Dungeon Meshi Chapter 25

30 minutes till the boss gets back edition

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IIT: People start tripping death flags



After tenderizing the meat it's good to start preparing the appetizer.


I didn't know dwarves could get shorter



Based thief. I thought he wasn't supposed to be good at combat?

Kensuke is still the worst member of the team.

Laius used to be quite the adventurer, until he took an arrow to the knee. Oh wait, did I say arrow? I meant dragon

Ranged combat is his specialty aside from lockpicking.

Good news Marcille, the protection spell still works.


When will elf figure out that Laius is always serious?

Marcille always delivers.

Oh, yes. Laius, of all the stupid plans you've used to kill monsters, this may be my favorite of them all.

Going to be stealing runic fuses for my next spellcaster.

No comment, the page speaks for itself.


Did not expect this to be part of his plan.

>mfw I read ahead if this thread on batoto and laius is a glorious madman


Is he going to cut it open from the inside out? Beautiful. He's going to emerge holding Farlyn's skeleton, too, I bet.

It's all about positioning to exploit a weakpoint.

And now the eater is the eaten


I don't think he ever ate anything with his foot.


Oh, he's just using it biting down to anchor himself. Well, that's slightly less awesome. Still pretty badass, though. It's really quite interesting to see the party genuinely struggle and take a lot of damage after mostly going through the whole dungeon with just comedic injuries. The worst they've had up until now was the undine, and even that wasn't so bad. I like the change in tone.


Now that's a good reaction image


that moment where you realize your plan stopped just short of the actual end.

At least he can get a second armor mollusk for his foot now.

And that's it for this month. Looks like next chapter will be the wrap up to this and maybe we can start getting some answers.

That is the end though? We were already told dragon's can't survive stab wounds there. All Laius had to do was continue applying pressure until the dragon died.

So yet another chapter we'll have to wait before we learn the answer to the question we all really want to know: How does it taste?


>try to learn healing magic
Birth of Paladin Laius? Champion of Cuisine?

and yet his plan seems to have glossed over the dragon's death throes causing all the muscles in its jaw to contract


Series ends at 26 huh.

Nah, just this arc of it.

They have been steadily setting up hooks for other plots about the true nature of the dungeon, who is creating it, and the surface races fighting for control over it and its treasures.

Once they have a healer again, they will be better equipped to handle more dangerous threats. Effectively 'leveling up' the party to be able to handle the next arc.

There are still loose ends. We need to find the ronin. The labyrinth still needs exploring. And we have the encroaching elves to think about. It doesn't feel like she's pulling the plug just yet.

>Marcille can finally concentrate on her explosion magic

This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.

>Marcille doesn't need to prepare utility spells anymore
>Turns into fucking Dark Schneider
Yes, please god.

Please read Berserk.

Combat isn't really part of his contract, he's too much of a professional to do something he isn't getting paid for outside of emergencies.

Do you read your reaction image from right to left or left to right?

After years on this site my brain adjusts to the style most of the time, but I don't know how it's for you.

Berserk is legendary but do they turn water elementals into soup?9


Fuck it, it looks like shit when the panels aren't there.

What's so great about this though is that it's not just hardcore but extremely clever in a way that's immediately believable and understandable.

There's so much common badassery that leaves you wondering about the logic like cutting something out from the inside or standing up with weapons sticking out of you, but what happened here makes me want to cheer the guy on for being a paragon of absolutely everything.

>Sorry adventurer, but your sister is in another dragon
>Sad trombone noise

So what do you think the Dragon tastes like?

Better question: How would you or your party cook a dragon?

>another dragon is in your sister


Read through the whole thing the other day, early on the backup hook was that the dark necromancer who sunk the kingdom down into being a dungeon promised that whoever could beat him got the kingdom/dungeon and all its riches, and the necromancy and spirit magic of the dungeon being especially weird and striving to Stop Things From Dying (which might be what has the elves interested), which makes resurrection magic in the dungeon more successful.

also, given that the dragon was found around the area the Orcs used to live in they're likely going deeper than most any other dungeon diver so the thing with the gnomes and the former party members will all tie the party back together again to DEFEAT THE DARK MAGICIAN!

>they get Farlyn almost all the way out of the dungeon
>a small party of kobolds attacks and kills her to free the dragon inside her.

>Well, that's slightly less awesome
But it isn't used that much in fantasy, I didn't expect this., full awesome.

>Nah, just this arc of it.
Can they make it even more epic!?

Just look at Senshi's eyes, Jesus, he went full Serious Sen.

Like a chicken, I guess.

Fucking Rocket Jump, man.

Class Change Time!

Sleep tight, Dwarfer.

>Paladin of Gluttony, friend of everything that isn't legal to consume

Fucking hell man.

>he tries to get up on one knee
Laugh I oughtn't, but laugh I do. I love this manga


Well this is based on Wizardry so its more going from Fighter to Lord.

I always wonder how he got his beard to be filthy and greasy again so quickly.

>based on Wizardy
more, source, reference? that seems an awfully unhelpful term to google


I'm so used to battle manga jerking me around for a hundred chapters of final boss climax finisher tag that seeing them win so quickly is a bit jarring. "You thought you'd won against my final form? This isn't even my final final form!" kind of stuff.
Especially since he described what the winning plan was in dialogue before performing it instead of it being kept a super secret until the act of it.
I think I like this a lot more. It's refreshing.

he butchers his own meat so blood and fat may get stuck to his beard

he farms so shit and dirt may get in his beard

he doesn't really have time to bathe so his natural oils gather in his beard

or a mixture of all three

To be fair, Laius' party are actually pretty hot shit. The floors before they got to the Undine are levels they've done before and they more or less outclass most of the inexperienced lowbies running through those floors.

Chilchak has always been portrayed as pretty competent. If you had to level call everyone I'd be like Senshi > Chilchak > Laius > Marcille

Interested to see whether that dark elf = dragon theory holds up.


Why? So it can fail it's fear save and leave him in a fucked situation like Kensuke did?

>this is how he dies, weeping blood
>he was just trying to protect the ones he cared about

Great chapter, love this manga.

I made a monster hunter/cook character in a selfmade dystopian poverty sci-fi setting before I knew of Dungeon Meshi.

A shame that the monsters in our setting turned out to be all corrupted by magical darkness and the meat can't be cleansed.

Haven't fought a normal monster in 2 years.
He still cooks regular food but his butcher skill was basically wasted.

Had a rough day.

Came home to glorious dungeoneering.

All is well.

Well yes, but he always seemed more skill monkey oriented than combat oriented in all fairness.

Yeah, and that continued in this chapter. He can't slay a dragon; he can, when trying his hardest, distract and partially blind one. He's utility, not damage.

He's no heavy hitter and he isn't a tank, either, so his options in a fight are limited.

But he's reliable as fuck when it comes to quick moves and quick thinking.

>Wizardry saves the player's party and game progress onto a scenario disk. After booting, a new one may be created with a blank floppy disk or an existing one used. Completion of Proving Ground of the Mad Overlord is necessary to play the sequels Wizardry II and III since they require the characters from the first game to be imported from a scenario disk.
That's old school.

Signs you've lost too much blood: stopping the blood loss is your third priority.



Looking at the page again, it looks like he's kneeing the dragon's bloody eye socket. That's just painful.

I was just thinking to myself "Only three chapters?"
I hope she continues that formula int he future. And considering, as of a few months ago, sales were still going strong, I can't wait for part 2.

I think it might take a while to separate it into serviceable chunks, and even they the edibility would be determined by the breed