Dragonball Quest #25

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>Information on the MC



This quest, as the title suggests, takes place in the world of Dragon Ball. You're playing as a thirteen year old boy named Tofoo, and will adventure through the story of the Dragonball series alongside characters such as Goku, Yamcha, Bulma, Tien, and many others. Through your actions, you can make significant changes to the story, and perhaps even become the strongest fighter on Earth.


At the end of each update you'll have ten minutes to vote on options. Write-ins are allowed, but I do reserve the right to veto them.

In the event of a draw, the option to receive the next vote wins

Rolls will be used on certain occasions, such as attempting a technique for the first time or attempting something extremely difficult. You will have three rolls, and if one succeeds, you succeed. There are no crits.

Rolls are made AFTER an option wins, not during the voting process

I hope everyone has fun.

>Current Saga

Red Ribbon Army


You say hello to Giran as he lands, causing the other creatures to look at their boss in confusion.

"You know this little pipsqueak?" one asks.

"This "little pipsqueak", is the one who beat me in the tournament," Giran answers. "So show him some respect."

You begin to explain to Giran why you've come, but he cuts you off rather quickly.

"Yeah, I heard everything," Giran tells you. "The water here's held back by a dam. It's old, older than any of us, and a real beautiful work. I'd gladly release the water for you, but I can't. See, the dam's held together by Merry-Go-Round Gum. It's completely indestructible."

Nam looks down, letting out a broken sigh.

>A. Tell him that you can break the dam (Kamehameha Wave)

>B. Ask Goku if he thinks he can do it

>C. Ask if you can fill some capsules with water for Nam to take to his village

>D. Something else

>>A. Tell him that you can break the dam (Kamehameha Wave)
>>B. Ask Goku if he thinks he can do it
>>D. Get Krillin to help

Let's all do it together. It's not stronger than teamwork!

>A. Tell him that you can break the dam (Kamehameha Wave)

>>A. Tell him that you can break the dam (Kamehameha Wave)

>B. Ask Goku if he thinks he can do it

You tell Giran that you can break the dam.

"Think so?" he asks. "Well, go ahead, kid. Knock yourself out."

You make your way down-river from the dam, and several of the creatures gather to see if you really can break it down.

Standing on a rock, you look up at the towering structure, and cup your hands at your side.


You thrust your hands toward the dam.


A blue beam of light shoots from your palms, flying upward to strike the dam. You were right, your blast had the power you needed, and chunks of rock begin to crumble away, allowing the water to flow freely.

But, with how exhausted you were from the tournament, the Kamehameha takes too much energy, and you slump forward into the water, being swept down the river.

>A. Try to fight the current and swim to shore (72)

>B. Let it carry you, just keep your head above the water

>C. Something else

>>A. Try to fight the current and swim to shore (72)

>>C. Something else
Have fun swimming

>>B. Let it carry you, just keep your head above the water

>B. Let it carry you, just keep your head above the water
Reserve what energy you have left when you need it.

You're too tired to fight the river, and you don't want to waste what little energy you have left. So, you just focus on keeping your head above the water, and let yourself be carried away.

You see Goku come flying down on his Nimbus Cloud, and he reaches down for your hand, managing to grab hold and pull you out of the water.

"Are you okay?" he asks. "What happened?"

>A. Tell him you got tired and you fell over

>B. Thank him for the help

>C. Tell him you just wanted to go for a swim

>D. Something else

>B. Thank him for the help
>A. Tell him you got tired and you fell over

>>A. Tell him you got tired and you fell over
>>B. Thank him for the help

>C. Tell him you just wanted to go for a swim

You thank him for the help, and say that you just got tired and fell over.

"Oh, you're still tired from the tournament," he says, seeming to get it. "Hold on, you can ride the Nimbus with me while we take Nam back to his village."

Your friend directs his cloud to the spot where Nam is waiting. Several of Giran's people are discussing what you just did, and Giran compliments your strength.

