Eclipse Phase General

>Eclipse Phase PDFs
>Zone Stalkers
>Morph Recognition Guide
>Million Year Echo
>Firewall (Updated):
>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)
>X-Risks and After The Fall!KwcS0bJK!9KLjZegzebaq-mlPUin45Q

>10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
>Advice for new players and GMs
>Online character creator
>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>Package Character Creator

>3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat


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First for Exhumans did nothing wrong

You know it's talking about Ozma, right? Why do they look like Scum?

Exhumans need to be contained.

Find me a single image of OZMA in any of the books


>he's an OZMAposter

No, I don't want to play a game that's as bad as AIDS.

Could someone beat Shirow with a bag of apples until he gets his shit back together again?

I wanted to get more of this one but in order to do that I'd have to go on porn manga sites which i can't do while I'm at work.

>No, I don't want to play a game that's as bad as AIDS.

I keep telling you: if you don't want AIDS, stop being a faggot

>AF 10
>Not being a faggot
Women are good for nothing but drama, bro. You need a bro to work out with, kill shit with, and fuck until neither of you can walk right the next morning. Being a faggot is awesome, bro.

Good thing morphs are more durable these days. I can't imagine taking the dick by a Bruiser or that centaur sythmorph.

Enjoy your exsurgents, faggot

Everyone knows you can't get the big EX from heterosexual sex


You tell me.

Somewhere in the deepest darkest part of the Carnival of the Goat they allow you to sleeve into this thing.

I saw this monster and thought "a bunch of bleeding mouths... why? Then I read the description. Those aren't mouths...

>Direction Action squad is entirely made of bro egos sleeved in Fury morphs doing bro things and working out

This game continues to violently assault my heterosexuality. Send help or a Fury morph

Furies can be any sex. Most likely, they're futas. I hope you like cock.

What even is heterosexuality in a world with resleeving? Is it gay if two straight men fuck each other in female Furies? What about a morph with a dick loaded with a female ego?

People's preference sheets in online dating must be very complicated.

When I saw that, it reminded me of some works by GFF.

EP updated the status page, Crime is still in the outline stage but it's definitely a hardcover. Argonauts and Space Fighting will be minibooks still - unknown why the fuck Argonauts is somehow still not written holy shit pay some freelancers or something.

It'd mostly be a list of things someone finds attractive, what turns them off, and what they'd be willing to sleeve into.

But they want their self-insert anarcho-syndicalist science faction to be written perfectly before it's released.

Fuck whatever retcon did that, most furies are still biologically female in my book futas or not

According to the core book, most people still adhere to the gender associated with their original biological sex (possible experimenting aside), so I'd say it wouldn't be be uncommon to see stuff like "prefers female human egos in female human morphs", for example. Things get stupid complicated the further you go from the outer system, especially among the scum. I'd say borderline tumblrite special snowflake-y but that's too easy.

I don't think that gender association is the problem. A guy would be pretty pissed if he shacks up with a chick who one day gets a sex change and then says "I'm going to be a man from now on."

Regarding Furies, there's literally nothing mechanically that makes it so that male Furies are less viable. If you insist on making there be a mechanical difference for Furies to match fluff while retaining rule balance, you could make it so that a male Fury has Modified Behavior 2 (encouraged macho behavior) and Pain Tolerance 1 to balance it out.

Personally, this seems like a great way for either a character to add personality to their morph or to handle the effects of poor morph brokerage.

>"Yeah, we have a Fury in the back, but it's one of the older male models, y'know before they worked out all the hormone balancing bugs and turned it into a marketing thing? So you're gonna want to stay on downers or something if you want to try and check that aggression. And you'll void our warranty if you take Alpha with it"

I liked the fact that they offered some real possibilities on what OZMA could be, but was still a little annoyed that they didn't provide enough incidents or details to weave together; as-is, you're still assembling things from scratch.

"Ozma is literally a meme faction" is fluff of the year all years.

Pretty sure that the AA is the meme faction.

What is a meme faction anyway?

A faction of the memes, by the memes, for the memes.

So, if the TITANs aren't crazy or dead is there even a reason for humanity to still exist? We're the outdated geriatric race they've superseded. Pandora gates are the TITANs letting us live out our fantasies of space exploration while we slowly go extinct, because they're dutiful caretakers of ailing and demented parents.

