Undead Art











Requesting Dread knights



Op managed to add some new art to my undead folder. 'Bootin.







"SHIEEET! It's a Smiteunclear bomb! RUN!"




Would you rather serve an awesome lich or boobs-bait vampire?




Awesome lich no doubt, boob vampire is probably just gonna use you for a snack while badass lich man won't have any reason to eat you.

Lich. No physical distraction to keep me from attaining ultimate knowledge.


Serving powerful women is my fetish so vampire

Unless the lich is female and at least sounds the part

Orrian Undead in the concept art for GW2 are one of my favorite undead designs, a shame that they looked like generic zombies ingame. And that GW2 sucks.


>skeleton mobster
I want original art of this one
>letting fetishes guide you


I wanted to love that game. I really did. Shame necro wasn't as fun to play as GW1.


It also gave me the single edgiest design I've ever seen.


Suits make the skelly.




Requesting pics of friendly undead.

But WHO and WHAT are undead?
>depends on the-
Your favourite/headcanon version




skel on the top left be like "This party sucks"


>reminded of this
>realize I'd do the same thing if I could













>Tales of Maj'Eyal



Oh hello.

I got up to 102nd before I stopped counting

I wish he was it would save him from whatever terrible thing they are going to write for him next.



Look up "Skulduggery Pleasant".



>insert hand here

bleach, one of the Espada's "released" forms. The King of Hueco Mundo if I recall.



How about some Iron Liches?






dat filename, but he isn't an undead (AKA Shishio Makoto)

Post sexy


well crap, guess that's going out the undead folder then