>A. Make the offer to train him again

>B. Ask Goku to take you back to the airship

>C. Don't say anything, just go along for the ride

>D. Something else

>A. Make the offer to train him again

>>B. Ask Goku to take you back to the airship

>B. Ask Goku to take you back to the airship

>>>B. Ask Goku to take you back to the airship

You ask Goku to fly you back up to the airship, and so he does, taking you up to the flying vehicle before returning to pick up Nam.

The others make room for you, allowing you to sit.

"So, how was your swim?" Oolong teases.

"Are you okay, Tofoo?" Krillin asks. "You aren't looking so good."

>A. You aren't feeling so good, either

>B. Look who's talking

>C. Insist you're fine, even though you really aren't

>D. Something else

>>A. You aren't feeling so good, either

>A. You aren't feeling so good, either

>A. You aren't feeling so good, either

>>C. Insist you're fine, even though you really aren't
like a normal person would say

"I'm not feeling so good, either," you admit.

"You're probably just wiped from the tournament," Oolong says. "After all that fighting and being hit by all those crazy attacks, I would have probably never woken up. You were only asleep for a little over an hour."

"Maybe you should take a nap," Bulma suggests. "According to my radar, the first ball is pretty far away. So you should have time."

>A. Get some sleep

>B. Ask for a goodnight kiss

>C. No, you're fine

>D. Tell them to wake you if there's trouble

>E. Something else

>A and D

>>A. Get some sleep

>A. Get some sleep

>A. Get some sleep
>D. Tell them to wake you if there's trouble

>A and D

You take Bulma's advice, falling asleep after telling your friends to wake you if they need you.

How much time passes isn't exactly clear, but it hasn't been nearly as long as you would have liked before you're jolted awake by the airship taking off quickly, climbing high into the air and accelerating in some unknown direction.

"Slow down!" Oolong shouts.

"Bulma, please, I'm gonna be sick!" Krillin cries.

>A. Ask what's going on

>B. Try to go back to sleep

>C. Something else

>A. Ask what's going on

>>B. Try to go back to sleep

>B. Try to go back to sleep


>A. Ask what's going on

Coinflip, A won


"What's going on?" you ask groggily as you look around.

It seems the others went for a swim without you. Bulma's wearing a bikini and is absolutely dripping wet, apparently having to rush out of the water. Krillin doesn't look much drier, but unlike her, he's clinging to his seat for dear life and trying not to scream.

Oolong is calling Bulma crazy and shouting for her to slow down before she gets you all killed.

"What's going on?" you repeat, louder this time.

"Someone stole the Dragon Radar!" Bulma shouts, bringing the ship lower and flying it just above the trees.

>A. Ask if they saw who did it

>B. Ask how they lost the radar

>C. Ask where Goku is

>D. Something else

>C. Ask where Goku is

B and C

>A. Ask if they saw who did it

>A. Ask if they saw who did it

>>C. Ask where Goku is

You ask them if you saw who did it.

"No," Bulma snaps. "Oolong was SUPPOSED to be be watching our things."

"I was distracted!" Oolong protests.

"If you didn't have to be a pervert twenty-four seven, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Bulma yells at him.

"Where's Goku?" you ask, trying to stop their fighting so you can focus on fixing the situation.

"He said he could smell something, so he's down there following his nose," Krillin tells you.

"Look out!" Oolong shouts as something shoots out from the trees in front of you.

Bulma narrowly avoids crashing right into Goku's Power Pole, which has risen above the cluster of trees that surrounds it.

>A. Ask them to open the doors

>B. Tell Bulma to land

>C. Ask Bulma if she sees anything

>D. Something else

>C. Ask Bulma if she sees anything
>D. Something else
Try to see. Cmon senpai we got eyes



"Do you see anything?" you ask Bulma as you peek out the window and try to see what's going on below.

