Post historical figures you think would be a That Guy

Post historical figures you think would be a That Guy

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Andrew Jackson would probably be the kind of dick who needs to "win" at D&D.

Nikola Tesla, while nice enough interpersonally, was weird enough that he would certainly be some form of That Guy. If nothing else, his penchant for not flushing the toilet would certainly suck.

"Uncle" Joe Biden, known for being a very creepy weirdo on capitol hill. Bombastic, often drunk-sounding, the weird fake stories, plus of course all the fondling of women and young girls.

Try image searching "Creepy Joe Biden". There are way more pics than this. Even a few shots of him flashing the pedo-smile.

Tesla would be the guy that searches through 56 splatbooks to come up with an insanely intricate but very unique character build.

"What do you mean there isn't a spell that makes people shit themselves?"

Larry Ellison, Ross Perot, and Richard Branson are all larger than life supervillain wannabes.

Vladimir Putin for sure. There's a funny story about him stealing a superbowl ring that tells you a lot about him.

How did we forget Howard Hughes? He perfectly straddled the line between crazy-like-a-fox, so-crazy-it-might-work, and just plain batshit crazy.

Louis Napoleon (aka Napoleon III, aka "did I mention I'm napoleon's nephew?") is a classic fedora-tipping idiot.

It's easy to lose sight when you read about the wars and genocides about the fact that Stalin was a very, very weird, petty, and fucked-up guy in his personal life, too.

Charlie Sheen, obviously.

>Charlie Sheen

>a historical figure

>Louis Napoleon (aka Napoleon III, aka "did I mention I'm napoleon's nephew?") is a classic fedora-tipping idiot.
He was so Catholic, he conquered Vietnam because they killed 10 priests. Napoleon I was more of a bicorn tipper.

>CTRL + F Marquis de Sade
>0 results
You cannot be serious! This guy LITERALLY wrote a book about a bunch of nobles kidnapping peasant kids and sodomizing them.

His career is over. He's now part of history.

Thomas Edison murdered an elephant for the lulz

We're all historical figures. It's pretty much just used to differentiate between real and fictional people.

Thomas Edison decided that an elephant, which would have been executed anyway, was best executed using alternating current, because that was the type of electricity his competitor sold.

I'm not sure if Teddy would be THAT GUY or just a level 20 ranger.

Nigga what. Teddy is the guy who brings snacks, aims for grandiose adventures he can storytime later, and is key at getting those two raging That guys to make up by the end of the session. Preferably by taking them hunting.

>Andrew Jackson would probably be the kind of dick who needs to "win" at D&D.

He'd probably spend the entire campaign trying to destroy the realm's banking system.


Teddy Roosevelt is the guy who gets shot in the chest but still finishes the session before getting medical attention.

He'd declare the table a national park, because he can. He's Teddy Motherfucking Roosevelt.

and forcing the elves off their lands

>Can't keep /pol/ out of the game
>Always plays aryan humans
>Hates every character that isn't human.
>Flips out when he misses a roll
>Has Luger out during sessions
>Probably doesn't even use a coaster

And he is always arguing with another That Guy who unironically calls himself "man of steel" irl

>Plays lawful evil, but constantly objects to the 'evil' part of it
>Shittalks literally every nation the GM makes
>talks about how 3 out of every 4 rulers would totally agree with him, and how the 4th was a total loser who sucks
>Keeps telling the GM how republics are totally better
>Talks circles around NPCs until they end up looking totally retarded and self-contradictory

best part is when they rape the puritan mother by all the std-infected peasants. and after, they sew from her vagina to her ass for her to infuse all those deseases.

btw, I leave next to one of his countryside houses

>Shittalks literally every nation the GM makes
I think he'd really get along with another historical That Guy.

>That Guy thread
>posts a premium This Guy instead

Who is this?

>This Guy
user, but that's not Franklin D.

Murderhobo supreme

I agree that FDR > Teddy. But Teddy was still cool.

Not to mention the massive weaboo who thinks he's the emperor or Japan

The one and only Voltaire.

>Alexander the Great, Cyrus the Great, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon Bonaparte playing a game run by Genghis Khan

Forgetting Hannibal, are we? That nigga had a chip on his shoulder.

Don't even get me started on that roman guy. I bet he faps to pictures of Octavian Augustus every night.

Not even that.

Keep in mind, Topsy the elephant was, by decision of the park, to be not just executed, but executed by electrocution, so this wasn't something that was proposed by Edison. And even then, Edison wasn't even there when the elephant was killed, plus the fact that the War of the Currents (ie the alternating current vs direct current thing) had been over for about 10 years. The electrocution was specifically handled by the Edison Illuminating Company, sure, but that company was purchased years earlier, and Edison had no ownership of it by the time Topsy was killed.

So what was Edison's actual connection to all this? It was filmed by people working for Edison's film company. That's it.

If you mention anything about Tesla I will fucking strangle you.

At least the cripple with polio and the fat cigar smoker are decent players.

>If you mention anything about Tesla I will fucking strangle you.
It's very doubtful that he ever managed to create a functioning death ray.

