Ultimus sectors, frequently coming to blows as they are forced to scavenge, raid, and kill for supplies once traded for with other craft worlds.

The Cadian Gate pops like a zit and the maelstrom doubles in size. Fortunately for Terra Abaddon holds the golden throne together by his own will; He has gotten what he wants from the gods and wants nothing more to do with them.

Orkz is happy. Dey don't care. Spiky Gitz fun to fight.

Tau expand rapidly, eating up defenseless imperial worlds. But before they can rise to become the newest superpower of the milky way they come in contact with Chaos. The resulting fight leads many Tau to become disillusioned with the empire. The rally under the Farsight Enclave and soon the empire is simultaneously fighting Orks, Chaos, and traitors.

Those gems look pretty cool, not sure how I feel about the gloss washes

The Necrons see all this warp fuckery and start working to contain it by building or reactivating pillars similar to those formerly found on Cadia. This brings them into contact with those living on planets with pillars hidden on them, as well as those chaos hordes still actually loyal to the chaos gods.

Hope for humanity remains in the Ultimus sector. A new, powerful psyker calling himself the Savior is uniting those imperial worlds too far away or too unimportant to Chaos lords to have been invaded. Those once loyal to the Emperor flock to this new mythical being in hopes of salvation, and even the Space Marines find themselves tempted by this new entity. Some join, some don’t. Fighting ensures amongst the imperial remnant. Travel is now limited to dealings with the Eldar, stolen Tau warp drives, and joyrides from the Necrons (assuming they don’t kill you on sight, and are willing to be bargained with, which is almost never).

And all the while the Tyranids approach. The Savior must hurry: If he cannot unite the galaxy, banish chaos, control the orks, and end a galaxy’s worth of conflicts before the bugs arrive, or sapience in the Milky Way galaxy is doomed.

And then GW releases the new rules and everyone rages.

Yup. The description implies that effect is from the gemstone paint put on top of a silver basecoat, and that's it. Hopefully Saint Duncan will do a video showing them properly though.

Australian green is because I was bored.

I think you'll find that 4th ed never actually happened.

Well my view is the loss of an Ethereal would be a much bigger behind-the-scenes victory, with the Caste Coalition scrambling to pick a new leader/work off old orders/cope with the loss of morale. Meanwhile, the Tau force on the surface continue fighting as they've been trained to do, keeping any bloodlust and fear in check.

Now Aun'va on the other hand, if he died then that's almost like seeing the God-Emperor die. Any match where Space Pope goes down is almost an unofficial victory by itself going by fluff. A single victory point to the enemy may not be enough to demonstrate this.

What's the best choice for starting an Ad Mech army? The start collecting box?

Well, it does seem to be a pretty nice effect. I'm curious to what the results would be when used as the main color rather than just for small details.

Yeah, that's very solid, and a good discount too.

The new what now?

Aun'va DID die, user.

And they just made a hologram version and went on with the third phase.

There's going to be paints for painting gemstones.

Also new metallics and gloss washes.

>Metal Layer Paints $5.75 ea
>Gemston Paints $4.25 ea
>Gloss Shades $7.25 ea

I would have loved a glossy seraphim sepia...

>a race of creature who are only capable of exactly one strategy which they execute in every single battle forever, and that strategy is "zerg the commander".
What the hell are you on about?
This is true in neither the game nor the fluff. In game there are many different ways of playing them, even on a tournament level, though admittedly the viable lists slims down a whole lot at that point.

And in lore we know for a fact space marines have a variety of different tactis employed, as shown by the codex Astartes, which, among other things, is a fucking list of all the different varieties of strategy that Astartes can use when fighting.
So where are you getting this idea that they only have one strategy, which is one that makes absolutely no sense given how the space marines could never just "zerg the commander"

What is the purpose of these paints?

- terrible painter

I'm aware. I'm talking about his tabletop rules though. 1 Victory Point for his death doesn't feel like enough for the leader of the entire Empire.

Not every marine is a Death Company marine, a World Eater/Khornate Bezerker, or the Black Templars, user. Heck the last ones managed to get a Khornate cult to turn on themselves.

Bright Pink Space Marines with every company formed from a different chapter, who all faked their deaths to form this secret chapter, TOTALLY DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE!!1! And they got mutated out of all the flaws of their geneseed.