"No, the trees are blocking everything," Bulma tells you.

You see that she's right. As you look below you can't see a thing besides trees trees and more trees.

Goku, who you notice is completely naked, swoops down on the Nimbus. The Power Pole shrinks, and Goku comes back up, clothes on and Power Pole in hand.

"The Dragon Radar wasn't there," Goku says in disappointment. "But I found this!"

He holds up an old, dirty shoe that seems to be falling apart.

"Goku, what good's a shoe?" Krillin asks.

"I can follow his smell," Goku says.

Without another word, he goes back into the forest.

Looking around, you see that the area covered by trees is actually rather small when compared to the massive desert that surrounds it on all sides.

>A. Tell Bulma to keep high so you can see if the thief leaves the trees

>B. Let Bulma do what she wants

>C. Go down with Goku

>D. Something else

>>C. Go down with Goku

>A. Tell Bulma to keep high so you can see if the thief leaves the trees

>>A. Tell Bulma to keep high so you can see if the thief leaves the trees


Das it mane



Where is 18 right now? Still just being a normal person? When exactly does Gero start working on them?


You suggest that Bulma keep the airship high enough for you to see if the thief leaves the treeline.

"Right," she says, letting the machine hover over the oasis as you and the others keep watch.

It isn't long before you see something moving across the desert just past the trees. You point it out to Bulma, and she pilots the ship in that direction.

As you get closer, you can see that the person is quite small, and not running all that fast. Bulma puts the ship down ahead of him.

He stops halfway between the ship and the trees, sweating as he clutches the Dragon Radar tightly.

You think you understand the situation. He's a kid, probably about your age, covered in dirt and terrible clothes that are barely held together. He probably stole the radar to trade for money or food.

"Alright, kid, give the radar back!" Bulma demands.

"The what?" the kid asks, looking at the device. "This thing's some kind of radar? For what?"

>A. Ask Bulma if she packed you any extra clothes

>B. Ask Bulma if she packed any food

>C. Go over to the kid and demand the radar back

>D. Something else

>>B. Ask Bulma if she packed any food

Her and her brother are about your age right now, living in North City. Gero won't start working on them for a few years. Right now the Red Ribbon Army has him busy on other projects.

>A. Ask Bulma if she packed you any extra clothes

>B. Ask Bulma if she packed any food

B. Ask Bulma if she packed any food

You ask Bulma if she packed any food.

"Sure," she says. "But why?"

She blinks, looking at the kid, then looking back at you, seeming to see where you're going with this.

Turning around, she grabs a capsule case from the airship and produces a single capsule, which she throws on the ground, revealing a box. She opens the box to reveal a tasty looking meal.

"Alright kid, give us back the radar, and you can have this," she tells him.

You can hear the boy's stomach rumbling, and you see him begin to drool a little before he shakes his head.

"No way, this thing has got to be worth a fortune!" he insists. "Worth way more than one lousy meal!"


The kid chuckles nervously, taking a step back. "W-what else you got?"

>A. Tell him to take the meal or leave it

>B. Go and take the radar from him

>C. Ask Bulma to calm down

>D. Ask Bulma if she packed you some extra clothes

>E. Something else

>B. Go and take the radar from him

>C. Ask Bulma to calm down
>D. Ask Bulma if she packed you some extra clothes

Hey SOM how's it goin?

>B. Ask Bulma if she packed any food

Give it back and we'll discus it over dinner

Pretty good, how's it going?

Can we befriend them and Waifu 18 later if we play the long game?

Not bad, at a weeb convention with some friends. Didn't want to miss the quest tho. Also got this HYPE dbz super poster from one of the vendors.


You don't have to meet them ahead of time to waifu 18 (though your actions in this saga could make that considerably harder), but I suppose if you're ever in North City, you could potentially run into them.


Did you see the new episode?

I kinda want an Original the Character to waifu.
Maybe a Universe 6 saiyan!