>is there even a reason for humanity to still exist?
If there isn't a reason for you to exist, a meaning or purpose to your life, you roll up your sleeves and you fucking find some. I don't give a shit whether you decide to dedicate your life to killing anything in your path or becoming a great artist or or achieving the perfect garden or helping other people or fucki g drawing kilometer-scale dicks on every uninhabitable exoplanet you can find. Find a meaning, a purpose, and a reason you, among all of transhumanity, exist. And put your nose to the grindstone and make that your life and make it have meaning to you. Then you will be fulfilled and happy. Other people caring is just a bonus.
And if you can't do that and insist on sitting wallowing in your own nihilistic filth, fucking off yourself and save resources for those of us who matter.

>why bother living if there are better people than me

Humanoids are overrated.


>YWN have an exhuman waifu with 8 legs, 7 vaganyas, 25 tentacles, and 4 mouths

What happens to a skill rating of 60 when the linked aptitude increases by 5 due to morph change? Does it become 65 or 63 (because it costs twice as much to increase a skill beyond 60, so the bonus is halved)?

65. Morph bonuses are applied after everything else.

Does that mean I can raise a skill above 80 after morph bonuses at chargen?

You are making my dreams come true.

Obviously, I just don't understand why Firewall is so bent out of shape about X-Risks. Why is extinction such a big scary thing compared to just regular dying? That's what you should really be worried about.

Open reminder that the game itself is an x-risk according to the game.

>Why is extinction such a big scary thing compared to just regular dying?
extinction by definition is everyone dying the regular way though

>why Firewall is so bent out of shape about X-Risks
why wouldn't you be concerned about your entire race being up shit creek with no way of getting a paddle

I'm not sure. Common sense would suggest yes given that if the morph bonus was disregarded during character creation it would instantly apply when gameplay starts.

That's not a threat. There's literally no way to tell that this is the case and there's nothing that you could do even if it were the case. It's just intellectual masturbation.

>There's literally no way to tell that this is the case and there's nothing that you could do even if it were the case. It's just intellectual masturbation.

You've described literally all of Eclipse Phase

Not really.

Even if you argue that the TITANs are going to come back for the rest of humanity and so everything is pointless, keeping x-threats in check until then is still at least extending humanity's lifespan until then.

>respond to 'help wanted' ad for a newly-vacant assistant position on a long-distance cargo ship
>discover on boarding that the owner has long since abandoned conventional morphs and is now a thick layer of organic tissue, firmly bonded to every interior surface of the ship

Are you suggesting that Meathab Bro is a vorefag?

Is there ANY reasonable way that the ego in meathab isn't doing it for a fetish thing.

He did it for the lulz?

It's clearly doing it for the art, pleb.

Even if you accept that premise (it turns out people can care about things other than their own mortality), the advent of backup and resleeving means that everyone is immortal unless someone blows up civilization. Keeping yourself alive means keeping transhumanity alive, otherwise there's no one to resleeve you if/when you die.

It also means being very redundant in the first place, but it's pretty easy to get redundant enough that anything that doesn't kill off transhumanity won't kill you off. Then you work on making sure nothing kills off transhumanity.

This has been the explicit motivations of some PCs that I've seen; the character agrees to work with Firewall because Firewall will stick their ego in a hundred different failsafe points and actively work to prevent transhuman extinction.

>TAHI works closely with SIS
>SIS is the intelligence arm of a rogue fleet dedicated to destroying the Republic

This is confirmation that TAHI are traitors, as if we needed any further confirmation.

Neither of those conclusions is necessarily true

>Hidden inside the book is a basilisk hack that makes you play EP as fluffy happy maid fetish simulator where nothing bad ever happens
>Reality is configured according to Firewall's will
>Everyone is happy
>Good end

I'm running EP in "everything has gone to shit, everyone is a colossal asshole, you are royally fucked at all times, make the best of it, inaction will only worsen your situation" style. Did I resist the hack?

>Reality is configured according to Firewall's will
>Good end

But Firewall are sadists and psychopaths who rape and torture children

So how's that exsurgent infection doing, Ozma?