Oh and they control a Forge World.


>phone filth

I get that this is a haven for depressed, angry, socially retarded, neckfats. But hating user for browsing on a phone is a bit silly. Why do you even care what device someone uses?

what is your position on tablets, laptops, and webtv?

Nigger please. Almost no one is returning to 40k right now. In fact, Id say more players are leaving due to the uninterrupted flow of terrible releases over the past 18 months.

Wait 2 months and you'll see just how much ground Games Workshop has lost over the last year.

Yeah I don't get the phone poster hate. On some level I assume it's an ironic meme.



No Anecdotes please.

Not that guy but
>image.jpg alongside shitpost, every time

>hi how does this easily searchable rule work?
>rulebooks are in the OP
>sorry on phone lol spoonfeed me instead

>ugh no it's easier scrolling through 150 images on my phone to find the 40k thread for my daily >i2 post than managing to hit the drop down tab to open the search bar with my sausage fingers

>ooh 3mb image posted in the /wip/ thread? Do you selfish fucks not understand I have a datacap!?

>Tau playstyle

What is that exactly? Because nearly every Tau player fields suit lists and relies on easy mode gimmicks like MC spam, markerlights, mirrorfagging, and multiple gargantuan creatures. Their playstyle is pretty much 'set difficulty to novice' and play yahtzee.

inb4 the inevitable 'git gud' and 'delicious tears'

Ok, prove players are returning to 40k, since that claim was made first.
See how that works?

Ah ok. So you opportunites to get pissed everywhere. Im guessing you 'hate' CSM and Ork players. And 'wish theyd squat Sisters so you fags would shut up'.

Sorry that you're so unhappy user. I hope you get your life sorted out.

>Their playstyle is pretty much 'set difficulty to novice'
Spam thundercav, win
Spam knight titans, win
Spam wraithknights, win

Yea, you're just mad some tau faggot beat you.

Tau use a combined arms approach, each unit supporting the other towards the end goal. Tau focus on modern tactics, shooting, while mixing their hunting strategies into their operations.
Meanwhile space marine players are too busy putting a grav gun up their ass and pulling the trigger

The stock has been going steadily up, especially since the appointment of the new CEO.
We know the BaC sold extremely well, so there's that.
The decline is slaes has slowed, which, while that still means that yes, there are less players than at the highpoint, people have to be returning, other wise the sales drop would only grow, not shrink.

Unbound IG/Knights/Space Marines

Space Marine Captain-120

Scout squad-65
sniper rifles

Tactical squad-165
10 marines, combi-plasma, plasma gun, The Imperial Space Marine


10 scions-140
power sword, flamer
10 scions-145
power sword, 2 flamers
10 scions-220
power sword, 2 metlaguns, chimera

Sentinel Recon Company
3 armored sentinels-165
plasma cannons, smoke launchers
3 armored sentinels-165
lascannons, smoke launchers

Knight Acheron-415


200 points for the space marines left over, what should I do?

Every spam-list is braindead. If you actually take a good variety of Tau units and focus on their teamwork and mobility? They can be a blast to play.

I suspect you are the the phone hater, and in this thread every day, because I visit semi-regularly and I recognize your style of vitriol.
So do you just sit there, browsing the internet, shitposting and calling people faggot all day every day? Because thats the vibe Im getting from you.

Get a life man. Theres more to do than habitually lashing out at anonymous users on an imageboard.

Nope. You were fine with
>Almost no one is returning to 40k right now.
and user (I'm not the person that posted that) should probably post proof*. But when you additionally said
>In fact, Id say more players are leaving due to the uninterrupted flow of terrible releases over the past 18 months.
a burden of proof fell on you for that claim as well. So let's see it m8.

*I could point you to threads on places like warseer where people are a lot more positive to GW, but there don't tend to be concrete "my local area's grown by this many players" claims. (Although, I haven't seen posts claiming the opposite either.)

Hell, people have become a lot kinder to GW on here as well, though it's mostly limited to the new CEO, and still has it's share of naysayers

Obviously neither claim can be proven. Stop shitposting.