Not yet but you got me hype for it

Nobody liked the OC last time, except that one poor user.

Be ready for feels

You ask Bulma to calm down.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" she snaps at you. "This kid stole our radar and is trying to extort us out of our stuff to get it back!"

"Did you pack me any extra clothes?" you ask her.

She blinks. "Yeah, why?"

>A. Ask the kid if he'd give the radar back for a meal and a fresh set of clothes

>B. Ask Bulma to get them for you

>C. Nevermind, go take the radar from the kid

>D. Something else

>A. Ask the kid if he'd give the radar back for a meal and a fresh set of clothes

I know I'm late but I must funpost.

>A. Tell Bulma to keep high so you can see if the thief leaves the trees

>B. Let Bulma do what she wants

>C. Go down with Goku

>D. Something else

I pick

>D. Go down with Bulma

A and D. Tell the kid this out final offer

>not go down on Bulma

Then take the radar from the kid just to show him we can, then give him the clothes and food afterwards anyway.

>>A. Tell him to take the meal or leave it

You ask the kid if he'd give the radar back for a meal and a fresh set of clothes.

He looks down at his outfit, considering your offer. For someone like him, it's clearly quite tempting.

You tell him it's your last offer.

"Alright, alright!" he shouts. "Fine. I'll give you back this...whatever it is."

He begins walking over, and that's when you spot Goku running out of the forest and heading right for him.

"HEEEEEEEEY!" your friend shouts. "Give that back!"

"Goku, stop!" Krillin yells. "He's giving it back!"

Goku stops, looking over with a blank expression. "Oh, okay."

The kid brings the radar over, and you hand him the food and clothing. He scarfs his food down ravenously, and you wonder if he's eaten today.

"Mmm, this is delicious!" he declares. "Beats onion sandwiches, that's for sure!"

"You shouldn't take other people's things," Bulma scolds him, keeping her arms crossed under her chest.

"How else is a kid supposed to earn a living?" the boy asks with a full mouth. "The whole town's a dump, the only one with any money is that storekeeper."

"Storekeeper?" Bulma asks.

"Yeah, he sells all kinds of weird stuff," the kid explains. "I'm not sure what most of it is, but apparently it's worth a lot of money."

"Hmm..." Bulma stares down at the Dragon Radar.

>A. Ask what she's thinking

>B. Ask how far the ball is

>C. Ask the kid where his parents are

>D. Something else


>C. Ask the kid where his parents are
>A. Ask what she's thinking


>C. Ask the kid where his parents are
>A. Ask what she's thinking

>>D. Something else
>Genocide his town, we race war now.

But seriously >A

>D. Something else
Let's go buy some janky shit to flog off to gullible foreigners.

Hang on.
Tofoo's got an afro
Goku's a monkey
Bulma's a European stereotype
and Krillin's an eastern style monk

Who we race warring?
Is it the cigany / romani / gypsies?
Is it (((coincidence distributors)))?

>Buy some camels

"Where are your parents?" you ask the boy.

"You tell me," he answers, taking another bite of his food.

Bulma looks up from the radar, and off into the distance.

You ask her what she's thinking.

"Well, the radar says the Dragonball isn't far," Bulma explains. "And there's a town just over there."

She points, and you see that she's right. In the distance stands a small collection of ugly, old, rundown houses that could hardly be considered a town.

"So if the Dragonball's in the area, I think this storekeeper who deals in rare, valuable items might be a good place to start looking," she tells you.

>A. Makes sense to you

>B. Ask if she brought money

>C. Something else

Poor English orphans?

Tofoo DOES NOT have an Afro.

We went over this last thread.

Yes afros trigger me.

>>A. Makes sense to you

What DOES Tofoo look like, anons?

He looks like the kid version of the hero from Dragon Quest IV, but as a teenager. and without the turban.

The darkest 0x000000 west african dude with the biggest afro.