George Washington was a huge faggot, founding father notwithstanding, he'd be insuffrable at the table

He'd be the Paladin who's always trying to "reason" with the obviously-evil bandits, cultists, dragons, demon-worshippers, or what have you.

You know,
>"I say, Mr. Leader of the Cult of Azathoth, perhaps we can talk this out?"
That guy.

This. Teddy was one bro-tier sick-ass mofo. Top notch dude.

Hed spend the whole campaign bitching about how his character was ROBBED in the last campaign.

>Implying the Führer wouldn't use a coaster
>Implying the worst thing about having him wouldn't be that he's hopped up on ALL THE DRUGS and has terrible IBS

That's just what they want you to think!

Dont let him near the cult leader's children

To be fair, the Romans did murder his father. And taunt him about killing his brother. And violate the terms of a peace treaty, then claim that it was Carthage's fault.

He had good reason to be angry.

you mean the wizard that vaporizes everyone as soon as the show the slightest hint of aggression towards him?

>Who is Gilgamesh?

When you say reason, do you mean "vaporize with atomic fire"?

i would watch this anime


I mean, negotiations and nuking are basically the same thing.

If you're going to excuse Hannibal for that reason, then let's let Cyrus the Great off the hook. Yeah he was a mighty conquerer, but he was actually a pretty damn good king. Gardener, architect, tolerant of other religions/ethnicities, merciful, let his subject countries largely run themselves. I'd put him above Gandhi in terms of Nice Guy-ness.

Trying to use his blackguard mount as a back-door extra cohort and sticking him in the Senate was a bridge too far. I'm glad his GM stopped him on that.

He felt that fighting Hitler was immoral. "You guys should surrender and be murdered. Then people will write cool epitaphs for you!"

I'd argue in favor of Cyrus. Sure he was a conqueror, but honestly who wasn't at the time. By most accounts people were better off under him than they were under their previous rulers. He even let the Jews build the Second Temple on the Temple Mount. Not many people would have approved a huge architectural project for someone else's religion.

Tesla would be the motherfucker to pick Malkavian every time because he can't roleplay as anything other than himself.

Teddy Rosevelt is the guy you want at the table

Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover were That Guys. or 'fagets', take your pick.

i'm gonna STAT hitler in social math

>wore a trendy mustache, so trendy only he is remembered for it.

>changed last name from Heidler to more modern sounding Hitler

> was an artist who became a political activist

>had an idealist view of war that proved he knew jack-shit about actual war except what conscripts and political activists (like, Hippies and Beatniks) know.

> loved fashionable clothing so much he hired Hugo Boss. HUGO. BOSS.

> was a fit-throwing prima donna who micromanaged everything.

you could almost say he was hipster, but not quite.....Hitler is a male Tublrina....

>Hitler is a male Tublrina....
Except for the whole, y'know, trying to eradicate religious and ethnic minorities. And homosexuals. And Slavs. And pretty much everyone else, really.

But who's the GM?

that line up of gamers shows no intimate knowledge

>the Group

>Alexander is a traditional Fighter
>Julius is the Warlord
>Temujin is Barbarian-Ranger
>Napoleon is the fucking Wizard in enchanted chain

>Cyrus runs the Bloody Mess

That's the protagonist. The players are all girls who want his dick/to win in equal measure.

That's right, it's a harem anime.

to be honest, modern Tumbrites would probably Holocaust the White Males, Asian male cis, any republican women, mormons, and once they realised the Muslims weren't on their side, they'd kill their men and take their women for re-education...

Hitler's choice of WHO to persecute is different that the Tumblrinas, but the tumbrinas have the same " you deserve to suffer horribly because your presence on the planet causes me pain" thing....

in 10-20 years, they may be the new Nazis...they have all the political credentials....esp. Socialism.

Think about how SJW tumblrinas view white males.

>Teddy Roosevelt always shows up to the games even if he's sick because he said he would
>He always brings snacks, usually some kind jerky made from something he killed
>Also brings props made from animal hide and bones for the GM to use
>Knows lots of great places to hold games (like out in a forest)

I think his only 'that guy' tendencies would be wanting to be a ranger/monk/rogue/fighter and find the limitations a bit silly since HE did it in real life.

Now THIS guy might be a bit of that guy.

Nah, Jackson is the type of guy who would go around killing kings and nobility purely because he thinks they're unnecessary, and believes that people deserve to rule themselves and that government isn't a hard job. Once he runs out of kings to kill, he'll go out and start waging permanent war on the nearest evil army/problem race until he either conquers it or dies.

Pic very much related

Nobunaga was an asshole


Nobunaga is the guy that thinks being a paladin means killing anyone who worships the wrong god.

What am I looking at here?

But none of the balls too follow through.

>people coming in to say they would want teddy roosevelt at the table

dude shot his neighbor's dog because he was mad at his girlfriend, he was a spoiled rich kid (just like Franklin) who liked playing at being a cowboy instead of mini-mussolini.