Considering OZMA is Firewall's handler, pretty well actually


>Pictured: definitely a wormhole, especially since it isn't in asymptotically flat space

So, I'm brainstorming campaign ideas with X-risks (so, probably Firewall). What kind of FUN sounds appealing?

Gatecrashing, emphasizing hostile alien life and TITAN remnants in a smash and grab fashion? Post-post-apocalyptic, we're the PCs are restored from backup thousands of years in the future? Hunting for clues to where the TITANs went?

Being restored from backup thousands of years in the future is always a good time.

>A terrorist gives out world destroying tech to random indentures, counting on their hatred of transhumanity to ensure that they use it for nefarious purposes
>A psychosurgeon perfects the perfect 'virus,' which loads a psychosurgery skillsoft into its victims' brains and compels them to install it in other people
>A generation ship where the players wake up, hundreds of years after the populace has forgotten where they are and why they're there

> What happens to a skill rating of 60 when the linked aptitude increases by 5 due to morph change?
> Does it become 65

> Does that mean I can raise a skill above 80 after morph bonuses at chargen?
Yes. You can even get it to 99.

10 CPs: Buy Expert trait (maximum is 90).
50 CPs: Get skill to 60 (aptitude 10)
60 CPs: Get skill to 90
Get +10 to Aptitude (for a total of 20) from morph bonus.

Since 99 is maximum, you get your skill to 99. I'm not sure if "over the top" bonus applies with difficulty modifiers. I.e. will you get 89 or 90 with -10.

>There's literally no way to tell that this is the case

Yet people have been trying to find a way of testing it. It's got flaws, but it's a start.


What the fuck this even supposed to be?

Is Metal Gear willfully retarded or did they make everything stupid accidentally?

Willfully retarded.

> mooo
I need some brain bleach now.

Best description I've seen was military thriller told as a superhero story.


>40 foot tall mechanics that kick people to death instead of having guns and also roar and fart fire for no reason

You already know the answer to your question

Mechs. Thanks phone. What a team player.

>homoerotic banter takes on a whole new direction
>musclegirls snapping towels at each other's butts
>periodic 'no homo' groping

This is one of the devs' fetishes. A presumably different dev's fetish is catgirls, going by the pleasure pod description.

It has an M2 browning machinegun in the game you fuck. Maybe next you can bitch about them holding guns sideways in the into of MGS 5 next.

>Maybe next you can bitch about them holding guns sideways in the into of MGS 5 next
Horizontal rather than vertical spread? That's all I can think of.

>Mech the size of a tank
>Armament is one heavy machine gun and kicking things

Yeah it's actually not the worst idea for handheld automatic weapons if you're firing against a tight enemy formation that's arranged perpendicularly to you. Of course, this situation almost never happens, but still.

Not bad. What else?

Have you seen / would you play an EP treatment of that concept?

They're sideways because they're wearing gas masks, you can't get as good of a sight picture because you can't press your face against the weapon and look directly down the weapon.

>herf derf just a machinegun?!
Notice how they blatantly say the war economy is bad around mercenaries taking on Insurgents. You don't need a fucking 120mm cannon to fight Insurgents.

>Metal Gear Solid in EP
Well both are already using nanomachines as handwavium...

>We'll cut costs by down-arming our giant armored mechs

Sure user. Whatever you say. I'm sure the giant mechs with 1 machinegun each are way cheaper than some IFVs with remote weapons stations carrying a variety of different armaments, or even just some drone support.

Well, I mean, a Gekko can also leap small buildings and walk inside large ones, and they have a couple different loadouts in the game, including anti-tank missiles and multiple machine gun turrets.

And with their little whip arms they can throw grenades at people.

Not that reasonableness of technology ever stopped metal gear as a second re: literally every other model of metal gears.

>giant mech
>18 feet tall
>saving costs by using the weapon best suited for fighting unarmored targets.
Nope, fucking retarded.

>lol why not IFVs
Same reason why we don't use them in Urban combat IRL faggot.

>variety of weapons
You mean an auto cannon which isnt any better against infantry Vs an HMG?

They do use drones you fucking faggot.

Christ, the dumbest faggots try to pick apart MGS with a COD level knowledge of warfare

But user, /k/ tells me mechs are dumb and I only know MGS from people trying to look smart by shitting all over it.

Yes, I do frequent the studying believability blog and do in fact assume I outsmarted the entire development team and their years of work.

