Rogue Trader Ship Names!

Hello Veeky Forums!

We need a name for our space ship in Rogue Trader. Our Rogue Trader is really crap at picking names. He suggested such amazing names such as "Boaty McBoatface" and... Thats it.

Please bless our party of four with a name.

Pic Related (Our Rogue Trader)

Other urls found in this thread: Friendly Vessel Friendly friend friendship Ship

What kind of character is he?

Is he a murderhobo?

Does he have a code of honor?
Blasphemous Watcher is just some random edge name I made.

Twice for Flinching is always good

The Emperor's Wallet

Noble that sits back and lets everyone do everything.

The Grace of The Most Divine Emperor on Earth Cast Forth Into The Void To Spread His Will And Bring About The Everlasting Glory of Mankind.

Called "The Grace" for short.

The three characters currently made by me and the Trader is a shapeshifter who took the place of an assassin trainee and 'somehow' managed to survive through all the training and his currently goal 'somehow' managed to still hate the imperium despite all the brainwashing. That's the first.

Our next is a Felinid (Cat person) who dances, plays and instrument while singing a story.

The noble is described as someone who throws money at everything. I highly doubt we will be ever having anything to do with spreading the emperor's word.

I'm about to make a Lizardman from the Tau to also just be there.

Apologies for bad grammer, I'm typing this with a keyboard illuminated by a dozen monitors while also suffering from sleep deprivation.

We probably got a thousand rules wrong while also managing to tear some lore apart.

The Black Adder then.

Here's some of the names I remember off the top of my head that our group went through when picking ship names.

>Fleet vessels: [Rogue Trader]'s Pride (Corvette/Frigate) and [Rogue Trader]'s Talent (Grand Cruiser or higher)
>Blind Spot
>Magnum Mysterium
>Reluctant Respite
>My Girl
>Hope and Prayer (Works best of ship is a colossal hunk of junk)
>Aluminum Falcon
>Cloud 9K
>Rex Regnum
>Imperator Vult
>Rolling Probable Cause
>A Friendly Vessel
>Unknown Quantity
>S.S. Good Times
>Malignant Flame
>Princess Argent
>Auric Fate
>Conjugal Corvette
>Breadth of Heaven
>Big Dick ("Big Dick's back in port!")
>Slow, Loud, and Brutal
>Godspoke Word
>Humility (Only works on ornate, massive ships)
>The Counter-Offer
>I Plead the 5th
>Lonely Wander
>Ward of the Sector
>Gambling Debt

On a slightly unrelated note, goddamn do I wish we could play Slaughter cruisers as non-Chaos followers. GM threw a Daemonic one at us a few sessions ago, and it STILL is our nemesis (as in we can't properly kill it).

What kind of ship is it? Is it a grand old cruiser? Is it a fast and stealthy raider? A tried and true frigate?

I usually try to have ship names at least in part reflect the character of the ship: A galleon should have some long fancy name, while a pirate raider could be something simple like "Surprise" or "Swiftsure" or something like that.

The Spacy Dandy

I really Really Should have mentioned it.

It's a cruiser! A rather big one... We haven't quite got it fully build but we love it none the less.

If we were inquisition, we would totally go with probable cause.

Currently, Our trader prefers A Friendly Vessel.

George Bass (famous lost explorer)
Ship and launch theme: Drop the Bass (Pre-Dark Age of Technology music)
remembered for discovering the strait between Australia and Tasmania, but he is even more famous for vanishing during an 1803 voyage to South America.
On Melbourne Beats channel on Ye Olde Yetube.

I like it. But we don't serve slannesh. Because our rogue trader has a 'hatred' towards all chaos worshipers, none of us can have anything to do with chaos. But he's also a xenophile so that takes away and sort of imperial worship factors...


Hoping to strike it rich as a private trader, Bass returned to Australia in the early 1800s on a merchant ship called the Venus. When his cargo failed to fetch a respectable price,
Bass hatched an audacious plan to travel to South America—then a Spanish territory—on a -rogue_trading_mission_.
He set sail in February 1803 but soon disappeared with his crew in the Pacific Ocean, never to be seen again. While the Venus was most likely lost at sea, another theory argues that Bass and his men made it to the coast of Chile, only to be arrested as smugglers and forced to spend the rest of their lives toiling in a Spanish silver mine.

George Bass took the ship Venus on a rogue trading mission. And disappeared; so it's suitable for a low ranked rogue trader.


Seem's pretty good but he still prefer's 'A Friendly Vessel'.

Have the High Gothic rename Aphrodite taken by a higher status rogue trader and the historically lost ship Low Gothic ship Venus left to you. Give it the launch year as a suffix if you want more volume.

>A Friendly Vessel
Amicitia ("friendship" in latin (aka High Gothic))

Our Inquisitior's ship is named Freundschaftsbezeigungen, or "Demonstration of Friendship"

I didn't understand a single thing you said. Ok... I understood a little... Friendly Vessel Friendly friend friendship Ship
Google translate can convert to latin.

Alright. We need that and the latin word for vessel.

Why, it's already a friend-ship?

amicus (friend)
amicitia (friendship)
naviculam (boat)
arcam (large boat, ark)

Amacitia Arcam sounds good.

With Amicitia Naviculam for your small boat or shuttle.

Amacitia Arcam (Friendship Ark)
Launch chant appropriate for launching an ark:
Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)
The first Ark was built for the faithful to survive the wrath of God.

Oh, and the female voices are from the Sisters of Battle that just cleansed the prior crew for heresy. Good luck. And no heresy.

The Tarellian Dog Soldier is made.

Can't ever ask Veeky Forums for ship names, because they all turn in 14 year olds. It seems like some kinda meme to always respond with joke names.

If you want Imperial sounding names, a good place to start is the list of ships of the Royal Navy. Search wikipedia, you'll find it

Pick one that sounds suitably badass. Some I think work:

"ad abundantiam" -> to abundance

"aut viam inveniam aut faciam" -> I will find a way or make one"

"Dies irae" -> Day of Wrath (w/ bonus theme music: and even more lines that will work as badass ship names Coget omnes ante thronum -> will summon all before the Throne)

oderint dum metuant -> let them hate so long as they fear

sequere pecuniam -> follow the money

The famed Rogue Trader H. M. R. Brazenheart sold his surviving merchant fleet cheap after three of them were destroyed by Astartes vessels...

Horace's Return
The Eye of Horace

>Dies irae
Is the name of an infamous traitor Imperator titan of the Legio Mortis, so maybe not

>aut viam inveniam aut faciam
The motto of the loyal titan legion the Legio Ignatum.
But it is a very badass quote

Fun with Latin:

>Locus Delicti

The place of a crime/ a crime scene

>Malum In Se

Wrong in and of itself. Just not right.

>Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum

Justice be done, though the heavens fall.

name of the year, every year.

Irascible (quick to anger)
Aim To Please
Colour of Space
Drusus' Fist

Also, your rogue trader who hates the Imperium, Chaos AND Xenos sounds like he's being a massive drag.

>special snowflake, probably a Mary Sue
>magical realm
>bland character
>another special snowflake
That sounds fucking horrible