Also pic related was That Guy for the Napoleonic Wars in Britain. Thinking he was valuable when all he did was draw uniforms for the group.

Andrew Jackson meets the orks what happens

Teddy almost died because on a trip through the amazon he decided to fuck off into unknown territory and his knee exploded when he tried to save his son from whitewater rapids

on top of that despite having a super high pitched voice he was known chiefly for being a fantastic orator with enough persuasive ability to convince crowds of angry peruvians that US intervention in south america was a good idea

"Mad" Jack Churchill was a living That Guy.

National Socialism had nothing to do with Socialism. They used the name because it sounded nice. The first people they went after were the Socialists, with the Reichstag's fire being pined on them.


If I'm not mistaken, which I may be, the original foundations of national socialism had a lot to do with socialism, and the Nazis did a lot of work to equalize the job market and guarantee the safety and rights of workers. They actually went after the communists via the Reichstag fire, specifically the ones who espoused workers' councils over a national government, whom the National Socialists would obviously have a problem with. Really, the Nazis were fairly socialist. Hitler obviously hijacked it for his own purposes, but the economic policies were always tied to its socialist roots.

So yeah, I'd say the tumblrinas are prime candidates for Nazis 2.0. Just need "Politically Correct Socialism" or something like that.

Andrew Jackson beats them with a hickory cane and is proclaimed the new Warboss because hes the angriest Ork around. Then proceeds to lead a WAAAGH!!!! the likes the universe has never seen.

>their land
You mean OUR land.

As far as we know, a fictional character

That guy historically.
That guy in game.

Phillip II
I love how he is depicted in El Ministerio del Tiempo.
>Philip II is informed that the Armada Invencible has been defeated.
>Philip II discovers the existence of a ministry that protects the timeline and travels through time
>Decides travel in time to 2016
>Flips his shit when muh empire is no more.

Translation from 1:19:
"Can ask what you intend to do your majesty?"
"First of all that the Grande y Felicisima armada sail again and win the battle"
"You...want to save La Armada Invencible?"
"Yes! But don't call that...that was an english invention so their soldiers fight with more determination..."
[Wrathful sigh]
"How I hate those english men...their beer is tepid and bitter, their woman are ugly! their food is filth! they turn pirates in admirals! THEY DON'T HAVE SENSE OF HONOR NOR GOOD TASTE!"

>always has to be the center of attention
>probably eats all the snacks without ever bringing his own

kek'd. His magical realm is one I would not like to visit.

You forget
>Constantly reminding the group that he is a vegetarian

>So inbred he can't interact socially
>So inbred he throws fits and spasms
>Can't hear what he says through that inbred mouth
>Has to have a servant there at all times

>convinced he is a marvelous artist
>destroys PCs and NPCs alike because "it makes a good story"

Gunnery Sargent R. Lee Ermey
He'd play a fighter and use intimidation on every-fucking-thing.

*joining campaign mid-game*
>Guys guys!
>Why are we even looking for the King's daughter?
>The aristocracy is inherently evil.
>We should overthrow the government instead!

so basically G.R.R.imdark himself then?

at last I truly see

fuck yeah i'd play with niccolo

You have to wonder about Nero. He was a neckbearded furry, but apparently a lot of the accounts of him being shitty were made up by his enemies.

He was probably the most Veeky Forums emperor ever. Poor bastard even committed suicide.

Try to identify what is a stormfront (nazi) and what is an SJE viewpoint

>Poor bastard even committed suicide.
But they all did that then. It was either that or be poisoned by your stepmother or something.

Hell, if you believe Tacitus then Nero put a large part of his fortune to funding the relief effort after the fire.

Ah yes, the old horseshoe effect. I see.

Similar games include 'MLP name or pornstar name'

>Except for the whole, y'know, trying to eradicate religious and ethnic minorities. And homosexuals. And Slavs. And pretty much everyone else, really.

The only religious minority Hitler went after were the Jews. And, get this, it's because the Jews were consistently in privileged positions compared to the German working man. Hitler was just getting the Jews to check their privilege, so to speak. For the exact same reason tumblrina's constantly go on about killing whitey.

The comparison isn't as daft as you make it out to be. Hitler was an over-emotional guy who went after specific parts of the population because of imagined slights and conspiracies against "normal" people, just like tumblrina's with their claims of patriarchy and shit.

The Slavs merely represented bolshewism which somehow got translated to a racial issue. Again, just like with capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, and white people.

As for the faggots, EVERYONE went after the faggots in those days. That's not unique to Hitler.

Most of the stories of Nero and Caligula being shit were made up by the Senate

>As for the faggots, EVERYONE went after the faggots in those days. That's not unique to Hitler.
Yeah, fair point.

Hm. It's an interesting thought, when you put it like that. I mean, considering how these things tend to work out (horseshoe effect, etc) you're probably not that far off the mark.

An interesting thought, and a worrying one. Hopefully the internet gives these people the means to vent without actually taking it out on innocent people.

Liggy probably did have something wrong with him though. Mental illness that got made worse by the lead bowls or something.

Nero probably is just propaganda, though yeah.