Literally every implication of that sentence is wrong. Have you even seen a screen shot from MGS?

I might as well complain space Marines are melee only and are two feet tall. Why are they so small and badly armed user?

>>giant mech
feet tall
>>saving costs by using the weapon best suited for fighting unarmored targets.
>Nope, fucking retarded.
You can't think of a cheaper way to use that than a mech which is clearly a good bit more than 18 feet tall.

>You mean an auto cannon which isnt any better against infantry Vs an HMG?

No, like a medium machinegun which is just as good and has way more ammunition, or an airbursting grenade machinegun that also has HEDP rounds for dealing with light armored vehicles.

>Same reason why we don't use (IFVs) in Urban combat IRL faggot.

>People who know that armored vehicles are used in urban combat and that mechs are even more vulnerable to concealed infantry than armored vehicles are have CoD level knowledge of warfare. And mechs will be cheap if they're only 18 feet tall. And underfunded mercenaries will clearly save money by having all of the newest toys instead of using previous generation equipment.

Whatever you say, kid. Maybe if you call enough people faggots people will believe you know what you're talking about.

Replace 40 with 18 (not that the number was important) and 'having' with 'using'. Now 100% correct.

>extinction by definition is everyone dying the regular way though

Firewall isn't just worried about x risks that kill you though. If the no!Borg rocked up and assimilated everyone they'd consider that extinction even though most people were technically still alive

> lol why don't they use a bigger gun
>it doesn't make sense

>lol this mech is 40 feet tall
>it's not, it's pretty clearly about three persons tall
>LOL its so obviously 20 feet and not 18

>because its vulnerable in Urban environments

Wow, it's amazing you vaguely think you're right when you've moved the goalposts, been fucking wrong about basic facts, and overall been making excuses to not see mechs in a game literally about them.

I could tell you that the Browning MG is chosen for its anti material, cover penetration, and anti infantry capabilities; and that we don't replace it with the MK 19 exactly for the same reason why you think we should use MMGs. I could tell you that being able to jump hundreds of meters at a time is a fucking good ability.

But why bother. You literally assume that if it's in MGS it's dumb and wrong. So I'll just call you a faggot and not quantify your retardation.

Theyre dumping amino acids because their legs are organic components made from stem cells.

They also use their machine guns all the fucking time. Actually research things before congratulating your self for figuring it all out.
>height, 4.2 meters
>armaments include a machinegun in the nose or:
>Two M2 browning machine guns
>grenade launcher
>capable of sidestepping incoming RPG attacks
>shown to easily knock over the STRYKER IFVS Platforms
>they do operate alongside IFVS and drones

Everything you said is wrong and its all on the first place you should have looked.

>because its vulnerable in Urban environments

Urban survival kits are issued to vehicles because they're used in urban environments all the time and weren't originally designed for it. The problem addressed? Mostly weak rear and top armor, also some sensor stuff. Do tell me how a mech made entirely of exposed joints is less vulnerable than an armored vehicle.

Also they're using an armored vehicle in the game (as seen in the video), so if that was stupid then it would still be an argument against the game.

>Continuing to think that something would be an inefficient use of resources and also underarmed for the entire conversation is moving the goalposts.

Tell another joke

>been fucking wrong about basic facts

I'll admit that I was too busy laughing at the mech Rockette show to make a good height estimate.

>I could tell you that the Browning MG is chosen for its anti material, cover penetration, and anti infantry capabilities; and that we don't replace it with the MK 19 exactly for the same reason why you think we should use MMGs.

At what point did I say Brownings are bad? Hint: never, but there are some very good reasons that tanks mount MMGs as secondary armament. Also, the airbursting rounds fired by the C16 are fucking fantastic against infantry in cover.

>I could tell you that being able to jump hundreds of meters at a time is a fucking good ability.

A) This is a great example of the game being fucking retarded, which was the starting point of the whole discussion.
B) No it isn't. The ground will give unpredictably during launch, resulting in an unpredictable trajectory. Now it's probably going to land in the wrong place and probably get damaged in the process.

>capable of sidestepping incoming RPG attacks
>shown to easily knock over the STRYKER IFVS Platforms

Can it also cast chain lightning? Also they're clearly taller than 4.2 meters.