>we know that BaC sold extremely well

We do? Because that cant be substantiated. And Hastings reported that BaC fell short of GW's goals

>the sales shrink has slowed

Really? Because GW sent out a damage control report essentially saying 'brace yourselves' to shareholders right after the holidays.

>gimmicks like markerlights
oh i'm sorry, did you want us to just rely on army-wide bs3 and do nothing about it? Or did you want us to run riptide wing/ghostkeel wing to get bs4 on them?

>Gets all defense the instant shit doesn't go his way
>I'm not even that user
>Now we know you're absolutely buttmad some tau player beat you

You might wanna stop posting, completely.
Unless you wanna post a list and try and summon formatting user.
I don't even know why I bothered to explain why people like playing tau.

Maybe I thought "You know what? Maybe that user is looking for an answer."
But no, you're just looking to shitpost because it's the only thing you have a degree of skill at. And we all see how well that's going.

>army-wide bs3 and do nothing about it?

Sure, why not, at least you got S5 basic guns.

>Really? Because GW sent out a damage control report essentially saying 'brace yourselves' to shareholders right after the holidays.
In the buisness year of 2014-2015 sales fell 4.6%. In the first half of 2015, they only fell by 2.2%. In contant currency, they fell by 2.2% in 2014 and rose by .7% in the first half. So yes, the drop of sales did decrease, and in fact they increased if you view the sales in a constant currency.
Also, proofs on the claim that BaC sold less then expected? Becsuse all reliable leaks have GW releasing a follow up late this year. They don't do that for poor selling stuff.
And this source better not be some shit like a BoLS article by the way.

Claims about B@C sales are weird. Some claim it's done badly and GW are doomed. Some claim it's done really well, and was the only thing propping up GW after the assumed financial disaster of AOS. It seems B@C's sales numbers depend on whether someone hates GW in general or AOS specifically.

Marker lights are basically an army-wide special rule anyway. Saying they're a gimmick is like saying chapter tactics or ATSKNF are gimmicks.

>And Hastings reported that BaC fell short of GW's goals
No he didn't. He said, and I quote:
"AoS is selling worse than WFB did, it’s popularity is much lower, if GW don’t reach out and get someone to start buying/playing do you think GW will support AoS for very long if it is actually making them less money than WFB did???

That’s what this 3 ways to play is all about, they have got to try and appeal to a bigger market, because the market they selected (picked at random) is not spending enough money. Hence the very very early warning to sharholders despite having 2 very popular launches (BaC and DW:O) AND some well received 40k releases….. this should at least be some kind of indication of how much AoS tanked even for the most ardent fan of it."
In this statement he both adresses the warning to shareholders, saying that was due to AoS sales, and describes both BaC and DW:O as being "popular". You don't describe a poorly selling product as "popular".

The rulebook only mentions Dedicated Transports, so it seems that, RAW, you can't Outflank with a unit embarked on a Heavy Support Land Raider.

I personally, if you were my opponent, would let you, but that's me personally, I'm quite flexible.

So if it's you and your mates playing, bring it up. But say, if it's a tournament or someone you don't know , I think the rulebook disallows it

Where can I find some good, entertaining 40k battle reports to read or watch?

>Spam knight titans, win
Do people honestly think this? Most all comers lists can beat Knight formations. Nearly any tournament level list can beat Knight formations. Knight formations aren't good. The argument against them has never been that they're too good, it's that they're boring to play against.

Miniwargaming is OK.

So I posted in here the other day asking how to get back into 40k after not playing since 5th.
I went to the local GW and asked the guy there he said buy Dark Vengeance cause you get the rules and a £20 voucher with it so I could buy the new codex to replace my old ones for £20 less plus I get rules cheaper than buying the big £50 rulebook. Is this good idea or is he just trying to take my money in some devilish scheme? (inb4 that's all GW does)

Separate conversation with Hastings, from about 3 months before the one you quoted. Idrgaf though famb. Believe whatever you like.

What is Imperial Gaurds BS? With less durability, weaker formations, no MC's, no JSJ, no gargantuans, no mid strength shooting spam..

>hurrdurrr veterans and orders hurrrrdurr

Tau can do it through weight of fire, marines can do it through too many metal boxes for the knights to kill, eldar can do it because the D and Crons can do it because they just dont die. Everyone else though has serious trouble

Lots of servitors

>so mad